Standal - biography, photos, personal life, books, cause of death



Frederick Standal is one of the most significant figures in global literature. It is not only the author of the novels, biographies, aphorisms and cycles of travel notes in Italy, devoted to various areas of life, but also the founder of "psychological novels", when realism began to refer to the state of the inner world of an ordinary person with his own problems.

Childhood and youth

Marie Henri Bale (this is true name of the writer) was born on January 23, 1783 in the small town of Grenoble in the south-east of France. His father Sheruben Bale was a lawyer. Henrietta Bale's mother died when the boy was only 7 years old. The upbringing of the son fell on the shoulders of the Father and Aunt.

Portraits of Standal

But they did not have a warm trust relationship. Grandfather Hangan Hanon became a mentor and educator of the future of the famous French writer. Quote Standal about him:

"I was entirely brought up by my cute grandfather Henri Ganon. This rare man at one time made a pilgrimage in the tricks to see the Voltaire, and they were adopted perfectly. "

The boy came to the local central school with an extensive luggage of knowledge. The home education, this grandfather, was so good that Marie-Henri was held in it only 3 years. At school, he paid great attention to Latin, accurate sciences and philosophy. In addition, he closely watched the great French revolution and strengthening Napoleon Bonaparte.

Standal Profile

In 1799, Standal leaves school and travels to Paris. His goal was originally admission to a polytechnic school, but the ideas of the revolution did not leave the mind. Therefore, the young man goes to the service in the army, where he gets the title of subulterant. After some time, thanks to the child's relationships, the writer is translated into Italy. From this time, the love of this country begins, which will sweep through all his life and will become one of the main topics of his work.

At one time, Mari-Henry attends Germany and Austria. Each trip was marked by the leading of notes, in which art was described in detail, especially music, painting and poems. The third part of these notes was irretrievably lost when crossing over Berezin.

However, after some time, the situation changes dramatically. Standal has suffered disappointment: Napoleon's policies actually turned out to be completely different. Therefore, he decides to quit from the army and return to France. After that, the writer is justified in Paris. It devotes his time to the study of philology (including English), as well as philosophy.


After Napoleon fell, the bourbon dynasty returned to the French throne. Standal refused to recognize this power, so leaves his homeland and leaves for Milan. There he will stay for 7 years. At this time, the early works of the writer appear, the early works of the writer appear: "Gaidna, Mozart and Metastasio life", "History of painting in Italy", "Rome, Naples and Florence in 1817". So appeared a pseudonym, in fact, which is the hometown of Johann Winelman - Pilddal. It will come to the realistic direction only in the 20s.

Books Standal

During his life in Italy, Standal managed to approach the carbonaries society. But because of the persecution I had to urgently return to the homeland. At first, things went bad: a dubious reputation was entrusted to the writer, since the unlucky rumors had reached France with representatives of carbonaries. The writer had to behave as careful as possible to continue literary activities. In 1822, the book "On Love", changing the idea of ​​the personality of the writer.

Vanina Vanini Book Welcome

The Debut Realistic Roman "Armans" was published in 1827, and in a couple of years - the novel "Vanina Vanini", telling about the forbidden connection of the daughter of the Italian aristocrat and the arrested carbonarian. There is an ads of 1961, directed by Roberto Rossellini. Next to this product is the "Abbatetes of Castro", which is in the Italian chronicles.

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In 1830, Standal writes one of his most famous novels - "Red and Black". The story was based on the story that fell on the pages of newspapers in the Criminal Chronicles section. Although the work was subsequently called the classics, in fact, it was hard to stand it difficult. He did not have a permanent job and money that had a negative impact on his mental peace. Today, the novel is very famous, he was 7 times taken for filming movies and serials.

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In the same year, a new life begins for the writer. He enters the service to the Consulate of Triestes, after which the transfer to Civitavekki, where the novelist will stay the rest of his life. He practically abandoned the literature. The work took a lot of time, and the city did not give inspiration for creativity. The most important work during this period became the "Parm Resident" - the last finished novel, published during the life of the writer. The rapidly developing disease took the last forces.

Personal life

In a personal life, the writer was not very lucky. Women who met standing on a life path, did not stay long for a long time. He was very loving, but his feelings often remained unrequited. The writer did not want to fade himself with the bings of marriage, because it was already firmly connected with the literature. He had no children.

Famous Beloved Standal: Matilda Wiscontini, Wilhelmine von Grysheim, Alberta de Rubempre, Julia Rinieri

A deep imprint in the heart of the writer left the spouse of General Yana Debovsky (Pole by nationality) - Matilda Wiscontini. It is she who is dedicated to the book "On Love". Matilda was getting colder in relation to Bale, and the flame inside him was waited. It is not known how this story would end, but Standal was forced to go to England, hiding from the authorities. Wiscontini is dying at this time. She was thirty-five years old.


Every year the novel was getting worse. Doctors diagnosed Syphilis from him, forbidden to go beyond the city and keep the pen for writing works. Write books independently Standal can no longer, he needs help. Therefore, he dictates his works to transfer to paper. Prescribed drugs gradually took the last power. But a week before the fatal day, the dying allowed to go to Paris, say goodbye.

Grave Standal

Standal dies in the French capital, when walking through the streets of the city, in 1842. Mystically, he myself predicts such death a few years before that. Today, the cause of death scientists indicate stroke. It was a second blow, so the body could not stand. In his testament, the writer expressed the last will relative to the tombstone. There should be an epitaph in Italian:

"Arrigo Bale. Milanese. Wrote, loved, lived. "

The will of the stand was performed only after half a century, when I identified his grave in the Montmartre cemetery, in the Northern District of Paris.

Quotes Standal

"The flexibility of the mind can replace beauty." "It is impossible to be called a politician if you don't have patience and the ability to restrain anger." "Almost all misfortunes in life come from a false idea that it happens to us. Consequently, deep knowledge of people and sound judgment about events brings us to happiness. "" Romanticism is the art of giving people such literary works, which, with the current state of their customs and beliefs, can deliver the greatest pleasure. "


  • 1827 - "Armanans"
  • 1829 - "Vanina Vanini"
  • 1830 - "Red and Black"
  • 1832 - "Memories of the Egoist"
  • 1834 - Lucien Leuven "
  • 1835 - "Life of Henri Blyrara"
  • 1839 - "Lamel"
  • 1839 - "Excessive favor of destructive"
  • 1839 - "Parm Resident"

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