Igor Yankovsky - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, Elena Probleova, wife, Oleg Yankovsky 2021



Yankovsky dynasty - one of the pillars on which the Russian cinema is being held. Its representatives are known in their homeland and abroad. Each member of this family is talented in the chosen affair, and Igor Yankovsky is no exception. Soviet actor and businessman enjoys love to the public.

Childhood and youth

The artist accounts for the son of Rostislav Yankovsky and nephew Oleg Yankovsky. The representative of the new generation of the family was born on April 29, 1951. His relatives were famous personalities and extraordinary people. Grandpa is the former headquarters-captain of the Semenovsky regiment and nobleman, the Father - People's Artist of the USSR.

Mother, Nina Davidna Cheshvili, in the past - a challenge for athletics and teacher. Igor and his brother Vladimir were destined to repeat the fate of the Father and become actors. In such an amazing family it was impossible to be an ordinary person. Education and environment had a significant impact on children.

The tendency to acting and artistry Igor became obvious in childhood. Parents supported the Son in the desire to tie their life with cinema. Enrolling in the theater school. B. Schukina, the young man tried to express himself and establish. He supported the reputation of the dynasty and was a decent follower of a family case. Having received a diploma of higher education, in 1974 Igor Yankovsky entered the theater troupe on a small armor, where he served 20 years.


The first shooting of the novice actor took place in 1973. Already in the 1975th, the young performer of high growth was busy in a well-known project "The investigation is conducted by experts." Directors offered him diverse roles and freedom for self-realization.

Loud fame brought the Yankovsky role of Geralddin Jr. in a picture based on Robert Stevenson's titles, "Suicide Club, or the Adventures of the Titled Operations." The tape came out on the screens in 1981, called the "Adventures of Prince Florizel" and changed the name in the 90s. This work made Igor Rostislavovich, according to him, the beloved of the weak gender.

Among the memorable images of Igor Yankovsky - the port forwarder and Fartarwner Victor Kostrift from Kinocarthina "Necklace Charlotte" and hero Gerald Thornton from the tape "Time and family of Conway" - the role that the artist shared with his father.

Igor Yankovsky - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, Elena Probleova, wife, Oleg Yankovsky 2021 13875_1

Yankovsky used the location of the director and sympathy of the audience. The artist's photo was decorated with glossy magazines and publications about the theater and cinema, and his filmography had more than 25 filmmakers. Thus, the news was the news that the artist leaves the scene for the sake of business.

Initially, Igor Yankovsky managed to combine commercial activities with a favorite profession. He lavished between filming and performances in the theater, but soon realized that the favorite roles should be left. Advertising has become the second business of life. So the idea, filling money, turned out to be called celebrities.

Offers appear in the frame attracted the actor and in the status of an entrepreneur. In 2001, Igor Yankovsky conducted the transfer of "greed" on the NTV channel. In 2002, he starred in the film "In Movement", set by his cousin Philipp Yankovsky.

The biography of the representative of the famous dynasty had interesting turns. Fate disposed unpredictable. Yankovsky managed to support the image of the family and implemented in several areas, showing dramatic talent and a commercial vein.


In an interview, Igor Rostislavovich told that his priorities had changed thanks to the meeting with the friend. Vladimir Evstafyev turned out to be, who successfully acquired a brokerage company and made an interesting business plan. Yankovsky received a proposal of cooperation from him and thought about prospects.

The first project was the sale of grain. The success received inspired partners to open an advertising agency. Their organization was among the first companies of this format in the country.

Igor Yankovsky - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, Elena Probleova, wife, Oleg Yankovsky 2021 13875_2

In 1992, Yankovsky became a co-founder and head of Maxim. Already by the 1996, he headed the International Advertising Festival as a president, and in 2004 he became a co-founder and head of the Agent Agency "Advertising cartel".

In his youth, Igor Yankovsky did not assume that she would achieve such heights in the area, which was just beginning to develop in Russia. He turned out to be a supporter of progress and new trends. His agency has not developed rapidly, otherwise it could not be, because it was not just the statists, and such great actors as Evgeny Pavlovich Leonov were shot in his commercials.

The post of success in profile activities for the former actor was the post of President of the Association of Communication Agencies in Russia.

Personal life

Igor Yankovsky is married. His wife became a native of Germany Evelin Motil, Russian by Mother. Dating a couple occurred in Sochi. The actor rested in the resort, and his future spouse came to get acquainted with the unknown edge after the end of the University of Berlin. The relationship of young people developed quickly. Already a year later, a wedding took place.

Two children were born in their union: Anna-Maria's daughter and son Denis. The family often came to watch the homeland of Evelyn for Christmas. After the death of the parents of the spouse, the same holidays Yankovsky arranges in Moscow.

The personal life of the businessman could be called happy if not a dubious incident that happened to the son. Denis was conventionally condemned for 4 years for the sale of illegal drugs. About the preferences of the Son was not known to Father, what he shared with the press, when it was publicized.

Igor Yankovsky now

Now Igor Rostislavovich continues to develop a career in advertising. It supports relations with other members of the artistic dynasty and favorably refers to an interview.

In 2021, Yankovsky celebrated the anniversary - 70 years. In honor of the significant event, he appeared as a guest guest in the program "The Fate of Man". In Shaw, Igor Rostislavovich spoke about his family and acting, about relationships with uncle.

Boris Korchevnikov also touched the themes of the novel between Oleg Ivanovich and Elena Proclovoy, who actress brought to a public discussion. Yankovsky found that it was unnecessary to cover such information, and said that, otherwise, he remains the actress only to regret.


  • 1973 - "This is stronger than me"
  • 1975 - "The investigation lead connoisseurs. Counter attack"
  • 1977 - "Golden Mina"
  • 1978 - "Single Family"
  • 1979 - "Suicide Club, or the Adventures of the Titled Operations"
  • 1981 - "At the beginning of the game"
  • 1982 - "Married Bachelor"
  • 1984 - "Charlotte Necklace"
  • 1985 - "Wild Hop"
  • 1990 - "Fools die on Fridays"
  • 1992 - "Confession of the Content"
  • 1998 - "Hot Point"
  • 2002 - "In motion"
  • 2011 - "General" wife "
  • 2013 - "Marsh throw: special circumstances"

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