Rumpleshtiltshen - character biography, image and character, actor


Character History

German romance presented the world outstanding legends that are still asching children. Brothers Grimm were the creators of their own authentic mythology. Each story, invented by them, in addition to the fabulous vestibilities, had a terrible attack, in which psychology is involved. The fairy tales of the brothers are full of bloodthirstiness and harsh plastered, which become noticeable at closer examination. And the characters of narches have a mystical biography and a specific character. Rumpleshtiltshen refers to their number.

History of creation

The authors of the fairy tale described the evil chromonoggy dwarf, which possesses the magical abilities that disappear in the event that someone says out loud the full name of the creature. Therefore, alone dwarf repeats all the time, as well, that no one knows his name. Heroes of the work call the character "Little Man." Unravel the name of the villain turned out from the queen whose child was dangerous. The malicious dwarf at that moment ripped himself into pieces.

Brothers Grimm

The bloody breaking over himself is badly combined with the idea of ​​a children's fairy tale, but the truth is that in the time of the brothers Grimm, the genre for children was not worked out. Their works were intended for an adult audience.

Etymology named after RMFelstiltshen is curious. The name of the name is used in journalism, it is difficult to say what it means for sure. This is derived from the verb "rod" and the adjective "chromium". It turns out that the brothers Grimm wrote a fairy tale about the lumbering chromium of small growth.


Dwarf has magical skills. With dexterous hands, he hides golden thread straw and these hands can bring the nightmares on his unpleasant person. It is noteworthy that he has inhuman strength, because the hero was able to break himself into pieces. Rumpleshtiltshen is a child's hunter, which the parents of the kids fear. At the same time, the dwarf is ready to help. True, it will turn out to be not free, and the fee for services will grow with an incredible speed.


The tale of the Grimm brothers is intimidated and unpredictable. She tells about Melnik, in the family of which was beautiful daughter. Praise her in front of the king, Melnik Nessucky said that the girl is such a wonderful skewer that can spinning from straw Golden yarn. The king locked a girl in the palace rest and ordered to recycle a straw.

Rumpleshtiltshen and Melnik's daughter

Nothing understanding the heroine is desperate. It comes to the rescue, Rumpleshtiltshen comes, turning raw materials in gold. The king, who realized that he was not deceived, requires large results of production. The second time of the gnome is ready to assist in the satchel - the Maiden Ring. For the third time after the royal demand, the Gnome takes an oath with a girl that in exchange for help, she will give him a future child.

Fate favors beauty, and the king calls her marriage. In the family is born heir. Suddenly appeared Rumbelstiltshen reminds of debt. Gnome gives the girl the opportunity to redeem the mistake: in three days she should guess his name, and in this case the dwarf will forget the road to her. Secret knowledge with the queen shares the messenger. She shouts the name of the dwarf, and the evil chromium disappears from her life forever, leaving the child and family alone.

Arseny Tarkovsky

Inspired by the history of evil dwarf, Arseny Tarkovsky dedicated to him the same name, published in 1957.


The first video interpretation of the fairy tale appeared on large screens in 1960. Director Christophen Engel, not retreating from the plot of legends, he presented to the court to the public the picture "Rumpleshtitzhen and Golden Secret". The role of Dwarf performed actor Siegfried Zaibat.

Siegfried West in the role of Rumpleshtilzhen

The gloomy story of the fairy tale enjoyed the format of the movie director Mark Jones, released the full-length tape "Rumpleshtiltshen" in 1995.

In 2009, the leadership of the new mystical tape invited Robert Stadobra to the role of Rumpleshtilzhen.

In 2011, the sought-after plot used the creators of the series "Once in a fairy tale". Robert Carlisle played the role of Dwarf, whose second name was Mr. Gold. An important leitmotif in a multi-sieu film was the history of Bell and Rumpleshtilzhen. In the tape, it appears by a magician existing in several dimensions. The appearance of a man hints at the fact that he is about 45 years old, although he lives in the world for more than three centuries.

Robert Carlisle as Rumpleshtiltshen

Carlisle played a hero who hates others. In his youth, he did not have great opportunities, but, in fact, the experience gained an unprecedented force to mature age. She allowed to punish offenders, from which previously had to be saved. The friendly character of the character was broken by people, charging his hatred and the desire of revenge. Over time, Rumbelschtitzhen became a borestiving and insightful. He occupied a passive expectant position and was content with personal profit.

Parents did not love her son. The mother drunk died when he was a child. Soon, this light left the boy's father. He lived alone while once because of the ridicule and concrete circumstances did not become the fiancity of the first beauty in the village.

Rumpleshtiltshen and Belle

The wedding of Ruml and Bell became the beginning of a new life for a guy. In the picture, the girl was called Mila, and the further story told about how the Rifler and Bell will live together, overcoming difficulties and obstacles.

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