Gregory Oster - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Gregory Oster is a popular children's writer, a screenwriter and TV presenter, at the "harmful councils" of which have already grew by several generations of readers. Once he wanted to be an "adult" poet, but over time I realized that the children were much more thanked and sincere public, and dedicated to the creative career for them.

Childhood and youth

Gregory Benzovich Oster was born in Odessa on November 27, 1947. Later, his family moved to Yalta. Love for reading a little Grisha instilled a mother who worked as a librarian, and in senior classes he became interested in poetry and began to write poetry himself.

Gregory Oster.

After school, Grigory went to the army, where he served on the Northern Fleet, and demobilized, entered the capital's literary institute at the correspondence department of the dramatic faculty. During his studies, the future writer worked as a night guard in the famous Yalta Polyana fairy tales.


The debut work of Oster became the book of poems written in the 16th age. They were intended for adult readers and claimed a serious lyric status. The collection was published in 1974, when Grigory Benzionovich still served in the army. Editors when published strongly "cut down" the book and threw a significant part of the poems from it, which upset the novice author.

Writer Grigory Oster

By the end of his studies at the Institute, Oster finally decided that writing to adults would not be: the need to constantly inspire the poems and novels the communist propaganda to him did it, besides, it was very difficult to earn in creativity then.

"I was engaged in children's literature for the considerations of survival, but I liked this thing so much that I began to do it further," says Gregory Benzovich.

The writer brought a wide fame of a children's collection "How good to give gifts". It was in it that 4 heroes appeared - the boa, elephant, parrot and marty, which then became the characters of cartoons "38 Parrots" and "Grandmother of Radav". Soon it was recognized in the field of drama: the play "Man with a tail" in 1976 was successful in puppet theaters.

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After 2 years, Oster wrote the famous "Kitten named Gav". The fairy tale went on the basis of the Soviet Children of the Cartoon Movie.

The "Harmful Tips" series began as separate small poems designed to publish in journals. The first Council "Brave Chef" was published in Kolobcka in 1983. The idea of ​​giving advice "On the contrary", I really liked little readers, but the parents appreciated them immediately - it took the time that the jokes "reached" to the adult audience. Later, "the harmful councils" turned into a separate literary genre - Oster had many followers and imiters.

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The best of his work Grigory Benzionovich believes "a fairy tale with details", written in the spirit of the hypertextual novel, but, as he once appealed in an interview, publishers "did not hurry to tear it out of the hands."

An important part of the creative biography of Oster is to work in cinema and animation. Since the 1980s, he works as a screenwriter of children's movies and fairy tales. The first works in this area were "Boy and Girl" and "Lost Guskenok". In the animation, the writer worked with the famous directors - Vyacheslav Kotenochkoy, Lv's Atamanov, Maya Miroshina, Vladimir Pekarem.

Gregory Oster.

The plots of his stories were based on full performances, for example, the "School of the modern play" created a formulation based on "harmful councils". Also, Oster wrote scenarios of plots for a vannel "Yerals".

In 1996, the author received the first award - the prize of the competition of reader sympathies "Golden Key". In 2002, he got a state award of Russia in the field of literature and art and the prestigious literary prize named after Korni Chukovsky, and in 2007 Gregory Oster became a deserved artist of the Russian Federation.

Gregory Oster and his books

Since 2004, the writer has been included in the team of developers of a special state site for children. The resource called "Russian President - School Citizens" in an affordable form tells about the work of the authorities in the country. According to the writer, he makes this work voluntarily and for free, and everything he wrote for a resource, Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev approved personally.

In 2008-2009, Oster led the TV show "Baby pranks" along with the singer Glucose. It was a game project, whose main prize, despite the young audience, was the money amount.

Gregory Oster in the show "Children's pranks"

Gregory Benzovich - the author of a series of humorous textbooks on physics and mathematics, which he himself calls "beloved benefits." The purpose of these works is the development not so much the ability to consider and solve problems, how much sense of humor and fantasy. Oster has come up with new sciences for children, for example, "candy education", "entertaintura", "nothing," and released the pricks on them.

The writer makes the heroes of the workshop to display and parody the behavior of young children, can believable to reproduce the atmosphere of the school and the home environment ("School of Horrors", "Children and these"). Oster's books are full of mysteries, verbal finds, interesting facts. They not only entertain, but also teach to compose, help the development of speech.

Writer Grigory Oster.

The rich language of the writer, the abundance of invented words and funny characters in the textbooks teach children to the subtleties of the Russian language. At the same time, his fairy tales and poems affect the themes important for young readers: culture of behavior, psychology, security. They explain in an affordable form to a small reader, what happens around him - in the family, among friends, on TV, on the street. The author is famous for both ironic statements about children. Quotes from his interview will quickly diverge on the network.

"If the child is not interested in reading, he will not. If the child is not interested in listening, he will turn away. And the children's writer can only be truly honest, because, unlike adults, do not deceive children, "explains the Oster of the reason for his success.

Personal life

The famous writer was married four times, his current spouse is the name of Maya Georgievna. He argues that with all former wives retained warm friendships, since the peace-loving person itself and does not like conflicts.

Oster five children. The first child - the daughter of Catherine, was born in the third marriage and after the divorce remained to live in a new father's family. Still four - Leah, Alexander, Maria and Nikita - the next wife gave birth to him.

Gregory Oster and his children

Three children of the writer are already adults: the eldest daughter is the interior designer, Leah is an artist, a graduate of the Surikovsky school, Alexander works in the advertising sector. They are non-public people, and their photos in the media rarely appear. Younger teenagers, learn at the External School. Also, Ostter will grow up two granddaughters.

Favorite writers Grigory Benzovich - Dostoevsky and Dumas. He admits that he reread romance about Musketeers every 5-7 years and all the time finds something new in it. Oster prefers to relax in his homeland in Crimea - according to him, this is much better than foreign trips for him.

Gregory Oster now

In 2017, the children's writer noted the 70th anniversary. Now he continues to write books and repress the old works.

Gregory Oster in 2018

In 2017, a new fairy tale "Robinson and Thirteen Geeby" was published, and in 2018 - "Radious Calendar for the whole family", original planning with copyright poems for every month and funny illustrations of Nikolai Vorontsov.

Interesting Facts

  • Oster is the only children's writer, which is part of who is in Russian postmodernism, although he himself never considered himself a postmodern, nor literary dissident.
  • In the original version of the Fairy Tales of Oster Kitten named Gav - Redhead and Mongrel. The colorful features of fashionable at the time of the Siamese breed gave him director of the cartoon Leonid Schwartzman.
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  • In the anthology of children's literature published in Canada, Grigory Benzovich turned out to be the most popular writer: his works were published in the amount of 12 million specimens, while other authors were distinguished by no more than 300-400 thousand.
  • The network is mentioned that at one time the writer worked under the pseudonym of the sharpness, but this is simply a long-standing misunderstanding: at one time the editor of the "funny pictures" put two points in the last name over the letter E error in the name.


Do not demand from the child it is impossible. First, try to achieve this porridge. We have children's work. After all, the child sometimes takes several hours of stubborn efforts to create that mess, which you caution, returning home in the evening. I will answer the questions of your children, do not forget: all you say can be used against you. Every child should be at home The corner in which it will stand if that.


  • 1975 - "How good gifts"
  • 1978 - "38 Parrots."
  • 1982 - "Kitten named Gav"
  • 1982 - "Charging for the tail"
  • 1989 - "Fairy Tale with details"
  • 1991 - "How hussing on the fox hunted"
  • 1996 - "Vggculture or Funny Rocking"
  • 1999 - "Harmful Tips"
  • 1999 - "Confsychiatics"
  • 2000 - "Harmful Tips 2"
  • 2001 - "Harmful Tips 3"
  • 2001 - "School of Horror"
  • 2012 - "Book about tasty and healthy eats of cannibal"
  • 2017 - "Robinson and thirteen greed"
  • 2018 - "Radial calendar for the whole family"

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