Debbie Row - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Michael Jackson 2021



The life of the king of Pop Music Michael Jackson was accompanied by a secret and rumors. By and large, none of the loved ones and singer himself did not seek them to debunk them. No less riddles surrounds until now, the former wife of the Musician Debbie Row. Passions around their marriage, the birth of children and followed the tragic events dull. And the woman remained one of those who know much more than telling.

Childhood and youth

Information about the biography of the mother of children of the most, perhaps the famous performer to rarity is scarce. Deborah Ginn Row was born in December 1958 in the city of Spokan, Washington. Shortly before her 2nd birthday, parents divorced. The girl was brought up by the mother of Barbara, aunt and grandmother. Father Gordon later married once again, in 1961, Debbie had a summary sister of Loretta Scarlett.

Debbie Row in youth

About the Jewish nationality of a woman in the early 2000s reported agency JTA, when the official appeal of Row in which she was distributed

"I was concerned about the fact that Michael Jackson's relatives instill with the children of Islamic traditions."


Debbie Row received a medical education and worked as an assistant from a dermatologist Arnold Klein. In professional circles, the doctor is known for the fact that much attention paid to the study of HIV / AIDS, and also introduced a fashion on rejuvenating procedures using Botox and its analogues. Among Klein's clients were movie star and show business Elizabeth Taylor and Dolly Parton, Cher and Carrie Fisher, Goldi Houne and Dustin Hoffman.

Debbie Row

Manipulating Arnold and Jackson's appearance, the services of the doctor, the singer used for 20 years. Suspected a dermatologist and in the fact that he made a donor of sperm and was the biological father of children of Row.

After the death of Klein, the portal claimed that the son of Row and Jackson, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., demanded a genetic examination to stop talking about paternity once.

Personal life

Debbie first married in 1982, but about the spouse whose name was Richard Edelman, nothing is known, except that he taught at Hollywood High School. The marriage existed until 1988, Row then had a close friendship with Michael.

Debbie Row and Michael Jackson

According to Debbie, she did not remember when she became acquainted with the singer - whether in 1983, or a year later. One day, the nurse noticed that Michael comes to the procedures in upset feelings - he divorced the first wife of Liza Maria Presley and worried that the children did not appear in the family. Row, led by deep attachment and sympathy for Jackson, decided that he was worthy to become a father. And he invited himself as a potential mother.

The first pregnancy ended in miscarriage in March 1996. In September, Michael went to History World Tour, and after 2 months in Australia, Debbie was married for him. According to rumors, an artist's mother insisted on official marriage, although he himself was ready to classify the name of the one who had already tolerated his child.

Wedding Debbie Row and Michael Jackson

The primary foot of Michael Jackson was born in February 1997 in Los Angeles, in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Row herself suggested a father to call the boy Prince Michael in honor of his grandfather and grandfather's grandfather.

In April 1998, Paris Michael Catherine Jackson was born in Beverly Hills in an elite clinic. The girl's name came up with Debbie again: the first - in memory of the place of conception, the second, of course, in honor of the artist himself.

Debbie Row with children

Journalists broke not one spear in disputes about the presence of intimate relations between Row and Jackson, about the similarity and dissimilarities of children and parents, compared the photos of her father and mother in youth with images of grown Prince and Paris. Wave anger fell on Debbie after a woman after a divorce in 1999 abandoned the rights to children, passing Michael's custody allegedly in exchange for a considerable financial reward. However, rumors about material compensation were later confirmed.

TMZ Tabloid, specializing in hot and scandalous celebrity news (edition first informed the world about divorce Britney Spears and Kevin Federlin, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, about the death of Prince and Brittany Murphy), called the figure of $ 10 million and a house in Los Angeles As a method proposed by Jackson's lawyers in order to temper the parental dust of Row.

Debbie Row and Michael Jackson with children

However, Debbie and without it, starred in a pair of documentary films and gave a lot of interviews that he did not insist on the place in the pop star. According to her, the birth of a child does not turn the woman to the mother, and the title of parent is earned for years. Row consciously did not want to become a mother, and the children are Michael's dream, which she helped come true.

Among other things, Debbie has shifted wine to a divorce with Jackson on the press. If not a round-the-clock pursuit of paparazzi, dirty hints and gossip, life next to Michael would continue further. But Row did not assume that the proximity to the idol millions would turn, and was tired of constant voltage.

Debbie Row after chemotherapy

In 2009, after the death of Jackson, Debbie reached an agreement with the mother of Singer Catherine, which is the guardian of children of his son, about the right of their visiting. If a common language has found with Prince Row, then it turned out to be more difficult with her daughter.

In 2016, the same TMZ reported that Row was revealed breast cancer. Heavy illness influenced Debbie's relationships with Paris - the girl changed the anger to mercy and restored communicating with his mother.

Debbie Row and Mark Shaffel

Subsequently, the diagnosis of Debbie clarified - sarcoidosis, and not a threatening life and carrying autoimmune. With proper medical supervision, a person can live long enough. However, the survey and further treatment did not have the best way to the personal life of a woman.

According to American media, Row postponed the wedding with the former manager of Michael Jackson and the "friend of his children" by Mark Shaffel. The fans of the pop king, having learned about the links of the couples, expressed bewilderment, because earlier Debbie interviewed this person guilty of interfere with communicating with children.

Debbie Row now

The name of Debbie Row has long been not appearing in the press. The former nurse sold the house that was getting from Michael, bought Rancho in Palmdale, which breed horses.

Debbie Row in 2018

Communication with children is preserved, although the prince is not so close to Row like a sister. Paris, who became the main newsmaker of the family, says that the mother is convened daily. The girl was granted love for an animal, and so much that, without making hard, from her point of view, relationship, Jackson left the show of the Dior collection, held in May 2018. Horses participating in the show, according to Paris, beat.

The name of Debbie has a page in "Instagram" and "Twitter". The first, apparently, people who are interested in the personality of the wife of Michael Jackson. The second is "the only real", as indicated in the comments. Both accounts have long been abandoned.

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