Gennady Bortnikov - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, cause of death



Today, the Soviet actor Gennady Bratnikov recalls rarely, but in the meantime he was one of the most famous artists of his time. For its participation, it was impossible to get tickets, and the game was honored with the praise of Irina Anisimova-Wulf, the "Mistress" of the Mosovet Theater of Faith Maretsky and other Matrov. Thin, romantic, with the inner breakner, did not choose his life companion, despite the fact that he was surrounded by the crowds of fans, and died alone, no chance to survive parting with art.

Childhood and youth

Gennady Leonidovich Bortnikov, by nationality, Russian, was born on April 1, 1939 in Moscow in the Military family. His father served as a pilot and heard a strict and authoritarian person. Mother died when the gene was only 7 years old.

Actor Gennady Bortnikov

In childhood, the future actor loved to draw and during the lessons did carturgi on teachers, entertaining classmates and irritating teachers. He was also seriously interested in the theater and would be eagerly taken for roles in school performances.

The gene was going to devote to life with art, but such a choice categorically did not approve the Father, who dreamed of seeing his son with a military or engineer. After the end of the seven-year-old Gennady, he entered the engineering technique in his insistence, but he threw, earned only a year, and filed documents to the art school.

Gennady Bortnikov in youth

The family broke out a scandal, and the young man escaped from the house, and not to friends, but in the monastery, more precisely, in Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. There, Bortnikov managed to study religious traditions and try himself in icon painting (later he even earned this craft). Returning home, Gennady defended himself the right to choose a life path and entered the MCAT Studio School.


His outstanding talent of teachers noticed in the first year. In the graduation spectacle of Bortnikov with shine embodied the image of Tusenbach from Chekhov's "three sisters". In the school, he met the famous director Yuri Zavadsky. After graduating from studying, Gennady is invited to the "contemporary", but he makes a choice in favor of the Mossovet's theater. There, the young actor worked on the same stage with the stars of the Soviet theater: the love of Orlova, Fainea Ranevskaya, Seraphim Burman. In the troupe, the newcomer was accepted warm and willingly helped everyone.

Gennady Bortnikov and Faina Ranevskaya

The first role in the creative biography of the roles in the performances "On the road" and "Cressing" were awarded praise of the most stringent critics. The iconic for the actor was the "Eyes of Clown". Bortnikov, after reading the novel Roman Henry Bell in "Foreign Literature", personally raised permission to perform. He had to find the author himself, who then lived in Germany, and sent almost at random Letter with a request to transfer copyright yet to the addressee. As a result, the performance turned out to be so successful that he remained in the repertoire of the theater 20 years.

Irina Anisimov-Wulf trusted Bortnik's main roles in their productions. His loudest job - Raskolnikov in the Petersburg dreams. At the take-off career, Gennady Leonidovich was spotted by the French director and, together with the troupe, went to the first foreign tour.

Boris Ivanov and Gennady Bortnikov in the play

In the Paris theaters, the Talent of the Bortnikov was rated and offered to stay, Sullea unthinkable fees and creating their own troupe, but he missed, saying that he had no one to leave cats. Some colleagues considered the refusal to the sign of "star disease", but in fact he just loved the native theater and was afraid to be in a foreign land unclaimed, without friends and funds, and did not understand in French at all.

In Paris, Bortnikov made friends with Serge Lifarem, although Zavadsky warned him from a dubious acquaintance: the unconventional sexual orientation of the famous balletmaster threw the shadow on the reputation of a young actor.

Gennady Bortnikov and Serge Lifar

Gennady Leonidovich not only played in performances, but also appeared on television and radio, starred in films ("blown hell", "adult children"). In total, the Bortnikova filmography includes 25 paintings, and he was very worried that he did no longer.

Favorite from childhood passion - drawing - the actor also did not throw, personally participating in the design of performances. Today, the exhibition of his work can be seen in the house of the actor on Arbat.

Yuri Zavadsky

In 1997, he did not become the main mentor - Yuri Zavadsky.

"The gene was very hard survived by his death," Bestovikov's close friend of Yevgeny Kovalev recalls in an interview. - It was scary to look into his empty and lifeless eyes. After all, all theatrical ideas also round in the abyss. "

From this point on, Career Gennady Leonidovich began to go to the decline. The main roles were no longer given, and the secondary could not support fascinating popularity. Bortnikov always especially managed the roles of young desperate guys, but with his age, naturally, they stopped inviting them. He could not find a new role and gradually began to give up the "age" characters.

Personal life

Static handsome man with a velvet voice, Bortnikov in his youth enjoyed incredible success at the fans. They borrowed by his letters with love confessions, guarding the theater, cut out photos from newspapers and hunted for autographs, but Gennady led a closed lifestyle and did not seek to start the novels.

Gennady Bortnikov and his cat

According to friends, he created the shell around him, inside which one did not want to let anyone. The artist was afraid of betrayal, worried that the surrounding appreciate him only for popularity and would not stay close by when the glitter of glory would fool. He did not love his novels about his novels and carefully fencing his personal life from annoying attention.

Gennady Bortnikov in recent years

Among his beauties, he did not choose his wife. He also had no children. The only ones who have always been next to him are pets. Bortnikov fell weakness to animals, held at home of a moonful cat Marika and fed up stray dogs, for which he wore full pockets of delicacies.


About Bortnikov said that he died of loneliness. His heart could not stand the separation with art - last years the actor did not remove anywhere and hardly worried. Support Gennady Leonidovich turned out to be no one. He died in 2007 aged 67 years. The cause of death was an extensive heart attack.

Gennady Bortnikov's grave

The Funeral Bortnikov was held on the International Day of the Theater. His grave - in Moscow at the introduced cemetery. The Theater named after the Mossovet offered to put a monument there, but so far a wooden cross is still standing at the site of the burial.


  • 1961 - "Adult Children"
  • 1962 - "Cherryomushki"
  • 1965 - "Our Home"
  • 1966 - "Girl on the Ball"
  • 1967 - "Bled Hell"
  • 1972 - "Favorite Pages"
  • 1973 - "Grief fear - not see happiness"
  • 1975 - "Journey Mrs. Shelton"
  • 1976 - "Evening Light"
  • 1978 - "Centaur"
  • 1989 - "The investigation lead connoisseurs. Mafia"
  • 1993 - "Freak"

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