Phoenix bird - biography, myths and legends, image and character


Character History

Sacred Bird, something resembling an eagle and herrock simultaneously, lives on Earth thousands of years. Beautiful creation is known in the world under different names: Anca, Simurg, Geduda and Others. But, despite the many titles, a mighty creature in each country and religion symbolizes the thirst for life, the strength of the faith and the influence of the soul.

History of origin

The legendary Phoenix bird did not immediately immediately become a symbol of immortality. According to Herodotus, Phoenix lives 500 years. Animal dwells near his own parents. After the death of relatives, a magical creature transfers the bodies of the sun in Heliopolis killed in the temple in Heliopolis, where it remains until the deadline will end, which was allocated by the birds of gods.

Bird Phoenix in myths

The story described by the ancient Greek is borrowed from Egyptian mythology. In the first legends, the bird appears under the name of Benn. It is not surprising that in later works of compatriots Herodot, the essence of the Phoenix was modified.

Now the rare creation lives Platonic Year (a period of time equal to 12954). Death comes to a bird after Phoenix inhales cinnamon fragrance. From the dust of the deceased creature, a chick is born, which is quickly gaining strength.

Egg Bird Phoenix.

The image of the revive creature in Greece personified the rising sun. Soon the mystical bird has gained world importance. Each religion used phoenix as a symbol of immortality, self-sacrifice, meekness and masculinity.


Legends about a fabulous bird appear in many respected sources. The Bible did not exception. In the "book of foreign" and "Revelations of Varuha", the story of the immortality of the Phoenix is ​​told.

Eva, who succumbed to the temptation of the snake, fell into the sin itself and fed the forbidden apple of all the animals of animals forbidden. Only one bird did not succumb to provocation. Phoenix rejected sinful offering, which earned eternal life in the eyes of the Lord.


No less popular myth affecting Phoenix and Noah. While the man completed the construction of the ark, the animals began to arrive at the ship. Among many livelihood, only one bird did not require attention and fed exclusively to dew. When Noah asked what the cause of such behavior, Phoenix replied that he did not want to excite the hero. For such a reverent attitude, a man asked God to give the bird of immortality.

Late interpretations of ancient Greek myth about Promethea claim that Atlant entrusted people not a simple fire. Buntar presented his own Penix ward, which helps the residents of Greece to maintain such a precious gift. The gods of Olympus have tried to take the magic flame from ordinary mortals. But while Phoenix lives on Earth, humanity can resurrect fire in their own homes again.


In Slavic mythology, Phoenix appears immediately in two hypostasses: a fire-bird and a finistrinist is clear fool. Both characters are represented by thermal-loving creatures. Creatures either die with the onset of cold weather (fire-bird), or fall into deep sleep (clear falcon). But with the arrival of Spring, the semiplication-receptionist is resurrected again.

In Islam, Phoenix exists only in the form of a male individual. Externally, the bird resembles a huge hermit. Adherents of Islam called the creature by an actus. When it comes to get the offspring, East Phoenix beak carved the fire from the wood, which lies at his own request.


When the rain remains on the ash, the caterpillars appear from the dirt. Later, creatures are seized with feathers and wings. So the new generation of beautiful mystical beings is growing up.

In Eastern mythology, Phoenix is ​​represented by the sacred animals that embody the male and women's start. The outer color of the bird consists of five bright colors that symbolize the most important aspects of people's lives. According to the legend, the first man on Earth called on Phoenix from heaven with the help of magical music emanating from the heart.


Mystical bird - a frequent character of kinocartin and cartoons. In 1952, the audience shook Lydia Vertinskaya, playing the role of a magical being from Sadko's fairy tale. The role of Phoenix became the debut for an unusual beauty.

Famke Jansen in the image of Gray Gay

The image of the immortal bird is actively operated in comic-based films. In the filmmaken "Marvel" the name of Phoenix got the character of Jean Gray - a member of the "X-Men". The role of a flammable girl was performed by actress Famke Jansen.

This Assistant Phoenix is ​​presented in a series of films about Harry Potter. Foaces lives in the office of the Hogwarts School Director and comes to the help of a young wizard during the battle with enemies. For the first time, Phoenix appears in the movie "Harry Potter and a Secret Room".

Phoenix in the film about Harry Potter

Elai Finch from the series "Supernatural" has a strong influence and power. Phoenix kills one touch. The ashes, which remains of the creature after death, is able to save the world from the mother of all monsters. The role of a Phoenix Men went to Matthew John Armstrong.

However, the bird is not always represented by a positive character. In the cartoon series "Winx Club - School of Magnitz" the creature became antagonist Fay, who have already won the magical creation 16 years ago.

In the series "Grimm" demon Ognevykhr has the same set of abilities as a mystical bird. The villain makes arson and at will self-turn. The role of an unusual phoenix played Emery Gideon.

Interesting Facts

Makeup stylized under the Phoenix
  • Makeup, stylized under the Phoenix, has long been used in fashion shows and on photo shoots. In such images, the makeup artists make an emphasis on the eyes and bypass the lips.
  • The image of mystical birds is used on the emblem of the Voskresensk and Latvian city of Dagda. In Heraldry, the bird is also found on the medals of Elizabeth I English.
  • Amulet, who depicts Phoenix, is a permanent satellite of mystics and fans of the occult sciences.


"As long as you believe in me, I will always return to life." "Goal and Sir man on earth and so will be forever. Mount to those who want an act to get happiness! Happiness is peace, sleep, dream ... "" I, Bird Phoenix, I will sing you sweet songs. "

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