Mikhail Fateev - personal life, movies, detention, suicide, photo



Mikhail Fateev - Russian actor of the cinema and serials, who was often shot in secondary roles. His creative activity was mainly connected with the theater of Roman Viktyuk, the most popular artist brought the sad circumstances of death.

Mikhail Fateev and his mother

Mikhail Leonidovich Fateev was born in one of the most ancient cities of Uzbekistan, Bukhara, July 4, 1974. After some time, Vladimir's younger brother appeared in the family.

After graduating from school, Mikhail entered the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School, hitting the workshop of Bogomov. After graduating from the school, the young man began working as part of the troupe of the Nizhny Novgorod Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky.


Today, the actor's success is adopted to measure demand in cinema, but Mikhail, obviously, adhered to a somewhat different opinion that the main thing is theatrical art. In Nizhny Novgorod Troupe Fateev quickly achieved recognition. Already in 1999, immediately after entering the work, 25-year-old Mikhail appeared on the stage of the theater in the role of Prince Lion Myshkin in the play "Idiot" in the same name of Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Mikhail Fateev

In addition, there were the roles of Jacques-Melancholic in Shakespearers "How do you like it", and in the "dead souls" presented the image of Manilov - a dreamy, but completely useless person.

In the early 2000s, the scandalous capital director Roman Viktyuk arrived in Nizhny Novgorod. Colleague Mikhail, Georgy Demurov, persuaded him to give his young actor a role, even a small one. Fateeva called for samples, and Viktyuk impressed the talent of a novice actor, and so that Michael immediately entrusted the role of Ivan the homeless, the most important member of the damn in Bulgakovskaya Moscow. According to Fateeva, the rehearsals were seriously given and he even thought to abandon the venture - Viktyuk turned out to be a tough director.

Mikhail Fateev - personal life, movies, detention, suicide, photo 13784_3

However, Mikhail stood and eventually received an invitation to move to Moscow and work directly from Viktyuk, in his theater on Stroyanka. Deciding to throw the bottom, the artist did not lose - in the capital he immediately gave a major role in the sad and permeated solitude of the performance with the provocative name "Let's have sex."

Then Roman Grigorievich decided to reconsider the production of Roman Bulgakov and issued a new edition of the performance - "Master and Margarita. Dreams Ivan Homeless. "

Mikhail Fateev in the play "Let's take sex"

Fresh interpretation was different from the fact that Michael was used to playing in the lower. The former performance was focused on the political component of the novel, and in the new version the love line was made to the fore. Fateev received two roles at once - Masters and Pontius Pilate, the fifth procurator of Judea. The game in one actor two roles in the space of one performance is another innovation of Viktyuk in the formulation.

Starting to embody the image of the Master, Fateev remained mostly a performance to death.

In parallel with the "master ..." and "let's have sex", "the actor was engaged in the main roles in the performances of the Theater" Venetian "and" love do not joke. "


There was no time to shoot at the actor, so Mikhail was a rare guest. Its main role in films were episodic roles, although Fateev starred in large projects.

Mikhail Fateev - personal life, movies, detention, suicide, photo 13784_5

The actor appeared in the Ryazan "Anderson", the episodic role of precinct in Glukhara, the film-catastrophe "Metro", the series "Marsh Turkish".

Personal life

Mikhail was not a media personality, so his biography had not attracted attention to 2018. Fateev was married to the costumes of the Wickyuk Theater, according to some information, name is Elena. There were no children in marriage.

Mikhail Fateev and his Dog Dark

About the personal life of the actor can be drawn conclusions only on the basis of photographs in the Mikhail account in "Instagram". There are photos of the Mother of Artist and nephews - the sons of Brother Vladimir. However, the main "hero" photo in the blog Fateeva is a Darki dog. Apparently, the actor was an exclusive "doggyman", so that the dog can be found hardly in every frame.

Based on the same pictures in "Instagram" it can be assumed that Mikhail supported the opposition movement of Russia. At least, the blog has a photo of an actor from opposition rallies and a snapshot with Dmitry Bykov, a popular Russian poet, writer and an opposition figure.

Mikhail Fateev and Dmitry Bykov


Attention to the life of the actor, the public drew on October 2, 2018, when Mikhail was detained on suspicion of pedophilia. The Kuntsevsky court after the investigation ruled as a preventive measure to contain fateeva in the SIZO until November 30. The actor was charged with the spread of pornography using media and depraved actions without the use of violence against the person who had not reached the age of consent, that is, 16 years.

According to the media, Mikhail near the subway met the boy for 14 years and offered an adolescent help with employment. After that, the meeting was supposed to be at which the victim was just in case came with a friend. That day nothing happened, but then Fateev, according to the source of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, began to send his intimate photography to the phone.

Mikhail Fateev

The coach of the child learned about what was happening, who told about the parents that had happened, after which the lasts persuaded the Son to write a statement to the police. According to some reports, Fateev at the interrogation admitted that since 16 years aware of himself with a homosexual. The official confirmation of this did not give a actor nor his representative.

Roman Viktyuk, who knew Michael since 2002, categorically denies the very possibility of justice such accusations. Colleagues actors also note that such inclinations for fateev did not notice. However, the network community is skeptical.

In the case of the conviction, Fateev threatened up to 6 years.


On October 11, 2018, information about Mikhail's death appeared on the network. Being in the SIZO, the actor waited until the ceamer sleeps, after which he hanged himself.

Mikhail Fateev in 2018

The version of the violent cause of death law enforcement bodies shames: suicide was confirmed by records with video cameras of observation.


  • 2005 - "Airport"
  • 2006 - "Anderson. Life without love"
  • 2006 - "Spare Instinct"
  • 2007 - "Diversian 2: End of War"
  • 2008 - "Champion"
  • 2008 - "Thro. Simple guys"
  • 2010 - "Rich Masha"
  • 2011 - "Case of Stubivina"
  • 2012 - "Metro"
  • 2013 - "Miracle"
  • 2017 - "One against All"

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