Sergey Nikolaev - biography, photo, personal life, filmography



The name of this actor, perhaps, is not familiar to everyone, but here are the bright images created by him in the films of the main Soviet storyteller Alexander Row, they know and love everything without exception. The most recognizable - Tsarevich from the fairy tale "Varvara-Beauty, a long braid."

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In memory immediately pops up the ridiculous phrase "Poped, yes Nevyosta", and the lips break into a smile. But Sergey Nikolaev played dozens of other small roles in the cinema, often starred in "Yeralsha", despite the fact that he did not have creative education and all his life worked as head of the acting department of the city name of Gorky.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Nikolaev was born on November 2, 1946 in Riga. When the boy turned 2 months old, the family moved to Moscow, so Sergey Sergeevich considered himself a Muscovite. About childhood and adolescence artist knows a bit. Only the fact that, becoming a high school student, became interested in acting and began to attend the school drama.

"I even have photos of these years have been preserved. And years of 15-16, cinematographers came to our school and began to select candidates for mass films, "the artist recalled in an interview.
Sergey Nikolaev in youth

So the young man fell into the crowd of the film "Stroke Konie" of 1961. Among the famous actors, whom the boy saw on the set, was Mikhail Ivanovich Pugovkin, with whom Nikolayev then will meet on the filming of "Barbara-Beauty ..." (1969) and "on the Children's porch" (1986).

"So with Mikhail Ivanovich cinematographically twice relatives," he joked.


Having received the first experience of filming back at school, Sergey wanted to feel the magic atmosphere of cinema and settled on the domestic "Gritsky Factory" in the name of Gorky.

"I wanted to notice me, maybe and the role was given. I dreamed of movies! So it came out, "the actor told his career.

The guys unloaded props, dragged decorations, riveted trenches, in general, they did the most black work. As it always happens on the eve of success, the case intervened. One day one guy from the brigade suggested going to the leader to the pioneer camp from the film studio: I supposedly wanted myself, but the circumstances have changed. Sergey volunteered.

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The team of the famous director-storyman Alexander Arturovich Row: Cinematographers were brought to the camp "Fire, Water and Copper Pipes to Campit" Fire, Water and Copper Pipes to camp ". The inclined and textured pioneerweave noted the permanent assistant Row Nadezhda Sorokumov and presented to the director:

"Alexander Arturovich, see what kind of guy! Color, cute. "

Row then only left approvingly. But six months later, when I launched "Barbar-Krasu ...", remembered:

"Where is the fat boy from the camp?".

So Sergey Nikolaev received the first and most popular role of Tsarevich Andrei in his life. The role of what is called, shot: critics in vain praised the work of a non-professional actor and recognized in it an obvious comedy talent. As Nikolayev said, if this work did not work, he would not be more removed.

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However, the viewer accepted and loved the actor, and soon Nikolaev again appeared on the screen in the fairy tale "the strongest" in the image of the wind fruit (1973).

By this time, Nikolaev has already studied in Vgik, but did not do not on the acting, but to the Economic Faculty, came to such a decision, "after seeing the unfortunate fate of many actors who were popular in their time, but then remained overboard."

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In 1975, Nikolaev graduated from the university, and after 2 years he headed the acting department of the city studio named after Gorky and stayed in this position until 1996, under its beginning it was over 130 artists. But with the acquisition of the stable profession, Sergey Sergeyevich pulled in the cinema, and it did not let him go.

Among the bright images embodied by Sergey Nikolaev on the screen, there is a baker from the "Little Mermaid" (1976), the guard from the choir Koschey in "There, on the Unknown Tracks" (1982), the Sagittarius in the "after the rain on Thursday" (1985), Pavel Tsarevich in the film "On the Children's Porch" (1986).

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And what are the images created by him in "Yelash", where he was invited by the Comrade in the "Gorky" Work Brigade Boris Grachevsky. The series called "This is a grandson!", Where Sergey Nikolaev played a grandson-sowing of Tatiana Peltzer on his profits, entered the Golden Foundation of the Children's vintage. And also adults, and children adore the plot "School of My Dream", where Nikolaev played a physical culture teacher, located by the student, whom Sasha Loya depicted.

The acting work was liked Sergey Nikolaev. At the set acquainted with interesting people. The partners of the artist had such masters like Georgy Millyar, Mikhail Pugovkin, Alexander Hvily.

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Even in the 90s, when fairy tales, and other films, almost stopped shooting, Nikolaev starred in episodes of almost 20 paintings. And since 2000, he began to play in the series: "Next", "game in the podkin", "silent witness", "Master and Margarita", "Star of the Epoch". In the last TV project, the actor played the role of the Soviet policy Georgy Malenkov.

In the filmography of Sergey Nikolaev over 50 paintings.

Personal life

The personal and family life of the actor did not work out, Sergey Nikolaev did not find a family, never married. All his life was devoted to mother Nina Petrovna, who early lost two senior sons.

"He has a wonderful character, and what son was he! Nina Petrovna has been lying in the last 15 years, and he carefully cared for her, "says the actor Tatiana Klyueva's close friend, who played the very barbarian in the Row fairy tale.

After the death of the mother he survived for 5 years, Sergey Sergeevich remained quite alone in his 2-room apartment in an elite area, not far from the Gorky Studio. Occasionally communicated with nephews, but did not ask for them.

Sergey Nikolaev

The actor could and knew how to be friends. Until the latter was devoted to Alexander Arturovich Row, whom he considered his cinematographic father.

"I knew about his previous relationship with the ladies, but they were not actresses. And then Sergey and stopped in love at all, lowered his hands. At a certain point he had a complete denial of the family. Although, probably, he regretted at the end of his life, which was never gained close, "says Comrade Actor, Writer and Producer Sergey Tulchak, with whom they were friends 25.


It was Sergey Tulchak that took care of each other during the illness. Back in December 2015, the actor suffering from heart disease suffered a double operation: he was shunting and removed a part of the lung on which the tumor was formed.

Sergey Tulchak cared for his friend: visited, prepared food, went to the pharmacy and store. After the surgical intervention, Nikolaev felt better and like even went on amendment, but in May 2016 he had an attack of suffocation.

Sergey Nikolaev in recent years

The actor himself caused ambulance, and he was taken to the Botkin hospital, where he died on May 16 in the 70th year of life. On the eve, Sergey Sergeevich said goodbye to another, sick, which goes. He asked that "buried it without any pompous."

He was a believer. Since 1995, he has been a member of the Central Council of the All-Russian socio-political movement "Spiritual Heritage", with the 1996 member of the Board of the Orthodox People's Movement.

The urn with the ashes of the actor is buried on the Babushkinsky cemetery in Moscow.


  • 1969 - "Varvara-Beauty, Long Spit"
  • 1973 - "The strongest"
  • 1975 - "Finist - Clear Falcon"
  • 1976 - "Mermaid"
  • 1978 - "Warning passenger"
  • 1980 - "Escadron Hussar Volatih"
  • 1982 - "There, on the unknown tracks ..."
  • 1985 - "After the rain on Thursday"
  • 1986 - "At the golden porch sat ..."
  • 1991 - "Play for millions"
  • 1993 - "Do not shoot a passenger!"
  • 1999 - "Transit for Devil"
  • 2001 - "Next"
  • 2005 - "Star of the Epoch"
  • 2009 - "Silent witness - 3"
  • 2013 - "Moscow. Three stations "

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