Frodo Baggins - character biography, quotes, character, actor


Character History

The main hero of the trilogy of John Tolkina "The Lord of the Rings" and a series of films, filmed by these books by director Peter Jackson. Hobbit, he is also half a neighborhood - anthropomorphic character of small growth with large coated legs. From the peaceful hobby country, Shir went to a long and difficult path to Zhero Vulcan of Oroderina to destroy the dangerous magic artifact - the ring of alliance.

Writer John Tolkin

The name Frodo Tolkin borrowed from the ancient German tradition. It goes back to the word "FROD", which is translated as "wisdom thanks to the experience." The name perfectly fits the hero who received experience more than any of the tribesmen.

"Lord of the Rings"

In Texts, Tolkien Frodo Baggins is described as a strong guy high for the growth hobby, pinkish and blonde. Frodo has clear eyes and a split chin. The appearance of the actor Elayj Wood, who performed the role of Frodo in the film "The Lord of the Rings" Peter Jackson, is somewhat different from this description.

Frodo and Bilbo Baggins

Frodo is the nephew of Bilbo Baggins, the main character of another work of Tolkina - the story "Hobbit, or there and back." Bilbo adopted Frodo, when it was about 20 years.

The hero was born in the chubby country Shir. When Frodo was twelve years, both parents drowned in the Brendyvin River and the boy became an orphan. Frodo, however, still relatives remained. At first, the hero took on the upbringing of the grandfather from the mother's side, and in nine years later, Frodo moved to Bag-and, to Uncle Bilbo.

Frodo with Ring All

When Bilbo leaves Shir and leaves to the elf city of Rivendell, Frodo goes uncleshkin Manor and Good. And among other things, the ring of all-in-law is a dangerous magic artifact that Bilbo kept from the time of the campaign to the lonely grief.

Two dozen years later, Frodo led a measured and happy life, loved to perform long walks and spend time in a close circle of close friends, fond of literature. In addition, Frodo pulled to elves. Having read the uncleshki stories, he wanted to get acquainted with them closer.

Handalf Wizard

Then the wizard Gandalf told Frodo about the ring stored in his house. It turns out that this ring was forgotten Sauron - a powerful Dark Lord, who was considered defeated. Now Sauron was revived, and the ring is necessary for him to regain his former shape and get absolute power.

The ring can not be stored longer from the Frodo at home, because Sauron's servants are growing in search of this artifact and will soon get to Shira. The hero is forced to leave the edge of the hobbits, to sell the estate of Saville-Baggins - far from relatives, with whom Uncle Bilbo had complex relationships.

Frodo should run together with the ring and to begin to go to the elven monastery Rivendel, where Uncle Hero left 20 years ago. At the time of the start of the trip, Frodo is already fifty years old, but thanks to the magical power of the rings, the hero still looks like a young man.

Frodo friends - Merry and Pippin

Together with Frodo, Merry and Pippin and Pippin are sent to the journey, as well as the devotee of Sam. A certain Aragorn is joined in the infentia to the company, a person who presented by the tracker of the North and the friend of Gandalf. The wizard instructed him to hold Frodo.

In the road, heroev are waiting for many dangers, and Frodo demonstrates courageous character and leadership qualities. The hero cuts off the hand of the death and the same saves his companions.

Later, the band stops relaxing on the hill from the ruins of the Tower of Amon Sul, where Nazguli are attacked at night. Aragorn distinguishes the villains, but the Angmarian king-magician has time to hurt by Frodo Morgul Klink. The group quickly leaves the parking lot, but Frodo is under the influence of poison and charms and almost dies.

Frame from the film

The hero is healing later, in Rivendell, where Frodo delivered the Elf Glorfindel. In the same place, in the lands of the elven lord of Elrond, Frodo again meets his uncle Bilbo. He gives the hero of the Ehfi Sword "Powers" and Kolchuga from myfril is an incredibly light and durable silver metal.

Rivendelle takes advice, where representatives of different races are trying to take a common decision to do with the ring. They agreed that the artifact need to be destroyed, and it is possible to do it only throwing a ring in Zhero Volcano Oroderin in Mordore.

Elf Legolas and Gnome Gimli

Take a ring and implement this plan called Frodo. Together with the hero, three faithful khobbit friendships and the tracker of Aragorn are sent. The group is also joined by the Handalf Wizard, Elf Legolas - the son of King Trannduil, Gnomle, Gloin's son, and the Gondorsky military commander Boromir. The resulting group was named Brotherhood Ring.

The group route passed through the underground city of Moria and the Elven Forest Lottarian - south. In Moria Heroes attacked Orcs, and Frodo had to participate in a dangerous battle, but Mithril Kolchug saved the hero from death. Reaching the elven city of Lorien, the hero tried to get rid of the ring, offering the Vladychitsa Elves Galadrieli, but the elf refused to be the powerful artifact.


The ring was affected by anyone who came into contact with him or was near. In the fraternity, the Crarm rings Boromir, who tried to convince Frodo that the ring could benefit. Therefore, it is not necessary to destroy it, but you need to attribute to the Kingdom of Gondor and use there against enemies. In the end, Boromir tried to raise himself, to take away the ring by force from Frodo. As a result, the hero, frightened that the ring causes harm to his friends, decides to escape from the group and attribute the artifact on the orodrine alone. However, Frodo is linked to Sam, and the hero has to take it with him.


The image of Frodo in the trilogy of Peter Jackson "The Lord of the Rings" embodied actor Elijah Wood. Films were published in the following order:

  • "The Lord of the Rings: Ring Brotherhood" (2001);
  • "The Lord of the Rings: Two Fortresses" (2002);
  • "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" (2003).
Actor Elajja Wood

Some pressed scenes with the participation of Frodo were not included in films, even in an extended director's version. For example, an episode where Frodo looks around Middle-earth landscapes from Amon Hyung Mountain on the West Bank of Anduina, as well as a new scene, where Uruk-Hai will attack Frodo on the banks of the river. Another character, Farramira, was to visit the vision in which Frodo under the influence of the ring turns into a variation of Hollum, but this episode also did not enter the final version of the film.

Having completed the work on the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings", Peter Jackson began to adaptate another work of John Tolkina in the world of Mediterranean - "Hobbit, or back and back."

Frodo Baggins - character biography, quotes, character, actor 1372_10

Frodo Baggins can be seen in a small episode that opens the film "Hobbit: an unexpected journey." There is a young hero, even before the start of the events of the "Lord of the Rings", carelessly lives in wider by Uncle and is interested in the records that Bilbo makes.


"It's not fairy tales, these are heroes appear and go when their business is done." "It would be better to tell me the whole truth. It would not be so scary. From hints and cautions only worse! "Our business is so bad that it makes no sense to worry about tomorrow, he may not come at all." "Elf and wind do not ask the Council: both will say in response - that yes, then And no. "

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