Tatyana Tkach - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Tatyana Tkach - Actress, whose dramatic talent allowed to try on a variety of roles and an amplua. Charming beauty in his youth reincarnated in criminals, adventurers, mistresses. With age, she tried herself in new images. The creative fate of the actress has developed successfully: she became the famous theatrical performer and shone in the frames of popular movie cingsontin.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Tatiana Weax originates on September 30, 1944 in the village of Zyriana, Yakutia. Shortly after the appearance of the girl on the light, her parents moved to Kharkov. Here she spent the first childhood years. They were happy, but gave an unpleasant longing, as the favorite father for 5 years before the move was the prisoner of Stalinist camps.

Actress Tatyana Tkach

The reason for strict punishment was a fabricated accusation made against him. For a long time, this fact from the history of the family was hidden. After the sentence of the sentence, Tatyana's father, Tatyana, managed to work as director of DC in Magadan and transported relatives to Kharkov.

It was the father that influenced the choice of his daughter's profession. He solired in the ensemble of Claudia Shulzhenko and dreamed of building an artistic career. The daughter took over his passion and dreams scene. Having received secondary education, Tatiana entered the Kharkiv Theater Institute. The entrance exams were given to the applicant easily. After graduating from the university in 1965, weales performed on the stage of the Kharkov Drama Theater until she decided to move to St. Petersburg.

Tatyana Tkach in youth

The soul of the newly minted actress was eager for glory and self-realization. In the northern capital, she was incredibly lucky. With open arms, the girl accepted a large dramatic theater. True, already after 2 years, Tatyana Tkach was forced to leave the troupe. According to her own words, the cause of the director Georgy Tovstonogov was the cause of the director. The actress could not answer the reciprocity at the sympathy of the director.

A new platform for demonstrating her talent was the theater of drama and comedy, which today is known as the theater "on the foundry". The outstanding works of Tatiana Tkach on this scene were the roles in the performances of "miser", "Doggy's heart", "bringing", "the kingdom of earth". To see these productions, the whole city came to the theater.


In the theater "On the foundry", the actress built a warm relationship with colleagues on the stage, demonstrated its talent and human force. She received what dreamed of: popularity and recognition. But the girl dreamed of conquering cinema.

The first appearance in the frame took place in 1970. The debut role became Zuhra, the spouse Abdullah, in the cult film "White Desert Sun". This image did not bring Tatyana weaving glory. At the same time, other artists involved in the cinema were able to feel visual gratitude and sympathy immediately after the premiere.

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An iconic role for the artist was the image of the Fox girlfriend in the film "The meeting place is impossible". It turned out to be extremely successful, and this success could not be able to repeat the actress in cinema. The heroine of weaver, Anna, remained under the curtain of the mystery until the last moment. The director did not intrigue the public without giving detailed information about it. The actress embodied the Queen of the Criminal World in the frame, a spectacular powerful woman with aristocratic habits and a steel character.

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The plausibility of the screen image of Tatiana Tkach in this project is difficult to underestimate. It's amazing that the role was offered by chance. Weaver did not read the literary basis and was not familiar with the script. But the sudden proposal of Stanislav Govorukhin was happily and quickly passed the sample.

Tatyana Tkach filmography does not replete loud works, but there are projects, participation in which delivered the artist's pleasure. Arguing about the career, she with tenderness recalls the shooting of the film "Running" on the work of Mikhail Bulgakov, whose premiere was held in 1970. The actress played a regimental lady Luska.

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Directors often offered Tatiana Dmitrievna images of seductive ladies, as it was the owner of an attractive and not quite typical of the Soviet Union of appearance. This is confirmed by the photo of a young actress. In adulthood switched to the images of colorful mothers and grandmothers. She continues to be filmed in film projects and serials and now.

Personal life

Tatyana Tkach was realized in the profession and personal life. In marriage with her first husband, Vladimir she lived for 13 years. Holding to the Testament of the Father, the actress did not change the last name. For him, as for an ambitious artist, it was symbolic. In 1975, Natalia daughter was born in the family. Gradually, the spouses acquired a cooperative apartment in the center of St. Petersburg, on Marat Street. Joint life was not easy. Tatiana all the time disappeared at rehearsals and performances, and Vladimir languished in anticipation of his wife. Divorce turned out to be predictable.

Tatyana Tkach and her husband Vadim Ermolaev

In 1982, Tatyana Tkach married a second time. Her spouse became a colleague on the workshop, actor Vadim Yermolaev. In 1983, the Son Ruslan was born in a couple. Tatiana Tagged husband died from severe illness in 1997. From the moment the actress put children and work in the head of his life. Today, her daughter has a lawyer, and the Son is a theater artist. The actress has grandson Philip.

Tatyana Tkach now

Tatyana Tkach is still involved in various performances of the theater "on the foundry". The actress keeps the loyalty to the native monastery and remains her recent. She no longer goes on stage in the images of insidious lovers and fatal beauties, but its appearance in any formulation revives the action. Weaver continues to be filmed in cinema and serials, perceiving project work as an additional source of income. Among paintings in which you can see an actress, the tape "Heart of Angel", "Mentor", "Leningrad 46".

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Today, the actress prefers the theater and belongs to him with special love. In 2018, the spectators of the theater "on the foundry" can see Tatiana Tkach in the play Gregory Kozlov "Forest" in the image of Risa Gurmajskaya. In 1999, the production received the State Prize and still continues to admire the public.


  • 1970 - "Run"
  • 1969 - "White Sun of Desert"
  • 1979 - "The meeting place cannot be changed"
  • 1998 - "Women's property"
  • 2001-2004 - "Black Crow"
  • 2003 - "Lines of Fate"
  • 2004 - "Men do not cry"
  • 2005 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 2006 - "Sonya Golden Handle"
  • 2008 - "Wife under the contract"
  • 2009 - "Palm Sunday"
  • 2010 - "Flame Color"
  • 2011 - "Northern Wind"
  • 2012 - "Personal circumstances"
  • 2018 - "Melnik"

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