Georgy Menglet - Biography, Personal Life, Photos, Films



Georgy Menglet is an outstanding artist, unlike contemporaries, he considered that the true vocation of a creative person is the theater, not a movie."Even one actor on stage (without scenery and director) is all the same theater, while the talented frame installation, two hours of a musical bright story on the screen, where there is not a single actor," all the same, he said.

The legend of the Soviet Theater left a trace in the art of a whole era.

Childhood and youth

Georgy was born on September 4, 1912 in Voronezh. Father Pavel Vladimirovich is a soldier, mother Ekaterina Mikhailovna - housewife. A rare family name is obliged to ancestor from the Father. After the Patriotic War of 1812, the French captain with the last name Menglet did not return to his homeland, scrubbed, accepted Orthodoxy. By nationality, the future actor is Russian, but not without European intervention.

Actor Georgy Menglet.

In childhood, the boy was fond of photography, cinema, theater and football. Passion for the latter carried through a lifetime, while remaining an avid fan to old years. The daughter of the Actor Maya recalled:

"Dad was an incredible football fan, collected newspaper clippings about football, knew everything! At night, he wakes him up and ask who scored in 1938 - will answer. "

The school teacher in literature of Alexander Ivanovna became the first one who noted in Zhore the acting talent in reading on the roles of the work of A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Thanks to her, the first roles appeared in the biography. The game in the lesson turned into a play where the boy played Chatsky. The statement was good, and in Voronezh School No. 11 has a private theater. A. S. Griboyedov.

Georgy Menglet.

Guys, among whom menglet, plunged into the acting world. Schoolchildren gave rise to the walls of the school, performed on the scenes of clubs, folk houses, Voronezh cinemas. On young artists came to see adult colleagues on the workshop.

After school, the young man decided to flow into the metropolitan cestathis (later Gityis, then rati). The mother of his classmates accounted for the niece Great Stanislavsky and even wrote the boy a letter of recommendation, addressed to a relative, who did not use Zhra. I wanted to achieve myself. In the 1930th, the first time I entered the course of Andrei Petrovsky.

Georgy Menglet in youth

Already in the student, the State Historical and Revolutionary Theater was played in the works of Catherine Moore, Nikolai Lerner and William Shakespeare. The year was in danger in the theater of satire, the scene of which became his dream. The fundamental impact on the formation of a young actor was presented by Alexey Wild, People's Artist of the USSR.

Another schoolboy, having arrived in the Voronezh delegation of football players for the opening of the Dynamo stadium, saw the work of the director. The formulation crashed into the memory of the young Jora, so it is not surprising that at the first opportunity at 22 he began to play in his studio.

Georgy Menglet.

Soon the workshop closed, and Wildly appointed Dahruk BDT, where he invited most troupes. Among the actors was a menglet.

Already in 1937, wild arrest, and young and complete creative designs, George's thought is born to continue the teacher's work, discovering the unwashed "Wild Theater" in one of the remote republics of the USSR. In the same year, he leaves the metropolitan BDT and with a group of like-minded people opens Russian Drama Theater in Stalinabad (later - Dushanbe).


Already in his youth, the artist received the title "Honored Artist of the Tajik SSR." On the stage of the theater-based theater in Stalinabad played over 20 roles, before he became the artist of the first front theater of the Tajik SSR, which traveled and supported the combat spirit of the soldiers by the performance-concert "Hi, friends!", Gave fire fear.

Georgy Menglet in the theater

Among the spectators of the formulation was the Marshal of the Soviet Union Konstantin Rokossovsky. In the book "Actor - the person acting", the mengenlet described this meeting so:

"It is good that they don't shoot at the stage," Konstantin said. Konstantinovich. - We do it better. But such a cheerful, optimistic program ignites the spirit. "

In 1944, in Romania, Front Activity Georgy Pavlovich ended. The artist returned to Moscow, where he began to act in the theater. E. Vakhtangov Ruben Simonova, but a few months later, he received a call from the Satira Theater, who remained a dream from youthful years.

Georgy Menglet during the war

In 1945, the actor entered the service there and performed on this stage until the end of his life, playing in more than 70 productions. The viewer was remembered by his creatures of the careerist George Durea in a "nice friend", Judges of Brduyazon in the "marriage of Figaro", Colonel Fredambe in "Interventions" and dozens of other roles.


Georgy Pavlovich believed that the vocation of the artist is the theater, not a movie, but occasionally participated in the filming of films. Filmography in comparison with the list of theater works Mala: 6 Film for 40 years.

Georgy Menglet as Winston Churchill

He played Prince Vasilchikov in Lermontov, the boss in the prototype of the transfer "Kuccaschi" 13 chairs "- Kinoner" Short stories ", Churchill in" Victory ".

Personal life

The actor was married twice. With the first wife, an artist Valentina Queen, met in student. After graduating from the university, signed and left in Stalinabad. The pair had a Mayan daughter who later became the popular Soviet film actress, the star of the tape "The case was in Penkov."

Maya Menglet, daughter George Menglet

Describing the family, she will later say:

"Pope has become a people's artist in 30 years. And Mom, although it was very talented, immediately took a "second role". I can say for sure: my father would not take place without mom. How much I remember, everything in the family was for the Father, for the sake of the Father. "
Georgy Menglet and his wife Nina Arkhipova

Changes in the personal life of the actor occurred in 1961, when he went to Nina Arkhipov, the leading artist of the Satira Theater. In an interview with the Edition "7 days", Maya Georgievna told that she did not forgive her father, whose care was the tragedy. Not immediately, but the relationship with the former spouse and the daughter of the artist was settled. In 2001, at the funeral, the Queen Menglet said that she loved her all his life. In the same year, the actor himself died.


Georgy Menglet died on May 1, 2001 for natural reasons in 88 years, on the birthday of Nina's spouse archupovaya. She survived her husband for 15 years.

Grave George Mengleta

The graves of both artists are located on the Kuntsevsky cemetery.


  • 1933 - "Windsor Ramaznitsa"
  • 1935 - "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County"
  • 1936 - "Mermaid"
  • 1938 - "Without guilt to blame"
  • 1949 - "Fatal Inheritance"
  • 1950 - "Comedy of Errors"
  • 1951 - "Mr. Duroua"
  • 1954 - "Lev Gurych Sichikkin"
  • 1955 - "Klop"
  • 1958 - "On all sages of pretty simplicity"
  • 1961 - "Players"
  • 1967 - Intervention
  • 1969 - "Mad Day, or Figaro Marriage"
  • 1970 - "Wake up and sing!"
  • 1977 - "Run"
  • 1984 - "Cherry Garden"
  • 1992 - "Hot Heart"


  • 1942 - "Schweik is preparing for battle"
  • 1943 - Lermontov
  • 1963 - "Short Stories"
  • 1967 - "Fitil" (film number 60 "Heavy case")
  • 1975 - "The investigation lead connoisseurs. Counter attack"
  • 1985 - "Victory"

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