Denis Pushilin - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



On the last day of the summer of 2018, the media shuddered from news about the tragic death of Alexander Zakharchenko - he, together with the bodyguard, was blown up in a cafe. In the same way, the commanders of Arsen Motorola Pavlov and Mikhail Giivi Tolstoy are killed. Denis Pushilin, who gave a promise that Denis Pushilin, who gave a promise that Denis Pushilin was appointed that "Donetsk revenge the murderers," and suspecting the involvement of saboteurs from Ukraine.

Childhood and youth

On May 9, he began twice a happy day for the Fluffy family - in addition to the celebration of the 36th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, in 1981, Valentina Ergashevna presented her husband's sole. The child was named Denis, abbreviated - Denya. Father Vladimir Ivanovich by nationality Russian, mother - Ukrainka, one of the grandfathers from Uzbekistan. Parents worked at the factory, but did not want the heir to go to their footsteps.

Denis Pushilin

Since childhood, the boy loved to read the books about the heroes, it was able to set goals and seek them, so knowledge was made easily, but it is impossible to call the behavior of approximate because of constant participation in the courtyard fights and disassembly. Later, this skill led to the classes of Greco-Roman struggle. After school, voluntarily joined the army ranks. Having gave the debt to the Motherland, I tried to study for the architect, but the Academy did not finish.

Denis Pushilin in youth

Denis considers his native city of Denis special. It is hard to disagree with this statement, after all, the author of Hita-Lyubov, Michae, the main heroine of Sashatanya Valentina Rubtsova, Humorist and Veteran "Anshag" Gennady Winds and other famous personalities appeared in Makeyevka. It is also possible to get acquainted with the biography of the policy in a special section on the official website.


Having changed the basic quality of the basic quality - diligence, Denis began to earn up while studying at the university. Changes the profession of croupier in a casino on a sales representative, gave the company "Sweet Life" for 8 years. The political path started in 2013, when in the past, the scandalous "MMM", in which he was a staff member of 3 years, created his own party and put forward him to the Parliament of Ukraine.

Politician Denis Pushilin

The turning point 2014 did first with the head of the head of the Donetsk region, and then led to the main post of the self-proclaimed republic. However, a man refused him from him after 2 months, engaged in the "folk front" and material and food aid to citizens.

Due to the active position and activities of the Pushilina, a ban on entry into 6 countries and the European Union was declared, as well as the accusation of power seizure of power. Double subjected to the attempts - the shooting of the car and the explosion. However, in the Motherland, labor is revered and respect - what a special sign of distinction is evidenced by eloquently.

VRIO head of the DNR Denis Pushilin

After the stages of formation from the deputy to the right hand, the Chairman of the People's Council of the DPR, in September 2015, changed Andrei Purgin, after 3 years - Zakharchenko than caused an ambiguous response from the public. On September 21, 2018, he presented his candidacy for the election of the Supreme Official of the DPR, the 25th became a member of the "Donetsk Republic" movement.

He advocated the independence of the subject and the ability to make it part of Russia.

Personal life

The first job brought Denis not only a lot of new skills and skills, but also a fateful acquaintance with a bright brunette Elena, something resembling a pop singer, the girl was an accountant in the same company. There is a serious and thoughtful attitude to the fluffy and thoughtful and in personal life - in numerous novels and intrigues is not noticed, in the headlines of the yellow press did not fall and, as they say, fell in love and forever. According to the spouse,

"The husband is beautiful, but very devoted to his romantic."
Denis Pushilin and his wife Elena

In one interview, the official admitted that they and his wife had dreamed of having many children, and the desired came true - three daughters grow up in the family. About them, however, not so much information - it is known that the older Kira (2008) was fond of rhythmic gymnastics, and the two youngest information on the Internet is not provided.

On the pages on social networks at celebrities and media people, it is often possible to meet numerous photos of relatives and loved ones, publications of joint leisure, recreation and other intimate details. This will not say about the VRIO head of the DPR - everything is reliably hidden from casual eyes.

Denis Pushilin now

Evaluating the service of his successor, Zakharchenko honored with an exact remark:

"He wants to build Novorossia from Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkov, Zaporizhia, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev and Kherson."
Denis Pushilin and Alexander Zakharchenko

In general, the scale of plans and ideas, as well as inexhaustible optimism, and his comrades are noted. But to embody the conceived in life begins with priority tasks. For example, at the end of September 2018, an acute question about the quality of water in the hometown of Denis, Vladimirovich, decided to lightly: gathered a meeting, found out the cause of the problem and eliminated it. Now they are already planned important items of the election program.

Regularly in the roadside, the working visits attend the metallurgical plant, boarding schools, mines, hospitals, city holidays, which is divided into the pages in "Instagram" and "Twitter", in Vkontakte and in Facebook. There is a separate account in the "telegram". Actual news also posted on the official website in a convenient form - in numbers, letters, schemes, etc.

Denis Pushilin in 2018

In the final of the June meeting with Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the latter was presented to the interlocutor a pleasant and expensive gift - a handle.

"If you need something - contact! In the meantime, here you have a handle for $ 175 thousand so that you subscribe to the decrees, "the leader commented on the LDPR leader.
Denis Pushilin bathes in the hole

Being in the public post, Pushilin does not forget about the hobby - cars, travel, football, badminton and weightlifting. Although, on their own recognition, the main beloved activity considers the change in life for the better. In any case, with his own it turns out to do this - politics there are no bad habits, and he places the body with a swimming in the baptized corpus.

Curious fact: according to media reports, due to constant changes in the weight, he received a nickname gun.


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