Torin Cupcakes - Character Biography, Appearance, Actor, Character


Character History

John Tolkina's book "Hobbit, or back and back" describes a part of the invented by the author of the Universe, to understand which it has to continue reading his works. The writer uses the same heroes, expanding the knowledge of the reader about the biography and the life of the characters, giving a clear motivation to their actions, forcing them to empathize and sympathize with them. The fantastic world of Tolkien is replete with mysterious places, unknown lands, fabulous creatures and miracles.

History of creation

"Hobbit, or back and back" is the first part of the works dedicated to the events occurring in the Mediterranean. The film version of Peter Jackson was delighted with the public, familiar with the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings".

Writer John Tolkin

The legendary character of the "Hobbit" was the Gnome Torin. Translated from the Old Hero's name, the Hero means "Mobbled" and was adopted from the Eddic songs. They described the character named Eykinskyoldi, which is deciphered as a "oak shield." Working on the manner of the character of the book, Tolkien combined the values ​​of the names and provided readers the opportunity to get acquainted with the Torin Cool. He is the leader of the gnomes, in the first manuscript of the book appeared under the name of Gandalf. Later, the writer changed the names of the actors

As a matter of the author, Torin took death as a brave warrior, in the final battle. This idea visited Tolkina at the final stage of work on the work, so in the course of the development of the plot, little hints at his subsequent death. At first, Tolkien did not think to describe the battle of five militarys. The conflict between people and elves was resolved in peaceful way, and Torin, the King-under-Mountain, played a considerable role.

Torin Torin Cupcake

After the first publication of the "Hobbit", the writer added to the "Lord of the Rings" of the addition, where he described the pedigree Torin in the context of the history of the people of Durin. From the face of this character, Gendalf's comments are given to events that provoked a trip to the lonely grief.

The image of Torin was created under the influence of Scandinavian mythology, the leitmotifs of which are clearly traced in the work of John Tolkina. Speaking about the character of the character, the author commented on his independence as a trait characteristic of the ancient Scandinavians. Torin's speech contains archaisms.

Literary critic find relationships with ancient mythology in the narrative of the cursed treasure, capable of making its owners to degrade, and about the dragon disease, affecting the heroes and resembling a parable from the ancient poem Beowulf. The contrast between the world of modern heroes and characters of the ancient worlds is clearly visible on the example of the interaction of Bilbo and Torin. John Tolkien added modern jokes into the oral and written speech of the king of the gnomes to make it easy for perception.

Torin Cool and Bilbo Baggins

The Torin line is perceived as tragic in the context of the work. Akin to Macbeth, the hero reaches the top of power and, dying, causes the reader to experience catharsis, regret that the character died. The death of the hero gives the emotional depth of the narrative and makes a positive final of the work more believable.

"Hobbit, or back and back"

Torin Cupcakes is the king of the Dwarves of Erebor. The hero was born in 2746 by the third epoch in the Train II family. His grandfather Tror was a successful ruler and king of Darius Dwarves. At the age of 24, Torin witnessed the attacks of the Dragon of Smog and the death of many relatives. Gnomes were forced to leave their native land and plotted for many years on other people's territories, employed in the service. The son witnessed how Train's father collected an army to take revenge for the death of a trror who was trying to restore the ancient Kingdom of Dwarves. The orc leader has become an object for revenge.

Torin Cool - Art

The nickname carcakes the hero in the battle for Azalanombizar, when he was forced to reflect the attacks with oak bitch instead of a broken shield. On the ground, for which the gnomes fought, there was still a very curse of the Durin, so Torin and his people had to move into the blue mountains. Their life has improved due to the diligent work associated with the extraction of iron and gold. Ringuned by the thirst for gold, Train went into a lonely mountain and was captured by Sauron. Captured to Guldur, he met Gandalf gray and handed the head of the map and the key.

Right in the blue mountains, Torin showed himself as an energetic and proud ruler leading to the lands to prosperity. Over the years, the idea of ​​returning a lonely mountain has ever mastered the king. Gendalf Gray suggested Torin to unite the forces against the dragon with the Hobbit Billbo Baggins, a professional "cracker". Gnome was not impressed with the proposed candidate, but, realizing that luck depends on profitable cooperation, he decided on it. In the first campaign, the company expected a fight with trolls, in which Torin dismantled the sword of the elves of the Gondaline.

After the captivity of the orcs and Attacks, Varga Torin, the company of Gendalf was in Beorna's home. Torin participated in the fight with the elves, who selected his sword and delivered to the dungeon. Bilbo managed to free the partner, and the friends were saved, wielding in barrels along the forest river. In the lakeside, Torin stated his rights to a lonely mountain and enlisted the help of the population. Bilbo killed the dragon. Dwarves were able to get to the treasure, but the most important subject for Torin was not among the treasures. Arkenston was at Bilbo.

Having learned from the Crow of Roaak about the death of the Dragon, Torin ordered to strengthen the approaches to the lonely grief before attacking the bard, asking his part of the treasure. Bilbo gave Arkenston Bardu, entrusted to him the power in the dispute with Torin, who was angry with a friend. Torin died in battle with orcs. Slim before the battle of people, dwarves and elves, he tried to kill the leader of the orcs and was mortally wounded.


In the kinocartine "Hobbit" The role of Torin Cupcakers fulfilled the actor Richard Armediya. At the invitation to participate in the film, the artist did not expect, as he understood that the growth of 180 centimeters is unlikely to allow him to portray the king of the gnomes. At first, the artist compounded due to approval for the role, but later appreciated the scale of the preparation of the director. The scenery of the halls and castles were huge, and the gnomes wore shoes on a special platform so that the actors look like their literary descriptions accordingly.

Richard Armedge - Torin Cobblers without a grima

Many characters fans were surprised to see the actor without a grima. An attractive appearance of the artist was changed almost unconscious. A beard appeared on his face, and a long label was replaced by a long shevo. One and a half months armortage trained to participate in the battles to look in the frame as a true leader of the militant people.

For a dramatic artist, which was Richard Armedge who participated in the production of the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Birmingham Repertoire Theater, the television career began with the series "North and South". Then the actor starred in the full-length paintings "Macbeth", "Robin Hood", "Response strike" and "First Avenger". The main role in the filmography of the artist was the image of Torin Cupcake, which he was virtuoso embodied on the big screen.

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