Richard Claiderman - biography, photos, music, personal life, news 2021



Dozens of years Richard Claderman conquers listeners from all over the world. Each plate of Prince Romantics diverges with numerous essays, fans are looking forward to living concerts, and critics, calling the work of Pianist "light music", are guessing, what is the cause of such popularity. Perhaps that Clyiderman loves his work, and the audience, which will not be deceiving, shares this sincere feeling.

Childhood and youth

Richard Claiderman (real name - Philip Papa) was born on December 28, 1953 in Paris. The first music lessons by the boy presented the father, who, by the way, was not a professional in this matter.

Pianist Richard Kladerman

At first, the senior worked by a carpenter, and in his spare time he was playing the game on the accordion. But then because of the illness, the occupation had to change - to work at home, the father of the future celebrity acquired the piano and began to train the game on him all. Mother earned the life of offices, later became a housewife.

When a musical instrument appeared in the house, the boy immediately showed interest to him, and it did not escape from the parcel. He began to teach the son of a notice diploma, and soon Philip began to read the scores better than books in his native language. At the age of 12, the young man entered the conservatory, and in 16 won the contest of pianists. Teachers referred to him a classic musician career, but, to universal surprise, the young man turned to modern genres.

Richard Claiderman in youth

Such a decision was explained by the fact that I wanted to create something new. Together with friends, he organized a rock band that did not bring big revenues. By that time, Father Philip is seriously ill, earnings in the group only enough "on sandwiches". Already in his youth, the pianist was operated on the stomach ulcer. To contain yourself and the family, the young man began to work as a diploma and a session musician.

A new occupation had to Filippie, besides, he paid well. A talented young man noticed, and soon he began to cooperate with the legends of the French stage: Michel Sarda, Johnny Hallidem and others. At the same time, there was no traction to the solo career, he liked to accompaniate celebrities and be part of the musical team.


In 1976, a sharp turn occurred in the creative biography of Philippe. The famous producer of Olivier Tousssen contacted him. Paul de Senneville, French composer, was looking for an artist for writing a delicate melody "Balde Pour Adeline" ("Ballad for Adeline"). The false chosen out of 20 applicants, and the composition dedicated to the newborn daughter de Senneville, made a young man famous. With the feed of the producer, he took a pseudonym - the last name Kladerman wore the great-grandmother of the musician, and Richard's name came to mind by itself.

The pianist did not expect such success - at that time the mass listener preferred songs for discos. The fact that instrumental music will be so in demand, has become for Richard Surprise. With concerts, he traveled dozens of countries, his albums were published by millions of circulations, many of them received the status of gold and platinum.

In 1983, 22 thousand spectators gathered at the speech of Clyiderman in Beijing. And in 1984, the young man spoke to Nancy Reagan. The first Lady of the United States died his prince of romance - since then it has become a nickname for a musician.

Richard Claiderman

In the work of Richard, classics and modern motifs are organically intertwined. And although part of critics considers his style too "easy", the pianist does not see the reasons for the disorder. He believes that in the world where many terrible things happen, people need a source of joy and calm.

Such a source has become his music. In addition, she introduces a mass listener with masterpieces of composers of different countries and epochs: for example, the "Love Story" melody ("Love Story") was written by the Oscar Prize winner Francis Le, and "Mano A Mano" ("Hand in Hand" ) Argentina Carlos Gardel.

Also, the pianist recorded a cover version of famous songs: "The Tennessee Waltz" ("Tennessee Waltz") Patti Page, "NE ME QUITTE PAS" ("Do not leave me") Jacques Brel and others. Claiderman's separate albums devoted to the creativity of Andrew Lloyd-Webber, Annio Morone, ABBA Groups. Special success, Richard's music enjoys in East Asia countries. Especially for the prince of Japan, he recorded the composition "Prince of the Rising Sun".

Personal life

For the first time, Richard became the head of the family at 18 - at such a young age he married a girl named Rosalin. When he tells about this early marriage to journalists, those as usual sigh: "How it is romantic!". However, the pianist immediately refutes this statement and admits that that time it hurried to lead the beloved under the crown:

"This is a mistake - marry when you are so inexperienced."
Richard Claiderman in youth

In 1971, Klaiderman was born a daughter called mod. But her appearance on the light did not save an immature marriage, 2 years after the wedding, young people broke up.

In 1980, changes were made in the personal life of the musician - he married Christine, a girl with whom he met in the theater. In the past she worked as a hairdresser. On December 24, 1984, a couple of Son Peter Philip Joel was born.

"For the second time I was much more good husband and father. I have been more often with my relatives. And yet I had to tour a lot, and it was bad for marriage, "he told him in an interview.
Richard Claiderman and his second wife Christine

As a result, Richard and Christine decided to part. In 2010, Klaiderman took the third attempt to create a happy family. His choices became Tiffany, a violinist, who worked with a musician side by side for many years.

"For me, she is the best. Tiffany played in the orchestra, which accompanies me, so she knows my character well. "
Richard Claiderman, his third wife Tiffany and dog cookies

The wedding took place in the situation of the strictest mystery, except for the bride and groom, attended the ceremony only their four-legged lovers - dog cookies.

"It was a beautiful day. When we left the city hall with rings on the fingers, the sun shone and sang the birds. It was the happiest day in our lives! "," Remember the husband and wife about marriage.

Richard regrets only that he does not pay enough time. Close a pianist also suffer from a shortage of communication with him, but they understand that Clyderman has more millions of fans who are waiting for meetings with his music.

Richard Claiderman now

Now the musician discography has more than 90 albums, which is about 150 million copies. 267 Platiderman plates became gold, 70 - platinum. He still touches the world, on September 24, 2018, the pianist gave the only concert in the Moscow House of Music. Richard admits that he likes to travel, flew from one part of the world to another, so constant trips for him are not in a burden.

Richard Claiderman in 2018

He is happy in marriage with his wife Tiffany. There are no children with a couple, together they lead a harmonious family life, and the heat inherent in their union is noticeable on joint photos. The musician tries to do everything so that peace and comfort reigned in marriage.

"I know that there are men who raise their hands on wives. When I hear about it, I can not believe the ears. How is this possible? For me it is unacceptable, "said Clyiderman in an interview with the Piano Performer Magazine portal.


  • 1977 - "Richard ClyDerman"
  • 1979 - "Lettre à Ma Mère"
  • 1982 - "Couleur Tendresse"
  • 1987 - "Eléana"
  • 1991 - "Amour and More"
  • 1996 - "Tango"
  • 1997 - "Les Rendez-Vous de Hasard"
  • 2001 - "Mysterious Eternity"
  • 2006 - "FOREVER MY WAY"
  • 2008 - "Confluence II"
  • 2011 - "Evergreen"
  • 2013 - "Sentimental Memories"
  • 2016 - "Paris Mood"
  • 2017 - "40th Anniversary Box Set"

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