Europe Group - Photo, Creation History, Composition, News, Songs 2021



The Europe group has deserved confession thanks to The Final Countdown hit, which attracted the attention of listeners around the world. On account of artists, many and other memorable compositions that remain popular over the years.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the project is originated in 1979 in the suburb of Stockholm. Attokov stood soloist Joey Tempest, Drummer Tony Renault, bassist Peter Olsson and guitarist John Nerum. They united called Force to play music in the hard rock genre.

At first, the artists recorded cavities on the songs of popular groups, but soon began to create their own compositions. The first attempts to declare themselves turned out to be unsuccessful. Sound recording studios of Sweden flatly refused to cooperate with the participants of the team until they walked long hair and would not start singing in their native language instead of English.

However, guys were young and stubborn, therefore insisted on their own conditions. Soon the group left Olsson, who was worried due to the lack of perspectives in the future existence of the project. John Leuven came to his place.

True, soon a new participant wanted to try forces in the Rising Force, changing places with Marseil Jacob. But the artists did not work with new comrades in teams and after 3 months they wanted to return to their places.


The first steps to popularity the musicians made thanks to the girl the temptest. She secretly sent songs to the Rock-SM competition, in which the performers went around 4 thousand rivals and became winners. As a reward, they received cooperation with Hot Records and the release of a debut album.

The release was presented when the group had already renamed Europe, and received the name of the same name. It became affordable on store shelves in 1983 and won popularity in Sweden and Japan. Then followed the release of the second plate Wings of Tomorrow, which was less successful, but attracted the attention of CBS Records.

To improve the sound of songs, the participants decided to invite the Mika Mikaeli keystrap, which caused discontent with Niruma, who believed that they turn into a pop commercial project from a steep rock band. Another change to which the composition was subjected to, was the replacement of Tony Rena Jan Khogluund.

During this period, the popularity of the team continued to grow. The guys recorded on The Loose as a soundtrack to the short film "free" and took part in the Swedish Metal Aid charitable project. After that, the performers took care of the creation of the next record in collaboration with Epic Records.

As a leading single was planned to use Rock The Night, but Tempest insisted that it should be The Final Countdown. The idea of ​​the track appeared at the star as 4 years before the release of the album. He created the famous key loss and postponed the rough version of the composition on the far shelf. Later, Joey wrote poems and presented to comrades a song from which they were not delighted.

However, thanks to the support of representatives of the recording company, vocalist managed to ensure that his idea approved. As a result, the melody for the track has undergone some changes, and it was represented by listeners.

The template intuition did not deceive him, and The Final Countdown became the main hit of the team. He took the leading lines of charts in European countries and rose to the 8th position in the United States. No less listening song was in the USSR, where the musicians came to give a concert in Moscow.

Other compositions from the album also did not remain without the attention of the public. Rock The Night and Carrie Ballad, who, like the title single, were removed, clips were removed. Overshadowed success only the care of Norum, whose place was taken by Marcello.

In this composition, the artists presented the Out of This World record, which also did not deceive the expectations of fans. But the fifth release of Prisoners in Paradise did not rise above the 9th position in the Swedish chart due to the increase in the popularity of grunge movement.

After the failure, the participants announced that they wanted to take a break, which in practice was only a softening decay designation. The performers took up solo careers and first spoke together only after 7 years, in 1999, at the celebration of Millennium.

Official reunion took place in 2003. Europe entered Joey Tempest, John Nerum, Mikaeli, John Leuven and Jan Hoglund. Together they continued to give concerts and record joint tracks. The Dark and Secret Society have been discussed by the discography, at which the updated sound of the team and the desire of participants follow modern trends in music.

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The next release Last Look At Eden was released in 2009 and received gold certification in Sweden. The decoration of the track-sheet is considered to be New Love in Town, the melody to which was written back in the 90s. He rose in the national chart higher than the same single album monitor.

Fate Last Look At Eden repeated Bag of Bones, released 3 years later and also received gold certification. In subsequent years, artists presented War Of Kings and Walk The Earth, which were consistently entered into the top 10 Swedish rating.

Europe now

In 2020, musicians had to face difficulties due to a coronavirus infection pandemic and cancel the planned tour of the United States. Now they support communication with fans in "Instagram" and on the official website, where the photos publish and report news.


  • 1983 - EUROPE.
  • 1984 - Wings Of Tomorrow
  • 1988 - Out Of this World
  • 2004 - Start from the Dark
  • 2006 - Secret Society
  • 2009 - Last Look At Eden
  • 2012 - Bag of Bones
  • 2015 - War Of Kings
  • 2017 - Walk The Earth


  • New Love in Town
  • Tomorrow.
  • Lights and shadows.
  • Girl from Lebanon.
  • Hero.
  • Start from the Dark
  • Last Look At Eden
  • Reason.
  • SPIRIT OF THE Underdog
  • Sucker
  • Carrie
  • Dreamer.
  • Open Your Heart.
  • Cherokee.
  • Ninja.
  • Rock The Night
  • Love Chaser.

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