Man-Moth - Character Biography, Image and Character, Quotes, Actors


Character History

Did you think about how realistic is the heroes of fantastic moviestin? Have ever made the idea that specific and frightening creatures invented by film director exist in everyday life? It happens that the existence of the heroes of mystical paintings can confirm the proven facts. The man-moth belongs to the characters whose story was repeatedly discussed with the assumptions about realism.

History of creation

The first evidence of the existence of an outstanding creation dated 1920. They are stored in the United States of America's military archives, in the department engaged in research work in relation to UFOs. Entries describe the events outlined by witnesses in reality. They also contain eyewitness quotes.


The first person who recorded the testimony of a meeting with a man-moth became William Lamb, a resident of Nebraska. He described a seen object as a person with wings, descended by the air and surrendered over the tree, the eyewitnesses were hidden. It was impossible to catch upto the guest, since he did not leave traces and quickly disappeared.

Similar meetings described two married couple from the town of Point Pleasant. Friends drove on a dark road and saw big red eyes near the car. They quickly disappeared, and for the nearby hill, another creature was selected in the air, similar to the description on who was collided with William Lamb. Young people described the creation as a monster with limbs resembling wings of volatile mice.

Motyl appearance

Such notes were left and Russian eyewitnesses who told about meetings with a strange object in the Far East. In the Soviet years, a flying creature was noticed in Primorye, in Mountainside, on Pidan. Researchers, hunters, border service representatives and tourists said about meetings. A strange creation was elusive, and reliable confirmation of the fact that this is not an illicit vision, was not.

The situation has changed the incident of 1956. Geologists, who went to the expedition on the An-2 aircraft, testified that during the flight, a large-scale flying creature was seen. It plane attacked at the moment of overtaking and damaged the wing. By landing, the pilot found in the trim particles of the flesh and skin of the air enemy.

Stock Foto Man-moth

In the 1990s, tourists talked about the observed people on deltaplans, which at close review were unusual creatures. Videos were provided on which the image of a person with the wings resembling a bat was present. Representatives of Paramount Piccherni decided to make sure of the words of eyewitnesses and arrived in the Primorsky Krai to remove the thematic program. The transfer was broadcast on American television, demonstrating the frames on which the winged person was captured in the air of the Pirouettes.

In 1999, the first high-grade photo of a man-moth, made by a local resident, who later sold the negative film to the South Korean researcher. The natural phenomenon of a man soaring in the air still remains a mystery, although there are a lot of assumptions about its origin.


It is compared with the Yeti and similar creatures. By the suggestion of scientists, the appearance of such a hybrid is able to influence different events. For example, a catastrophe, due to which the Chernobyl remains in the memory of many. Although the evidence remains controversial, the legend of the winged man exists not the first decade, forcing it to think, he has not become the prototype of Batman and the heroes invented by Marvel.


There are two possible versions that explain the appearance of unusual creation at different points of the Earth. John Kill voiced the first, who stated the presence of a paranormal zone in the regions where a flying person was seen. In his opinion, in these places there were portals in the otherworldly world. The grounds for such assumptions gave the neighborhood with Indians and Belief in the presence of a curse imposed by indigenous people of these places. If, in the case of the US, the witchcraft of Indian shamans can be a convincing reason for the appearance of an unusual being, then in Primorye, such an explanation seems ridiculous.

Silver bridge collapse

In America, there are events that are associated with the advent of man-moth. For example, an emergency situation in mines in 1907, Tornado of 1944, the collapse of the silver bridge in 1967, the collapse of airliners in 1968. These and other accidents preceded the emergence of a mysterious creature, which as if he wanted to warn the inhabitants of the area over which the danger was hung.

Historians and researchers mention a Motyl man, talking about his possible predecessors - a garud that the Hindus believed, and the Slavic stress-bird depicted by semi-coat semi-digestible.


The second version is considered biological and assumes the possibility of the existence of a mutant, resembling a subspecies of the crane, on the head of which there are red marks, and the wingspan are equal to seven feet. The bird of this species is able to soar in the air for a long time, and from afar resembles a person because of large dimensions.


The history of the fantastic creation and commentary of the witnesses of his appearance was inspired by cinema figures. In 2002, a thriller called "Man-Moth" was released on large screens. The main roles were performed by Hollywood actors, including Richard Gir. The Literary Foundation for the project was the book of John Kill, explorer phenomenon. Despite the fictional characteristic of its work, the producers saw in it a promising material.

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In 2010, the premiere of the horror of the same name was held, in which the described character appears a monster aggressive against teenage hooligans. The creature from Western Virginia, which has long been said by local residents, could become a prototype of Jeepers of Crupes in the film dedicated to the character. The image was also exploited in the comics "Keepers: Prolog".

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