Commissioner Megre - Character Biography, List of Books, Image, Quotes


Character History

French detective, the main character of which - the Commissioner of the Criminal Police, is not a rarity. But if a list of books dedicated to the character crosses the figure 75, there is a reason to get acquainted with the hero closer. Commissioner Megre, whose adventures do not cease to interest readers, in each book reveals new facets of detective talent. And for exciting history, a man does not need spy equipment or love intrigue. Dead girl, a couple of evidence - this is quite enough.

History of creation

Georges Siemenion - the author of the popular hero - began working on the way Megre in 1929. The idea to write a novel about the investigation of the murder visited the writer during a sailing trip to France and the Netherlands. The first work dedicated to the Megre Commissioner is called Peter Latvian, but a similar image can be found in earlier works of Siemeon.

Georges Siemeon

The character initially appears in front of readers not a young gambling police officer, and the cunning, managed experiences by the Commissioner, whose age has already reached 45 years:

"Something Plebee saw in his figure. He was huge, wide-distance, with a tight muscles who looked under suit. In addition, he had his own special manner to hold on, as if a majority. "

Focusing a new character, the writer has achieved permission to conduct a study of the work of the police from the Orphevr. A man talked for a long time with employees, studied criminal proceedings and attended workshops.

Books George Siemeon

These actions gave reason to argue that the inspector Megre has a prototype. Among the possible inspirations of the writer are called the names of the commissioner of Marseille Guyoma and his deputy George Maly. Men provided Siemenion full assistance in learning a police officer.

However, the writer himself has repeatedly stated that Megre is a fully fictional person, partially complemented by the features of Siemenion's father. Regardless of the one who is right, the book on Commissioner Megre presented the author to the Award Award Edgar software in the Grand Master category.

Detectives with Megre Commissioner

Jules Joseph Anselm Megre was born in 1884 in the family of the Property Manager of the French Aristocrat. Mother Megre died during childbirth, so the child was brought up by the Father. Wanting to give a boy education, a man sends a son in a boarding house.

Commissioner Megre - Art

After a couple of months, without preparing the strict rules of the school, Jules asks the Father permission to leave school. The kinder parent picks up the boy and transports the Son to the native aunt of Jules to Nantes.

There, under the care of the baker and his wife, Megre spends childhood and teenage period. In 19 years, the father of Jules dies, the hero remains orphan. The young man throws a medical university where he was trained, and arranged to work in the police.

At first, at work, the hero is engaged not at all with the disclosure of the murders. The young man serves as secretary of the regional police station commissar. But in 1913, the hero faces a crime, which causes a desire to expose and punish the killer in Megre. The thought easily managed, and the young man gets an increase. Now Megre serves in the management of the criminal police, which is located on the Orphevr embankment.

Commissioner Megre.

A talented detective has quickly proven itself with an excellent professional. Already by 40 years, Megre holds the position of the division commissioner. The hero is headed by a division, whose tasks include the disclosure of particularly grave crimes.

Under the command of the commissioner there are four inspections: Jevane, Luca, Torrance and Lapuentes. Men admire their own boss, which, despite the cohesive team, often reveals the murders independently.

The commissioner does not sit in the office - Megre spends a lot of time at the crime scene and communicates with suspects. This approach has become the basis of a man's investigation method. Megrec as brightly fit into the situation, with the help of psychoanalysis and attentive observations, finds out the motives of the crime.

Unlike most colleagues, Megre is not lit by the desire to only punish the killer. The main thing for the Commissioner is to unravel the riddle and find out the causes of the act. Often, coming to truth, Megre sympathizes the killer than the victim:

"Although you are guilty of the death of Albert Reetayo, you at the same time the victim yourself. I will even say more: you were an instrument of a crime, but you really are not guilty of his death. "

The hero early met a woman with whom a life tied. Louise Megre became a real support for her husband. A woman with understanding refers to her husband's work and does not prevent the commissioner to investigate. Alas, the spouses have no heirs. The only daughter of the Commissioner and Madame Megre died in infancy. Therefore, the whole of the unaffected love Louise sends to a man.

Megre Commissioner with Tube

Like any work in the police, the investigation of the Megre Commissioner is sometimes dangerous. During the actions of the novels, the hero suffered three times in shootouts. Having reached the retirement age, a man, together with his wife, moved to the house near the castle of Men-sur-Loir, but did not stop disclosing crimes.

Even at pensions, Megre does not change its own habits. A man does not part with a smoking tube, regularly visits the favorite zucchini, and every spring walks with his wife in Paris.


The first detective about the talented detective came out in 1932. The script for the film "Night at the Crossroads" was completed, and later the approval of George Siemeon. The role of Commissioner Megre went to the actor Pierre Renuar.

Jean Gaben as Commissioner Megre

The joint creation of Italy and France is 1958 talks about the capture of the maniac, who hunted girls on the streets of Montmartre. The film "Megre puts the Silki" received several BAFTA awards. The image of the Commissioner was embodied by the actor Jean Gaben. The artist once again played the main role in the following film release - "Megre and Case Saint-FiAkre" (1959).

From 1967 to 1990, the series "Investigations of the Megre Commissioner" was published. In it, the image of Megre was trying on Jean Rishar.

Jean Rishar in the role of Commissioner Megre

In 1981, filmtina was published under the name "signed:" Fuhra ", but the Soviet viewer is familiar with the name" Burning Fraks ". Jean Rishar played the role of Megre Commissioner.

The works of George Siemeon, popular in the USSR, also became the basis for domestic telecons. Actor Boris Tenin reincarnated three times in a French detective. The artist is involved in the filming "Megre and a man on a bench" (1973), "Megre and the Old Lady" (1974), "Megre izburg" (1982).

Boris Tenin in the role of Commissioner Megre

No less popular reached the Soviet film "Megre's Minister" (1987). Two-particle film tells about the investigation associated with the disappearance of the government report. The role of Megre was performed by Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in the role of Commissioner Megre

The international image confirms the creation of Italian filmmakers. In 2004, the film "Megre: Trap" came out. Kinokarttina became a kind of remake "Megre puts the Silk", the role of the commissioner got the actor Sergio Castellitto. Own success in a difficult image The artist secured in the film "Chinese shadow" (or "Megre: a game with a shadow"), released in the same year.

Bruno Kremer in the form of Megre Commissioner

One of the most complete shields of Siemeon was the series "Megre". The first releases of the multi-versa film were shown in 1999, and the last season saw the light in 2005. The image of a talented and thorough police officer played Bruno Kremer.

Rowan Atkinson in the form of the Megre Commissioner

Since 2016, its own version of the series launched the ITV English fiber company. One of the producers of the project was the grandson of George Siemeon. The audience has already seen two seasons of the series, the role of Megre was fulfilled by actor Rowan Atkinson.

Interesting Facts

  • The Commissioner does not like when it is called the full name. Even the wife calls the hero just Megre.
  • Commissioner's investigations are devoted to more than 50 shields
  • The chronology of works about the character consists of 75 novels and 28 stories.


"Usually the crime makes one person. Or organized group. In politics, everything is different. Proof of this is the abundance of parties in parliament. "" Every time I come into contact with someone's hardest fate and as if re-inlets the life path of this person, looking for the motives of his actions. " "For what reason is a person committing a crime? From jealousy, greed, hatred, envy, much less often because of the need ... In short, he pushes it one of human passions. "

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