Irina Lukyanova - songs, music, photos, news 2021



Irina Lukyanova is a singer and one of the former soloists of the megapopular group "Brilliant". The performer was a female team participant for 7 years.

Singer Irina Lukyanova

After leaving the group, she did not entail a secular life, rarely gave an interview with the press and devoted himself to the family.

Childhood and youth

Irina was born in Moscow on July 22, 1976 in the family of the former military. Her father showed success in academic rowing, professionally engaged in sports. In the year, Alexander Lukyanov became the olympic champion in this direction. We are talking about sports activities and maintain physical form in the family did not stand. Classes were mandatory, so Ira got used to a certain regime and an active lifestyle.

Irina Lukyanova in youth and today

Father dreamed that an athlete would grow out of her daughter, but there was no particular interest in this girl. She was engaged in gymnastics, but did not seek to make her a matter of life. At the age of 13, Ira said to parents, which will no longer go to workout. Gymnastics perfectly prepared a girl to a dense graphics and loads with which it later faced in creative activity.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the Moscow College of Arts and studied at the choreographer. Dances attracted her, and the prepared body easily succumbed to stretching, so training went into pleasure. Together with classmates, Irina organized the choreographic team "Ego". Fame he brought a victory in the "Morning Star". The ensemble began to tour, but due to the difficult time and intense situation in the country, reigning in 1995-1996, quickly broke up.

Irina Lukyanova in 2018 (photo from

A friend suggested Irina to try his hand at casting into a new project, and, as frequently, it happens in youth, the girl without hesitation agreed. After some time, after review, she called the producer of the "Brilliant" group Andrei Grozny and reported on the start of collaboration. Since 1996, Irina Lukyanova has been a party to the popular female musical team, which replaced the Korolev's left barbarian.


"Brilliant" created as an alternative to the British pop group "Spice Girls". The producers of the team were Andrei Grozny and Andrei Shelkov. The project was long-playing and gave tremendous opportunities for realizing not one talented performer. The "gold composition" of the team was considered participants: Olga Orlova, Zhanna Friske, Ksenia Novikova and Irina Lukyanova.

Zhanna Friske, Olga Orlova, Irina Lukyanova and Ksenia Novikova

Casting in 1995, Irina became acquainted with the performers from the first composition, which stood at the origins of the formation of "brilliant". Among the new colleagues were Olga Orlova, Polina Iodis and Varvara Korolev. The first acted as a soloist, and the rest of the girls were donating. Irina Lukyanova claimed the position of the dancer.

Soon Olga Orlova left the group. The contract was canceled due to pregnancy. The team lost the soloist, so the talents of the girls began to disclose, without stopping concerts. The first single, in the record of which Irina participated, became the song "Fog". Young performers seemed to children on the background of Russian pop stars, but it did not prevent them from going to success.

In 1997, Zhanna Friske was joined to the team, which became a strange artistic director, and the popularity of the group began to grow sharply. I left the album "There, only there", which brought new fans.

The compositions of the "brilliant" began to listen everywhere, and in 2002 the loud hit "And I flew everything" was presented. " The video for the song, headed by the country's hit parades, was broadcast on music channels. Girls became celebrities.

Irina Lukyanova in the group

Until 1998, the group performed a quartet. Attractive performers gathered big halls and enjoyed the interest of the public. In 1998, the team left Polina Iodis and Ksenia Novikov came to her place. The image of the ensemble gradually changed. From young girls going to experiments, artists turned into sexual women. The final album, in which Lukyanova participated in the record, became released in 2002 "for four seas".

In 2003, Irina Lukyanov learned about pregnancy. In the first time, she decided to continue their performances, but the concert in Belarus became the last. There was a threat of miscarriage, and, experiencing a child for the health, the performer left the group. The girl took up the personal life and the well-being of his own family, casting music to the distant plan.

Personal life

Now Irina Lukyanova is married and happy in marriage with a businessman Mikhail Sinitsyn. Their acquaintance was random. Young people met at the airport when the girl waited to fly to Egypt. Mikhail did not recognize her. The beloved Irina surprisingly easily accepted Andrei Grozny, who carefully told the surroundings of girls. Mikhail was allowed in the "Middle Circle".

Irina Lukyanova with her husband and daughters

At first, the relations were not easy. Full understanding of Irina and Mikhail reached not immediately. In the Union of Lovers, two daughters, Anna and Alexander appeared. The wedding took place after the birth of the second child, as the stamp in the passport was not considered for the family in itself.

Mikhail was previously married. He has two sons, Misha and Denis, who spend a lot of time with consuming sisters, Irina and her husband. A numerous family often travels with children.

Irina Lukyanova now

Biography of Irina Lukyanova is associated with creative activities. Having become a mother, she did not soon think about returning to the scene, and over time, this possibility disappeared. The woman was fascinated by the photo and planned to make it with his new business of life, but this niche was not easy, and the success did not succeed. Then Irina returned to choreography.

Irina Lukyanova returned to choreography

In 2018, in her profile in "Instagram", a photo and video from workouts regularly appear on which Irina demonstrates skills. She is interested in everything that is connected with the movement to the music, and invites Folloviers to thematic events, highlighting the dance life of Moscow.


  • 1997 - "There, only there"
  • 1998 - "Just dreams"
  • 2000 - "On Love"
  • 2001 - "White Snow"
  • 2002 - "For four seas"

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