Jean de Lafontiton - biography, photos, fables, personal life, cause of death



Jean de Lafontiton - the poet-Basinople and the writer, the Great French Classic. Despite borrowing from other writers, both ancient and modern, he created a style and poetic universe, personal and universal, peculiar and unique, accessible to everyone. Bassni, thanks to which the Frenchman acquired fame, constitute only a small part of its writings. He wrote a few spicy stories in verses, the novel, tried himself in Elegia and fantasy, in the epigram and comedy. These works are permeated with personal reflections and elegant ironsions.

Childhood and youth

Jean de Lafontaine (Jean De La Fontaine) was born on July 8, 1621 in Chateau-Thierry, Champagne Province. He was the middle son of Charles de Lafontaine, Forester Duchy Chateau-Tierry and watchmaking Masters, and Francoise Pead, daughter Jean Pidu, Lord Madur. His younger brother named Claude was born in 1623. The older sister of Ann de Zhui is 1611 years old was a child from her mother's first marriage with the Louis de Zhui merchant.

Portrait of Jean de Lafonden

He spent the first years of life in Chateau Tierry, in the mansion that his parents bought in 1617. There is little information about the years of school. It is known that he visited the college of his native city, waved Latin. There he became friends with Francois de Mokrua, the future poet and the translator, the abbot that influenced Lafontena.

Parents prepared a medium-sized son for the seminary and in 1641 placed him in an oral. A year later, the young man left a religious path, preferring to read onion d'uryf and Francois Rabl instead of St. Augustine.

House Jean de Lafontaine in Chateau-Tierry

After that, Jean went to Paris to study the right. There he entered the circle of young poets, called themselves "Knights of the Round Table," met with Paul Pellisson, Francois Charpathy, Tallemoman de Reo. In 1649, Lafonten received a lawyer's diploma and bought the post of his father in Chateau-Tierry. Jean belonged to official duties. At that time, his literature was occupied, and he decided to devote himself to creativity.


The first literary work of Lafontaine became a comedy in 5 actions "EUNUCH", published in 1654. It was the adaptation of the work of the ancient Roman playwright of the Terentation, which passed unnoticed.

Writer Jean de Lafonten

At this time, the patron of French literature was superintendant Nicholas Fuce, the Minister of Finance under Louis XIV, who played a big role in the biography of the poet. Lafontiton soon received an order to poetic works and a "literary retirement" in a thousand livres.

In addition to compulsory work, the poet devoted the poet to the Poem "Adonis", written in the spirit of the ancient Roman poet Ovidi, began to create a work in the glory of the Fuce's estate in the Le Songe de Vaux. The Palace of Minister at that time was in the construction stage, so Lafonten described it in the form of a dream. This ODA remained unfinished due to the arrest of the Minister in 1661.

Portrait of Louis Xiv.

Jean remained faithful to a friend and a mentor, in his defense, he created the "ODU King", addressed to Louis XIV, and "Eli Nifami in", which caused the wrath of the monarch and the head of the Government of Jean-Batista Kolbera.

A new patron Lafonten found in the face of Marie Annie Mancini, Duchess Buyon, the youngest of the niece Cardinal Mazarini, and then the Duchess of Orleans. Under the patronage of the latter published a debut collection of the poet "Tales and Novella in verses" in 1664. Jaconoto included in it, the plot of which is borrowed from the poem "Furass Orlando" of the Italian writer Louis Ariosto, and "Broken and Probable Carnoers".

Portraits of Jean de Lafontena

The previous works of the poet were quite trivial, and this collection caused lively disputes in literary circles and a quarrel between Lafontiton and the Duke of Buyon, translated by "violent Orlando" earlier.

In 1665 and 1666, two more books "Tales and Novel in verses" came out. This time the writer turned to the frivoline plots of Bokcachcho and the collection "One hundred new fairy tales", which contained the works of French folklore. Lafontaine was reproached by reproaches in the absence of morality and morality.

In 1668, the poet published the first book of Bassen, containing the works of a new genre, the founder of which was considered an ancient Greek poet Ezop. At first glance, these were fairy tales, but brevity, instructive character and allegorical meaning distinguished them from the previous creations of Lafonten.

In a collection called "Basni Ezopa, the" Voron and Fox "(" Raven and Lis ")," Dragonfly and Ant "(" Cicada and Murai ")," Fox and Grapes "entered the Voron and Fox. These names are familiar with the Russian reader from childhood in the works of Ivan Krylov.

Portrait of Ezopa

After that, 5 more books of Basen in verse were printed. These works dedicated to the French Datherine had a great success, brought fame to the creator. A variety of and free in shape, Basni Lafontien covered many aspects of human experience. In the era of the struggle for the purity of the tongue, the author used archaic words, colloquialism, outdated structures.

Baszy seemed to contemporaries with works of a secondary genre, children's literature. Deceptively simple verses are easily remembered, but at the same time demonstrated a deep understanding of human nature. Lines of them became phraseological units of French.

In 1669, Lafonten published "Love Psyche and Cupid", a long novel in verses and prose, inspired by the work of the ancient Roman philosopher Apulean "Golden Donkey". This work, distinguished by a subtle poetic style and an exquisite prosaic form, expressed the attitude of the author to love, beauty and art, left the public indifferent. Contemporaries found the text with contradictory principles of classical aesthetics.

The 3rd collection of "fairy tales" appeared in 1671, 8 novel entered it. In the same year, Lafontaine had to abandon the post of foresony, after the death of the Duchess of Orleans, he remained without work. However, in 1673, the writer found a new patronage, Margarita de la Saberier, in whose salons were gathered outstanding scientists, poets, philosophers, artists and other people of science and art.

Statues of Jean de Lafontenna

In 1673-1682, Lafontane published many works: poems for a religious collection published in Port Royal, Epitaph Molver, new fairy tales, the most dissolutes of which were banned by the police, 5 new Bassen books and other works. In 1674, the writer tried himself in the Opera genre, but did not complete this literary experiment.

In 1682, he wrote a "poem about a chiny tree" in the natural scientific genre of advertising drugs. In 1684, Lafontaine was elected by a member of the French Academy, the Royal Literary Institution. Before that, the writer did not take several times because of the intact of Louis XIV, I remembered the participation of Jean in the case of Fuchus.

Jean de Lafonten in old age

The poet released a series of bass, published between 1689 and 1692, they are collected in a book dedicated to the Duke of the Burgundy, the eldest son of the Great Doughne. In the 1680s, with the participation of the actor of Charles Shevia de Shanmele, Lafontaine wrote a comedy "Ragotn", "Florentian" and "Magic Cup".

After the death of Ms. De La Sabirel in 1693, Lafonten's thought turned to the church. He refused fairy tales and promised to devote the remainder of the days of the creation of pious works. The last collection of Basen appeared in 1694.

Personal life

In 1647, Lafontna's father made a wedding of Jean with Marie Erikar, the daughter of Louis Erikara, Lieutenant Bailivika, and Agnes Petit from Hertebis. The marriage contract signed in the suburb of Chateau-Thierry on November 10, 1647 at the notary of Thierry Francois. The poet was 26 years old, his wife - 14 and a half. As a dowry bride brought a spouse 20 thousand livres. In 1652, Marie gave birth to the son of Charles, there were no more children from Lafontaine.

Jean de Lafonten and Marie Erikar

The young spouse of the poet was beautiful and clever, but the young did not get along with each other. The enemies of Lafontaine dismissed gossip about the personal life of Marie, guilty only that she was a negligent housewife and an avid reader.

Jean was always away from home, having an attractive appearance, which can be judged by the portrait of the poet, did not store loyalty to his wife. Gradually, Lafontena began to pursue financial difficulties.

Monument to Jean de Lafontiton

In 1658, the spouses divided the property and no longer stopped living together without any scandals. Marie remained in Chateau-Thierry, where the crowned and educated Charles took care of her. The poet went to the capital of France.

About the Paris period of life and creativity of Lafontaine narrates the film "Challenge Fate" director Daniel Viny, who came to the screens in 2007.

Lafonten was friends with Prince Conde, Larancy Fuchet, Madame de Lafayette. There is a version that he supported the relationship with the Moliere, Baual and Racin, but it is not confirmed by the facts.


With the beginning of the disease in 1692 the poet turned to biblical literature, renounced the most frivolous works, tuned to the pious way. Jean Lafonten died on April 13, 1695 in Paris. The cause of death researchers consider tuberculosis. His buried in the cemetery of saints innocent in Paris, not survived to the present day.

Grave Jean de Lafontena

During the demolition of burials during the French revolution, the remains of the poet were postponed to the Museum of French monuments, and then in the Cemetery of Per Lashez. An interesting fact is that Lafonten himself wrote his epitaph, known as "epitaphy sludge":

Ivan and died, as born, -

With nothing; He had fun in his life

And the time is how to share:

During the whole day - I drank, and I slept at night.


There is nothing more dangerous than an ignorant friend - I'd rather smart enemy. I don't sell (not Delhi) the skin has not yet been killed by the bear. And truly meets us on the path that we chose to avoid her. Like for the highest goods, they lead to good. Use only for them and your leisure and work.

Works and Basni

  • "Love Psyche and Cupid"
  • "Poem about the chiny tree"
  • "Magic Cup"
  • "Wolf and lamb"
  • "Two rats, egg and fox"
  • "Swan and cook"
  • "Fox and Heron"
  • "Monkey and Leopard"
  • "Raven and Fox"
  • "Korean and nightingale"
  • "Gout and Spider"
  • "Dog with a master's dinner"
  • "Fortune and boy"
  • "Rabbit, caress and cat"

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