Inna Exit - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, In Youth 2021



Honored Artist of Russia Inna Exit, in creative biography, has both the main and secondary roles in films. In the 50-60s of the last century, her name knew all fans of domestic cinema. The life of the actress without a balance gave a favorite profession, never once again regretted this and arguing that until the latter would be faithful to himself and art.

Childhood and youth

Inna Nikolaevna Svetzhev was born on June 27, 1934 in the city of Stino (today - Donetsk). Before the war, the family lived in Krasnodone, then they were evacuated. The father first worked as Shakhtar, then - the head of the mine in the village of Lutugino, and with the time a conscientious man noticed and appointed deputy minister of the coal industry. At the age of 17, Inna and his father first visited the mine. According to her memories, it was the most terrible moments of her life. Mom of the future artist brought up children and led a household.

In school years, the girl played in a drama, in high school she trusted the main roles. Already then she was well dominated by his loud expressive voice, and she was ordered to read poems at urban events. As a child, Inna clearly understood who he wanted to become when he would grow.

The first teacher on acting for a schoolgirl was a teacher of mathematics Vera Filins. The young actress played in the play "Horsepointhmia", "Dosperinnica", "Boris Godunov", "Surgery". In the 8th grade, Inna played a prince in Cinderella. Until now, the photo has been preserved on which it is in a king friend costume. Love for a hystage did not interfere with the girl to learn well and graduate from school with a silver medal.

In 1957, the girl entered VGIK to Sergey Gerasimov's course and Tamara Makarova, who later graduated with honors. On the entrance tests, the attorient was read the monologue Katyushi Maslova than she conquered the admission committee.

He taught on the course and Julius Reyzman, who tried to convey to the disciples one important rule: on stage it is necessary to behave naturally - nothing to play anything, live in the proposed circumstances. This principle was forever deposited in the memory of the actress, allowing her to be alive and sincerely in the cinema, and the audience fell asleep for it.

Theater and films

Since 1957, the artist served in the theater-studio of the film actor, which was later renamed the center of the theater and cinema under the leadership of Nikita Mikhalkov. At the stage of the creative team, Inna, I was lucky to cooperate with many talented directors. At various times, at the theater, Anatoly Efros, Andrei Goncharov, Sergey Gerasimov, Julius Reyzman and others were played in the theater.

The actress filmography has several dozen films and TV shows. The notable roles of Inna Svetzhev played in the tapes "Youth of our fathers", "How do you live, karasi?", "Anxious Sunday", "Dead Souls", "Baryshnya-Peasantka" and in other works of Soviet directories. Since 1969, he worked a lot on duplicating foreign paintings. Her voice was spoken by Characters Sophie Lauren, Claudia Cardinal, Stephanie Sandrelli, Marina Vlad and other actresses.

In the cinema, the actress made his debut in a secondary role, playing Anna Shupowko in Sergei Gerasimov's film on the novel Mikhail Sholokhov "Quiet Don" (1957). In the 3rd episodes of the cellopopia, it is narrating about the life and fate of the Don Cossacks. Peter Glebov, Elina Bystritskaya, Daniel Ilchenko and others were partners.

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In 1958, the film directed by Mikhail Kalik and Boris Khightareva on the screens was released on the Roman Alexander Fadeeva Rod. Georgy Yumatov became a partner of the actress. The plot tells about the events of the time of the Civil War, which took place in the Far East. According to the memories of the immigrance, after the showing of the painting, in which the frank scene was present with its participation, as the borders of the USSR Inn Nikolaevna dubbed the sex symbol of the Soviet Union.

In 1977, the film "Service Roman" came out on Soviet screens. Starring, the audience saw Andrei Miskov, Alisa Freindlich, Svetlana Nevolyaev, Lyia Ahedzhakov, Oleg Basilashvili and other talented artists. Inna, the immigrants - the inconspicuous role of an employee of a statistical institution.

The lyric comedy Eldar Ryazanov in 1979 received the State Prize of the RSFSR named after the Vasilyev brothers. And immediately after the exit - unprecedented audience love, becoming one of the most popular films of that time.

At the end of 1979, the Oscarone film of Vladimir Menshov "Moscow does not believe in tears". Brilliant acting (Vera Alentova, Alexey Batalov, Irina Muravyova, Raisa Ryazanov), as well as touching the life plot conquered the viewer from the first seconds. In the film, Inna Svetzhev starred in the episodic role of the television director. After International Furoor, on the suggestion of the actress, all participants were presented with small figurines, personifying the Oscar Award.

Personal life

On the 4th course of Vgika Ryzman put a play on the play of Tolstoy "Resurrection". Inna, invited Inna and Lion Polyakov, who was considered a real handsome man in his youth. Soon the lovers got married. Inna Nikolaevna has always considered - the husband is a very talented artist.

In one interview she said:

"I'm sure of it, and not at all because he is my spouse, but because he is really ingenious."

But not everything went smoothly in the personal life of artists. According to Inna Nikolaevna, her groom tried to learn a friend to study Lyudmila Gurchenko. To upset the future family union from the star of the Soviet and Russian film screen did not work. Later, Inna, the outstands still encountered her husband's infidelity, but his novel turned out to be fleeting: Poles treated his wife and son, preferring a reliable rear short-term hobbies.

Lev Alexandrovich himself was distinguished by a jealous character. This weakness once decided to take advantage of Mikhail Pugovkin, informing the wife of Inna Nikolaevna in a joking form that a novel with actress happened on the set. The artist had long to lead to a sense of spouse. Later, the joker brought apologies.

In 1960, their son Nikita was born. After birth, the actress almost left the movies, playing only in the theater. She did not want to leave the child for a long time, so the tour disappeared from their lives.

Nikita has given great hopes since childhood. He studied well, was the champion of the Moscow Championship in Sambo and Judo. Later, he graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Moris Torez and worked as a translator referend. In France, the young man met a girl who wanted to marry.

In 1998, Nikita Lvovich was invited to work in the Dominican Republic. During the natural cataclysm Nikita disappeared. At that time he was 38 years old. Actress did not come to himself for a long time, she was able to speak about the fate of his son only 10 years later.

The spouses joined not only the love of each other, but also sincere big feelings, which both were tested to the chosen profession. They lived together for 50 years, right up to the death of the artist in 2001.

Inna Exit Now

Now the star of the Soviet cinema is on a well-deserved holiday. She lives in a small apartment on the outskirts of Moscow. As an honorary guest, it happens twice a year in the Yaroslavl Festival. Missing the actress does not have to. Inna Nikolaevna leads an active lifestyle, is swimming.

Periodically, the actress gives an interview and appears on television screens as a heroine or guest gear. So, in 2020, in a conversation with journalists, Inna Nikolaevna told several stories from the creative and personal life of their girlfriend and the Nonna Mordyukov colleagues. And on the eve of 2021, Tatyana Ustinova appeared in the studio of the program "My hero".


  • 1957 - "Silent Don"
  • 1958 - "Youth of our fathers"
  • 1964 - "Father of a soldier"
  • 1969 - "Old House"
  • 1977 - "Service Roman"
  • 1977 - "Fate"
  • 1979 - "Moscow does not believe in tears"
  • 1980 - "Silver Lakes"
  • 1981 - "Favorite Woman Mechanic Gavrilova"
  • 1981 - "Rodna"
  • 1986 - "Says Moscow"
  • 1991 - "Psuchis from the constellation of the racing pieces"
  • 1992 - "How do you live, karasi?"
  • 2003 - "Kamenskaya-3: Stylist"
  • 2011 - "indifference"
  • 2014 - "Zemsky Doctor. Love contrary to
  • 2017 - "Son"

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