Anna Galina - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021



Anna Galinova does not belong to the most recognizable stars of the Russian scene, since its characters are mostly secondary. However, both Russian, and foreign directors know that this actress is their presence can decorate any production or film. Anna herself is no longer upset that they do not recognize her on the streets and do not take autographs - she knows the price with its small, but flawlessly performed roles.

Anna Galina in childhood and youth

Anna Alexandrovna Galinova was born on September 24, 1975 in Moscow. The girl dreamed of becoming a multiplier and studied in a children's film school at the Poland of Pioneers. In a secondary school, she did not fit with her performance, and, having received 3 twins at the end of the 8th grade, she just stopped walking there. The decision on the future career was accepted by chance: hitting the diploma performance "Vladimir third degree" in the "Workshop Peter Fomenko", Anna firmly decided to go to the actress.


At first, Galinova wanted to work only at Fomenko and did not even consider other directors, but could not do to him. Having passed 2 rounds of listening, etudes and plastic checks, the girl at the last moment "flew" from the competition. Failure upset the future actress to tears.

Actress Anna Galinova

Fortunately, her talent noticed one of the members of the Herman Sedakov Commission, while the theater led theater on the Savtsev enemy, and invited him to his troupe. Having worked on the year, Anna again went to act, and this time she was still still, in which teacher to learn. The choice fell at the Schukin school, famous for the fact that recognized beauties always studied there. Himself Galinov sincerely considered the "non-format":

"There are actresses who like men. There are others who like women. And I - nor anything else! "She laughs.

It turned out to choose the roles: with a small (154 cm), she had a big breast and a non-dish, so she did not fit on most of the roles. After the release from the school, she was a difficult career - allegedly will not take it with such an invoice, but the matter was solved by a clear acting talent Galino. She fell on the course to Evgeny Knyazev - it was his first set of students. To the role of the mentor, he treated tremendously, and Anna recalls him with gratitude.

Anna Galinova in the theater named Pushkin

The first permanent job of young artist was the Moscow Dramatic Theater named after N. V. Gogol, where she spent the next 8 years. Starting with comic roles in productions for children and adolescents, she gradually switched to "adults" tragicomic work, but was unhappy with his career.

"Every day I thought that I had to leave," recalls Galinov.

At one moment, the girl just went home before the start of the next statement, and, since the role was tiny, no one noticed her lack. The turning point of the creative biography of the actress was acquainted with Joel Lehtonen, who Anna calls the main person in his life. The first result of their cooperation was the play "Ice paintings" in the center of Kazantsev and Roshchina on Taganka.

Anna Galinova in the dressing room

Then Yoel invited Galinov in his projects "Monologues of Vagina" and "Chernobyl Prayer", after which she decided on the final departure from the Gogol Theater. Both works have become for the actress by signs: the first gave the opportunity to play a few roles for the first time at the same time, and the second allowed Anne to "felt" their pain points, without which it is impossible to be an actor.

Also Galina worked for a long time with Philip Grigoryan. It all started from the play "New Year", later Anna was invited in its production "Third shift", "Marriage", "Stone". In 2015, the cooperation of Galinova with the American director Robert Wilson began. The actress was a challenging casting for the production of "Pushkin's fairy tales", where she got the role of his wife Godunov.

Anna Galinova on stage

Despite the fact that Wilson was famous for his rigor, with Anna, they quickly revealed: even not knowing English, she easily understood and fulfilled the requirements of the director, and his perfectionism (for example, only the color of the socks for the artist Robert Robert chose 2 hours) only admired her.

The time of working with Wilson Galimov recalls as incredibly productive from a creative point of view, although it is not difficult to physically. The director's team worked around the clock and demanded complete dedication from the troupe. In an interview, Anna said that one day she was sent to a new audioist in half the third night, and in the morning of the next day they asked why she still did not learn him.


Galinov's cinema debuted in 2002. The first work was the role of Anna in the dramatic tape of Alexander Gordon "Shepherd of his cows". In 2009, she starred in the film "Male in the House", and in 2012 - in the "communal detective".

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Among the TV viewers, she became especially popular after the role of the cook in the "Equestrian Police" series. Shooting the actress believes for himself a secondary business, but still today its filmography includes dozens of paintings.

Personal life

About the personal life of the actress does not like and does not tell anyone about his hobbies. There is no husband of Galino Information in the press, but it is known that she has a daughter of Agnia, born in 2010. According to Anna, the birth of a child turned her life completely: the actress for a while refused all his own aspirations and surrounded the girl with a sensitive concern.

"She never even cried to 2 years," recalls Galinov.
Daughter Anna Galinova

According to the actress, she really felt the taste of glory after her partner on the "marriage" of Ksenia Sobchak posted their joint photos in "Instagram" and admitted that Anna for her is a favorite actress and teacher. When the post scored 25 thousand likes, Galina felt himself a star.

Anna Galinova now

In 2018, the artist starred in the Russian comedy "I'm losing weight" and the TV series "Olga".

Anna Galinova in 2018

She also played any in the melodrama Natalia Ulitsky "Five years later." In addition to shooting and theatrical scene, Anna is now busy teaching and its own creativity.


  • 2002 - "Shepherd of your cows"
  • 2002 - "Circus"
  • 2007 - "Who is the owner in the house?"
  • 2009 - "Man in the house"
  • 2010 - "Zemsky Doctor"
  • 2012 - "Communal Detective"
  • 2013 - "Third World War"
  • 2014 - "Moscow Borzaya"
  • 2016-2018 - Olga
  • 2018 - "I'm losing weight"
  • 2018 - "Five years later"
  • 2018 - "Equestrian Police"

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