Green Arrow - biography, friends and enemies, quotes, character, actor


Character History

The present name of the superhero on nicknamed Green Arrow - Oliver Quune. It is an excellent archer and part-time billionaire, which appeared in the Universe "DC" in the fall of 1941. The character looks like the Robin Robin Hood, dresses in green, has an exacerbid sense of justice and a multitude of arrogues of arrows, to oppose not all villains will oppose.

History of creation

The green arrow often performed in episodes, but did not receive a long time in the comic book for a long time. In the 1970s, Danny O'Neill writer turned his attention to the biography of the hero and decided to pay special attention to him. Like Batman, the Green Arrow now performed for the rights of humiliated and disadvantaged. The hero worked in a duet with a green lantern and quickly became popular. For two decades, he was the idols of comic lovers, and then went into the summer due to the desire of the creators to give new breathing to the work.

Green Arrow

The efforts of the authors did not justify that Connor Hawk did not disclose the love of the public, and in 2001 the story of Oliver Quina continued, now in a pair with a black canary.

Forces, abilities, enemies

The green arrow, a member of the "Fair League", shows the striking resistance and the power of the will, which allows him to resist the onslaught of attacks. Squealing the movements of the enemy, rickests and dangerous shots, Queen beat down the boils and other guns. Using military skills, the hero easily affects several opponents at once, regardless of whether people are, animals or fantastic creatures.

Green Arrow - Art

Arms Arsenal is truly great. In addition to emergency accuracy, the archer does not have super supervisory. Therefore, he uses a carefully selected weapon in a fight with enemies, which allows you to defeat those who have supernatural power.

In stock of the hero - a shock arrow, paralyzing enemy, a fiery arrow with a bomb at the end, explosive guns and cryosters, freezing everything around. The archer's glue shells clothe the enemy into the frozen mass, the arrows from cryptonite and H-metal helps to overcome superheroes.

Green arrow in comics

The green arrow has an amnesia tool, a network for catching bandits, light supasses, blinding and stunning the enemy. The gear arrow, hook, smoke checker, shock grenade and a boxing glove also enter the arsenal of the hero. The latter is often used to paint in public or to strike without an arrow.

The main enemy of the hero, the bullish eye, more than once felt the action of all the guns collected in the Green Arrow stoves.

Green arrow in comics

Becoming a hero, whose story began in the midst of World War II, the green boom personified the idealized image required by millions of people who had to believe in something. The arrow combined the features of Robin Hood, the partner of Batman, Apeid and the Green Archer. Comic editor Mort Vezinger intently followed the development of the character, making him the way to Olympus even in those moments when his episodic speeches were minimal.

Green Arrow and Batman

In 1969, the artist Neil Adams improved the vestment of the hero, and the authors supplemented his character with new features like stiffness and principle. During this period, the green boom entered the "League of Justice". In parallel, "DC" promoted the image of a green lamp, and in one of the comic books the heroes became partners. The Kuine radical and the intercession of the Jordan law came together, having gaining thousands of fans around the world. The authors combined the two cardinal opposite heroes, allowing any reader to get what to taste.

Anarchist and the perfect citizen fought against racism and corruption, but the series was poorly sold, and in 1972 it was necessary to cancel the interaction of two characters. Both were in the second plan, for flush. In the plot of Arrow went to the Ashram Monastery, but soon returned to the city. In the mid-1970s, the series again went into print, illuminating the interaction of the lantern and the arrows. And in 1983, the Green Arrow found a personal series.

Black Canary

Hero's personal life is associated with a black canary, which was his girlfriend and his wife. Events describing their line are brightly demonstrated in a later series designed for an adult audience.

In 1992, a limited edition was published, telling about the origin of the hero and its formation as a person. The creators of the project decided to promote the promotion of the boom in 2000. The revival of the Character made it possible to reiterate it in the plots associated with the "Liga of Justice".

Green Arrow in the Equity League

A series of comics about superhero was actively produced up to 2007. Now the hero has several alternative variations and often appears in all sorts of spin-offs and crossovers.


For the first time, the superlabnik appeared on the screens in 1973. His image involved in the animated series called "Super Friends". The hero performed in an episodic role, he was called "the faithful member of the America's justice league." After that, the green boom has repeatedly appeared on television scans as a participant of the League of Justice in the Multi-Series Cartoon.

Green Arrow in Cartoon

The green boom was also involved in the cartooner "Batman", in which the Count Vertigo, opposing Batman, is a former employee of the company Oliver Quina, who stroke the secret technology. The next appearance of the character occurred in the cartoon "Batman: courage and courage", where the arrow competes with the main defender of Gotam. At the same time, superheroes collaborate in the episode "Climbing the Blue Beetle". Green boom was present on the screen in the cartoons "Young League of Justice", "Independence Day" and "Fox".

Justin Hartley in the Green Arrow

The image of the "green boom was involved in the animation projects" League of Justice: New Barrier "," The League of Justice: The Crisis of Two Worlds ", and" DC Showcase ": Green Arrow." The hero became a full-fledged member of the projects "Batman: Return of the Dark Knight", "LEGO superheroes" DC ": a league of justice against League Bizarro", "Unlimited Batman: Animals Instincts" and "Unlimited Batman: Chaos".

Stephen Amell in the image of a green boom

In addition to animated projects, the hero was used in television serials. Oliver Quune appeared in front of the viewer in the project "Secrets of Smallville" performed by Justin Hartley, and then in the series "Strela", where Stephen Amell played.

You can watch the character in the Flash Multiserful Films and the Legend of Tomorrow. In both paintings, the role of the hero is playing Stephen Amell.


On the Internet, you can also find fan videos in which the green boom opposes the falconian eyes and Dadpool.

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