Batu Hasikov - biography, photo, martial arts, personal life, news 2021



Batu Hasikov is a famous athlete, politician public figure. In addition to the won championships in kickboxing, it is also the owner of the Golden Belt and the initiator of the action "For a sports country". For his career, the fighter spent more than 200 fights and collected an impressive collection of awards.

Childhood and youth

Batu Sergeevich Hasikov was born in the capital in 1980, but grew up in the city of Lagan (Caspian). By nationality he is Kalmyk. His parents had no relation to the sport and dreamed of seeing her son by artist, for which they gave him to national dances, but at 11 years old the boy decided to change the passion and went to the Karate section.

Batu Hasikov in childhood

So he fell to the famous coach Alexander Abyomov, who immediately saw in Batu a promising athlete. In 1997, Hasikov returned to Moscow with his parents and got the opportunity to perform at competitions. The young man tried his hand in sambo, hand-to-hand combat, Thai boxing and jiu-jitsu, and in 2005 finally made a choice in favor of kickboxing.

Martial arts

In the next 5 years, Batu became the prize-winner of the largest competitions: three times won the title of champion of Russia and once - Europe (WAKO). He took awards in 3 kickboxing organizations, speaking in the average weight category. An important event in the sports biography of Hasikov was a victory over American Harris Norwood in 2007, which brought him the highest title of Iska.

Kickboxer Batu Hasikov

In 2009, he became Wako-Pro champion, winning a fight with Portuguese Ricardo Fernandend, and after 3 years - WKA, after the victory over the representative of Italy Fabio Korelli.

Batu Hasikov is part of the founders of Fight Nights - the leading promotion of Russia, which is engaged in the development and promotion of professional martial arts. A young company quickly gained fame outside the country, began to organize its own events and produce a video content for television and the Internet. Hasikov himself remained in it producer and fighter until the moment he decided to leave the sport and go into politics.

Batu Hasikov and Mike Zambidis

In 2014, Fight Nights organized the Battle Sports Competition. The main event of the evening was the fight between Batu and his old rival Mike Zambidis, a representative of Greece. For the latter, it was an important attempt to rehabilitate and interrupt a series of sports failures, and for Batu - the ability to easily complete his career and leaving the undefendant.

Hasikov from the first minutes captured the initiative and began to step on the opponent. More or less serious defense of the Greek organized only for the 3rd round, but Batu with a powerful strike of a knee-sized eyebrow and hardly disabled. Until the end of the duel, Zambidis was never able to take revenge, and according to the results of 5 rounds, the victory went to the Russian.

"It was a fight of my life. I gave all myself in this fight, "Batu shared in an interview. - Yes, it's really a bold point in your career, and now I am happy. "


In 2007, Batu Hasikov debuted into the movies. His first work was the film "Fight with shadow 2", where he appeared in the episode. A small role was not left unnoticed, and in the continuation of the painting "Fight with shadow 3D: the last round" Batu entrusted to play a more serious character - Antonio Cuerte, Philippine Boxer, who was in the center of the criminal drama.

In 2013, Hasikov appeared on the screen in the TV series "Red Mountains" in the role of a mustache, friend and comrades of one of the main characters, and in 2015 - in the sports drama "Warrior", where the producer played by the combat organization.

Also an athlete starred in 2 documentary films about himself - "Batu Hasikov. Before the fight "(2011) and" Batu "(2012).

Politics and social activities

At 23, Hasikov graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical University, becoming a certified teacher of physical culture, after which he entered the graduate school of the Academy of Civil Service of the Russian Federation and defended his dissertation on Russian policy on sports.

Deputy Batu Hasikov

In 2003-2008, Batu Sergeevich worked in the police, where he served to senior lieutenant, but later decided to move from law enforcement agencies to politics and was ejected to the National Parliament of the Republic - People's Huhral. There he headed the Committee on Sports and Youth. Subsequently, Hasikov appointed a member of the Federation Council from the Republic of Kalmykia. In this position he stayed from 2012 to 2014. There, Batu Sergeevich also dealt with issues of science, education and culture.

In 2012, a former athlete founded the public movement "for a sports country", the purpose of which was the popularization of sports values ​​and a healthy lifestyle. The first event of the new association was a holiday in the Neskuchny Garden, during which an open training was held under the guidance of famous athletes. Batu himself conducted a master class on kickboxing. Since then, such events have become regular and held in different Russian cities.

Politician Batu Hasikov

In 2016, Hasikov lost the title of Candidate of Science. Such a decision was adopted by the Dissertation Council of RUDN on the basis of the analysis of scientific works of several deputies of the State Duma and other prominent politicians. The former athlete was accused of conclusions in the dispute and incorrect borrowings - some of the statistics turned out to be copied from someone else's work and, in addition, not to Kalmykia, but to Karachay-Cherkessia. He himself refused to comment on this incident.

Personal life

About the personal life of Batu Hasikov does not like to speak. It is known that it is married, but almost nothing knows about his wife. Together they grow two children - Son and daughter. Hasikov's sister, Ilyan, works by a children's psychologist, and Brother Ayuk - designer.

Batu Hasikov with family

Batu Sergeevich leads an account in "Instagram", where it is divided by the stories about new projects and occasionally - family photos.

Batu Hasikov now

Former athlete held an adviser to the head of Rosmolodege. He visited educational events and forums, participated in the opening of children's sports schools and creating new youth projects. Fight career is also not forgotten: Hasikov continues to engage in the organization of fights according to MMA rules. In 2018, Batu Sergeevich participated in the "Battle of Champions 10" - the main Russian event in the field of sports martial arts and martial arts.

Batu Hasikov in 2018

During the election of the President of the Russian Federation, Hasikov was a trustee of Vladimir Putin. In this position, he made several trips around the country and held dozens of speeches, master classes and sports holidays. In March, Batu held a duel with the Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev, and he called Hassikov "a phenomenally fast fighter with a magnificent sense of distance." The fight lasted, as it should be according to the rules, 5 rounds for 2 minutes and ended with a draw.

On March 20, 2019, Vladimir Putin appointed Batu Hasikova I.O. Chapters of Kalmykia after the resignation of Alexey Orlova.

Titles and awards

  • 2007 - World Champion according to ISKA
  • 2010 - World WKA Champion
  • 2010 - World WAKO-PRO world champion
  • 2011 - World W5 Champion
  • 2011 - "Golden Belt" in the nomination "The brightest victory of the year"
  • 2012 - WAKO-PRO world champion
  • Master of Sports of International Class By Kickboxing
  • Master of Sports of Russia in combat sambo
  • Master of Sports of Russia in hand-to-hand combat
  • Master of Martial Arts
  • 1st Dan on karate-sewakai
  • 1st Ky Karate Kyukusinkai
  • Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kalmykia


  • 2007 - "Fight with shadow 2: Revenge"
  • 2011 - "Fight with Shadow 3: Last Round"
  • 2011 - "Batu Hasikov before the fight"
  • 2012 - "Batu"
  • 2013 - "Red Mountains"

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