Group "Aigel" - history of creation, composition, photo, news, "Tatar", texts, songs, music, clips 2021



The group "Aigel" and its participants Aygel Gaysin and Ilya Baramia consider the directions of the electronic hip-hop direction. The duet formed in 2017, from the very beginning fascinated the listener: tracks telling about the love of a bad guy and the girl loyal to him, became hits, gaining millions of views on Yutubee. A cute female speaking, whoars the elegant game rhymes for the nervous pulsation of electronic bits, - all this sounded at least intriguing, and success did not make himself wait.

The history of creation and composition

Since the group has already formed mature creative identities, then, telling about the history of the creation of a team, it is impossible to not touch the early biography of the participants of the "Aigel".

The musician from St. Petersburg Ilya Baramia was born on June 18, 1973. For many years professionally engaged in sound engineering. Since 1997, he began experiments with electronic sound, created in the tandem with Alexander Zaitsev duet "Christmas toys". In 2006, he joined the bright Russian indie group "The largest simple number" ("SBPC").

Aigel Gaisina soloist was born on October 9, 1986 in Naberezhnye Chelny. Since childhood, she wrote poems and songs. And at the age of 16, going on the stage, began to perform their own developments. In 17, becoming a student of the Kazan State University (Faculty of International Relations and Political Science), moved to the capital of Tatarstan.

In parallel with study, it developed as a singer and poetess, participated in poetic events and creative parties of the city, printed in literary journals. In 2003, the debut album of Gaisina "Forest" came out, and in 2012, the girl became a vocalist of the electronic group "so beautiful dark", which he created with the boyfriend by Temur Hadyrov.

In 2016, Aigel released a collection of verses "Court", which became the quintessence of experiences related to arrest and imprisonment of Temur Hadyrov. The man was condemned 3 years after the household scuffle, applying the article "Attempt to murder. Proving the absence of the composition of the crime and the unreasonable application of such a serious article was impossible.

"Then the world turned over for me, a strange wear of life opened, which is not enough that the ugly, but also from a linguistic point of view is terribly attractive. I seemed like I came across the womb, where the words hang on the trees for me, and everyone can taste. The taste of them is disgusting, and in the impulse of disgusting, I want to try everything, "the actress remembered the difficult period.

Gaisina found in Facebook the famous St. Petersburg congestion of electronic music Ilya Baramia and wrote a sound engineer with a request to consider the text material for writing the melody and creating a radio show.

"I hooked me not the texts of Aygel, but how she could perform them: emotionally, expressively, beautifully. I sent a dozen billets so that she would try to read it. So, sending files, we wrote songs 20, "says Ilya partnership.

The future participants of the team agreed to meet in Moscow, where Ilya had a concert, and Aigel had a presentation of the book. After that open rehearsal and visual acquaintance, the musicians decided to unite into the group. The composition of the team and today is not changed.


The first result of joint creativity was the album "1190", released on April 25, 2017. The name is no coincidence. There have been so many days by the author of poems in anticipation of a civil husband from imprisonment (Temur was released in December 2017).

Musical critics dubbed the plate "The Dark Album, which only you can imagine", and the group participants called the founders of the so-called judicial rap. The most popular compositions of the disk were "Tatar" and "Bride".

Through the personal pain, the singer told about how the court survived over a close man and plunged into the world of criminal order, Aygel told not just the tongue of rhymes. The artist sang with different voices, deliberately putting emphasis. Inserted the words in the Tatar language. In a word, enjoyed the process, as I could and as I wanted.

Creativity helped Gaisina to survive a personal tragedy:

"" Bride "I wrote in the car on the way to Svidanka - I simply fixed what was happening. Roads 8 hours, you need to go away at night. Dark, fog, scary, cold. And I think that I am not meant, and my lyrical heroine. "

Critics unequivocally decided: such hip-hop was not yet. And this despite the fact that the soloist never fond of rap.

"I planned to knock your opposite words against rough bits - so that everyone became bad. On the one hand, I was afraid of rejection, because when you are hated, it is unpleasant. On the other hand, I waited for him, because our album is not a protest, it is definitely a certain gesture, "the soloist admitted.

Frank Hayters, however, was not found. Among the sending reviews that the duet began to come, there were many those who served. They recognized that they were to taste a new format of criminal lyrics. There was a considerable percentage of those who did not understand anything at all, perceiving songs as a set of words. Someone, on the contrary, noted only poems, and someone is exclusively music.

The second disk of the group in Mignon format also came out in 2017 and included only 3 tracks: "Bush Bash", "Prince on white", "bad". This time, along with the originality of the content of critics, the increased quality of clips was noted. October 9, 2017 Ilya and Aigel became the guests of the popular TV show "Evening Urgant".

After the speech on the first channel with the hit "Tatar", which became a business card of the collective, the duet became known even to those who do not follow the trends on the Internet.

In the full-fledged 2nd album of the group with the uncomfortable name "Music" (released on April 18, 2018) 13 tracks. According to Ilya, when working on the content of the duet put the task - to expand the genre palette. According to Aygel, I wanted to move away from the topic of hatred and return to normal human values, in a female body. The songs "Snow" were a bright example of such a "return", "It's terrible" and "drama".

The presentation of the album took place in St. Petersburg and in Moscow. The accumulated musical material allowed the "Aigel" to ride the tour: In April 2018, a concert took place in Kazan, and in the fall, the guys went to the first round, including the major cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Among the frequent questions, which were then asked by the musicians of fans, whether their creativity will continue in Tandem after Temur entered the freedom and the prison component of creativity has exhausted itself.

"I think the continuation will be comfortable and interesting to work with Ilya, we have mutual understanding through kilometers, and this is a rarity. In fact, the court in the album is only half of the songs. We will continue to write about another, I have many other problems, "the author of texts said with laugh.

In 2019, the 3rd Studio Album of the Eden group was released. The compositions on this disk are sounding calmer than on previous plates. In an interview with "Medusa", the performers said that many texts were written on the road, and the theme is devoted to their native land.

"" Edem "is a bureau of ritual services near my childhood house, the house belonged to the ambulance hospital and the foreman rested in the morgue," said Aygel Gaisin to journalists.

In total, 10 tracks in two languages ​​were recorded in "Eden":

"The English song on the album turned out by chance, we do not want to write in a non-standard language, but there was such a cool tool, I really didn't want to overlap it with long Russian words. Listening to this minus before taking off, I realized that a pre-flight instruction should sound there, "said the singer.

"AIGEL" is now

In the spring of 2020, celebrities shot 2 clips on the songs from Eden ": You're Born in March and" Two Weeks "in April. The text of the 2nd composition Aygel wrote when he came to the message about the conditionally early liberation of her husband Gaisina. In many interviews, the author claimed that the spouse was unreasonably severe punishment.

Then the group was planted with the 4th Pyryla Studio Album. On the plate - 8 compositions in the Tatar language. Part of the fans "Aigel" criticized the stars for the decision to "narrow the audience", to others, on the contrary, liked such creativity.

In 2020, the discography of musicians was replenished with minion with 3 songs "awesome."

"The release that after the night always comes the day, the black stripe always replaces white, any terrible nightmare ends with a saving morning, and any wonderful night trip ends in the morning, only merciless," explained Gaisina Paraszi.

For 2021, the collective was planned touring in large cities of Russia: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. For the movements of the duet across the Russian Federation and the CIS, as well as for the publication of new photos from the speeches of the fans, they are monitored in an instagram account of the collective and in other social networks. True, the official website has not yet been developed.

On January 28, 2021, the premiere of the Mystical Series of Dmitry Glukhovsky "Topi" took place at Kinopoisk HD. Ilya and Aigel recorded the "monster" soundtrack for the film. Observer "Around the TV" Ilona Egyazarov called the composition of mystical, and the voice of the performer - immersing in the "necessary" atmosphere.


  • 2017 - "1190"
  • 2017 - "Bush Bash"
  • 2018 - "Music"
  • 2019 - "Eden"
  • 2020 - "Piry"
  • 2020 - "awesome"


  • 2017 - "Tatar"
  • 2017 - "Bush Bash"
  • 2018 - "Prince on White"
  • 2018 - "Spirits of Fire"
  • 2019 - "Clear"
  • 2019 - "Snow"
  • 2019 - "It highlighted the heat (Lyric Video)"
  • 2020 - "Two weeks"

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