Vadim Tulipov - biography, photos, politics, personal life, cause of death



Vadim Tulipov - a former Scripture Speaker of St. Petersburg, the initiator of numerous legislative projects. His biography is a story of an energetic policy that was not afraid to defend his opinion and speak with bold proposals.

Vadim Tulipov

The sudden death of the senator for 53 years has become a shock for colleagues and loved ones. At first she seemed mysterious, but later it turned out that the case was in a long time.

Childhood and youth

Vadim Albertovich Tulipov was born in Leningrad on May 8, 1964. After school, he became a cadet of the Supreme Engineering Maritime School and at 22 he graduated successfully.

Vadim Tulips in childhood and youth

Vadim's first work was the post of Motorist in the Baltic Shipping Company. Gradually, he climbed the career ladder to the senior mechanics, and in 1993 he became the founder of MercTrans, organizing sea transportation.

Politics and social activities

4 years later, Vadim Albertovich decided to engage in public operation and became one of the founders of the regional fund of the legal protection of pensioners and poor. The institution produced its newspaper and gave the population free consultations. In 1998, Tulips became a deputy of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg and made an attempt to go to the legislative assembly of the 2nd convocation.

During the election campaign, he promised to support the Blog of Yuri Boldyrev and took advantage of his support, but after successfully election, Vadim Albertovich changed the decision and entered the "industrial" fraction.

Politician Vadim Tulipov

In 1999, tulips engaged in transport issues, leading the relevant commission. A year later, he, uniting with Kramarev, received the right to submit the interests of the "Unity" faction in the claimation.

During the elections of President Vadim Albertovich joined Vladimir Putin's supporters. In 2001, he was appointed deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly, and a couple of months later, Tulipov took the place of Boris Gryzlov and headed "Unity". Subsequently, he moved to the "People's Party of the Russian Federation", and then became the coordinator of United Russia.

In 2002, politician took the post of Chairman, after which he became part of Valentina Matvienko's election headquarters. In winter, 2011, Vadim Albertovich became a member of the Federation Council and the Supreme Council of the United Russia, and 3 years later he took the post of senator.

Vadim Tulipov and Valentina Matvienko

In 2015, tulips headed the organization and control over the holding of the World Cup. He coped with the task successfully, and in 2018 he again entrusted this work.

Among the most famous initiatives, politics can be called a competition for the best new text of the Anthem of the Russian Federation (2002), the proposal to equate the residents of Blocade Leningrad to Wentain Veterans, so that they can receive a second pension, as well as a project for the development of water resources of St. Petersburg: Water protection, solving the personnel problem deficit in servicing organizations, expansion of tourist capabilities.

Initiator of the United Family Project Vadim Tulips

In 2009, Tulips became the initiator of the United Family Project, created for helping child homes. In its framework, a separate portal with video seats intended for future adoptive parents was created. Almost all relevant institutions of St. Petersburg participated in it, and in the end, hundreds of children have gained new families.

Vadim Albertovich is also the creator of the city social code. In 2013, he was engaged in the conditions of the detention of prisoners, as a result of which he made some mitigation (for example, the persons held under house arrest were allowed watch walks, and a visit to the funerals in the nearest relatives).

Creator of the City Social Code Vadim Tulips

Vadim Tulipov actively opposed the idea of ​​the "zero promilla", that is, a complete ban on the content of the driver's blood alcohol. He pointed out that in this case, innocent people will suffer, who, before sitting behind the wheel, drank kvass or accepted the medicine.

Personal life

Politician was married and, according to the evidence of friends, was happy in his personal life. Together with Natalia's wife, they raised two children. Milan's daughter - an athlete, the owner of the Tennis discharge, was educated in the field of international journalism and married a football player Alexander Kerzhakov. Son Vladislav is studying at school.

Vadim Tulips with his wife and daughter

Friends remember that Vadim Albertovich was fond of a diversified man: he loved music, professionally dealt with singing and even recorded 2 disks. Tulips passionately were fond of fishing and did not miss the opportunity to spend time in nature. Most of all he loved the Narva reservoir, where large pikes were found.

Tulips managed to show themselves in the role of the TV presenter: until 2011, he had the author's program "Conversation with the Chairman", which was broadcast on Ren TV, and from 2012 he conducted the Petersburg meetings on the Culture Channel.

Vadim Tulips with his wife, daughter Milan Kerzhakaya and the son-in-law

Politician was one of the richest senators - in 2016 its declared income amounted to 4,607,114, 76 rubles. He also belonged to the apartment, the BMW car and a plot of 1500 square meters. m.


In 2017, politician was tragically died. On that day, after performing everyday duties, he decided to rest and went to the sports and health complex "Oasis". In the dressing room of the basin of tulips slipped and fell, having lost consciousness, and those who came to do with death stated. The reason was the fracture of the base of the skull, and the subsequent examination showed that the fall was not accidental. Tulips suffered from ischemic disease, and temperature difference and physical activity in the sports complex caused a heart attack.

Vadim Tulips with the daughter of Milan Kerzhakova

Shortly before the death in Twitter, the policy has appeared the last entry, which then seemed like somehow like a sinister prophecy. Tulips posted a photo of a joking inscription with a joking inscription, scratched on the wall of the Samara airport, which reads: "I hit the board, I lay with pain and longing."

Colleagues Vadim Albertovich were shocked by his unexpected death. They did not even know about his problems with the heart, and to reconcile with the idea that men are no longer, it was very difficult for them.

"He is a very young, healthy man, he still had ahead," the congestive son of Tulipov, a businessman Alexander Vakhmistrov, wondered. - Death is just a ridicule. "
Senator Vadim Tulips with the son-in-law Alexander Kerzhakov on fishing

Politics buried in St. Petersburg on April 7. The funeral has passed in the church of the Novodevichy Monastery, the ashen of Senator buried next to his father's grave. Soon after his death, Milan Kerzhakova gave birth to the Son - Vadim Albertovich did not live about the birth of the first long-awaited grandson of only 6 days.

Funeral Senator Vadim Tulipova

In December 2017, the son of Tulipov Vladislav was in the center of unpleasant history. He published in his "instagram" video from a "very difficult day", after which "drove home home", while in the background it was heard that the car included special signals. Users outraged that the teenager enjoys such privileges.

Vladislav hastily removed the account, and the former Assistant Tulipov delivered himself to his defense, arguing that he was most likely driving from the godfather (Valentine Matvienko) and just joked.


• 2005 - the Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow

• 2007 - Honor Order

• 2010 - the Order of the Holy Equal-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir

• 2010 - gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation

• 2013 - the Order of St. Geraphor of Sarovsky 3 degree

• 2014 - Order "For Merit Before Fatherland" IV degree

• Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg"

• Honorary Sign of the Federation Council "For merits in the development of parliamentarism

• Honorary Mission of the Federation Council

• Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"

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