Chuck Liddell - biography, photo, martial arts, personal life, news 2021



Chuck Liddell is a famous American MMA fighter and a multiple UFC champion in light heavyweight. For a long-term career, a lot of successfully battles and an impressive base in the impact technique, a man won the reputation of an invincible opponent.

Chuck was born in the winter of 1969 in the state of California, the city of Santa Barbara. The boy grew up with brothers and sisters and brought up with one mother. Father he replaced his grandfather's grandfather, who paid a lot of attention to grandchildren and helped her daughter to raise them.

In the sports development of the boy's grandfather, grandfather contributed, because he started to train him from an early age, showed boxing technique. And at the age of 12, Leiddell himself already signed up in the Karate section and began to work under the guidance of the first coach. At the same time, the young athlete is fond of football and martial art Campo. The coaches saw his efforts and zeal, so in Chuck's school appointed the captain of the team to fight and American football.

Hairstyle Chuck Liddela

In adolescence, Leiddell often became a member of the skirting with sweeping peers and remained the winner every time.

After graduating from school to obtain higher education, the guy chooses a polytechnic university, where he also becomes the captain of the Student team to fight and is in this status for 4 years. Having received a bachelor's degree in economics in 1995, Leeddell is not in a hurry to master the resulting specialty. By the time he already clearly understands that he will connect life with sports.

Martial arts

Since the struggle was already mastered by Chuck enough well, he decided to learn other types of martial arts and chose kickboxing. At first, the man trained under John Hekelemman and even several times became the US Champion in WKA and USMPA. From 22 fighting Kickboxer won 20, and 16 of them finished, knocking out the opponent, which became his personal record.

Fighter Chuck Liddell

Shortly before the starts at the UFC, Liddell took up Brazilian jiu-jitsu, he trained a man John Levis. Already 3 years after graduating from the University, Chuck first acts in MMA and immediately won the victory over Noy Hernandez. However, the next battle, which took place in 1999 with Jeremy Horoon, the athlete loses.

2000-2002 issued for an athlete no less productive. In battle with Jeff Monson Chuck wins the unanimous decision of the judges. At a meeting with the former titled champion of Kevin Randelman, he also manages to earn a victory that even more strengthens the position of the fighter in a professional sense. Also in a fight with Liddell loses the Armenian fighter Amar Souliev.

In the summer of 2002, Chuck had a contender battle, which determines the fighter to the UFC championship, which will enter the ring and fight for the reward in the form of a champion belt. His rival in this fight was the Victor Belfort. The battle was tense, both athletes showed a good technique. The fight ended after the siren signal, and the judges unanimously declare the winner of Liddell.

In 2003, Chuck had the first fight for the temporary title of the UFC champion, Randy Kutur became his rival in Ringgu. However, this fight lost, the opponent struck him with technical knockout, and the referee was forced to stop the fight.

Chuck Liddell and Vanderley Silva

After that, the defeat of Liddell does not lower his hands, but goes to Japan to try to conquer the pride champion belt. At that time, the title wore Vanderley Silva. In the semifinals of the Grand Prix rival Chooka was Cuinton Jackson. However, then a man failed to overcome the enemy. But after that, defeat in battle with Vernon White and Tito Ortis (who had previously refused to go to the ring) Liddell won.

For the first time Chuck won the title of the UFC champion in April 2005. For the championship belt competed with Randy Kutuir and this time defeated the enemy by knockout in a minute and a half after the start of the battle. From 2005 to 2006, a man defended the title for another 4 times by holding it.

Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortis

However, the meeting in the ring with Kuinton Jackson became for Liddell's fatal. After 2 minutes from the beginning of the first round, Jackson struck the opponent with technical knockout and became the new owner of the championship title. The following fights with different rivals no longer bring a chuck of titles and titles, and in 2010 a man declares about leaving sports.

Chuck Liddell is often compared with the legend of battles, the Russian athlete Fyodor Emelianenko. Although Leiddell himself in one of the interviews criticized this fighter, accusing that he chooses only the "comfortable" rivals.


Films in the biography of the athlete appeared in 2001. It was the film "Takes", where the man got a small role. Youth comedy director Jesse Dilan talks about two guys who entered the university and attached students and teachers on the grass.

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In 2003, a man starred in a dramatic thriller "From the cradle to the grave", in the militant "Store" in 2006 and in 2010 in the film "Ira Passion". Often, the actor was invited to episodic roles in the series. In his filmography - Knolents "Beauty", "Bones", "Blade", "Hawaii 5.0", "Think as a criminal: the behavior of the suspect", etc.

In 2015, Liddell starred in several films. In May, the premiere of the Military Drama "Combat Pigs" took place. In this picture, Chuck got the main role of Sergeant Mr. Grivi, which in the composition of the special unit has the goal of destroying the Nazis.

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In the fighter "Jack Stone", which went to the screens in November 2015, Chuck also plays one of the main roles. The man is embodied in the Character of Balt - a dangerous and dodgy gangster of Russian origin.

In March 2017, the premiere of the criminal thriller "Height" with the participation of Chuck Leiddell, as well as the series "Imaginary Mary". In addition, Chuck starred in one of the main roles in the film "Muffler". Film reached the screens in March 2018.

Personal life

After leaving the sport, Leiddell plunged into the business and became the owner of several bars and restaurants.

Chuck Liddell and his wife Heidi

As for the personal life of the athlete, then it all happened here. In 2010, a man was engaged in Heidi Nortcott, and a year later his wife gave him a daughter. Now a couple have two joint children, later a woman presented his Son's wife, who was called Cade.

In 2008, the fighter wrote and released an autobiographical book. It is also the owner of a souvenir shop in California, in the city of San Luis Obispo.

Chuck Liddell now

Chuck and now continues to train and supports itself in shape. With a rise of 188 cm its weight is 93 kg.

Chuck Liddell in 2018

Despite the long training, a long time an athlete pays to the family. In "Instagram", a man often lays out a photo with his wife and children from trips and collaborative rest. Fans fans are actively discussing his life, clothing style and unusual hairstyle. In Twitter, he also supports communicating with fans, often publishes different records.

Liddell also periodically appears in films and television gears - "Drawing with Ashton Cutchcher", "Dancing with the stars", etc.

Titles and awards

  • 2002 - IFC World Champion in Solving Weight
  • 2005-2006 - UFC champion in sexual weight
  • 2006 - The award for the "Best Knockout of the Evenings", the fight with Renat Collector
  • 2006 - Award for the "Best Battle of the Evenings" with Tito Ortiz
  • 2007 - Award for the "Best Battle of the Evenings" with Vanderlee Silva


  • 2001 - "Takes"
  • 2003 - "From the cradle to the grave"
  • 2006 - "Substava"
  • 2010 - "Passion games"
  • 2013 - "Pipets 2"
  • 2015 - "Combat Pigs"
  • 2015 - "Jack Stone"
  • 2017 - "Imaginary Mary"
  • 2018 - "Silencer"

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