Edmond Dantes - biography, names and appearance, bride, quotes


Character History

The grim prisoner of the IF Castle is recognized as a real symbol of fair retaliation. The fate of Edmon Dantes, which Alexander Dumas spoke in detail in detail, is known to residents of all countries. The brave sailor paidred to happiness and freedom just for the fact that he built his own life honestly and worthy. Well, the desire to punish the scoundrels, who took their relatives, careers from the young man, can be called more than justified.

History of creation

The biography of Edmon Dantes is full of incredible events, so it is doubly surprising that Alexander Duma character has a prototype. The story that the writer told in the novel "Count Monte Cristo", Duma heard during the sea walk in the Mediterranean Sea.

Writer Alexander Duma

Noticing a montecristo island from the ship, a man asked the legends associated with this peculiar place. Sailors told the writer an exciting fairy tale that Duma is interested in. Returning home, the writer sat down for work, and in 1844 the novel went to print.

The prototype of an unusual hero was the shoemaker Francois Pico, who was born in the town of Him. In 1807, a man was accused of espionage on the basis of anonymous note. Francois spent 7 years in prison, during which he met the Italian priest. After the escape, Pico found the savings of a new friend, returned to his homeland and killed everyone who was involved in an anonymous. True, unlike the hero, Dumas, Francois killed the fourth conspirator, about which the shoemaker was not known.

"Count Monte Cristo"

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Edmond Dantes was born in a poor family living on the outskirts of Marseille. The mother of the boy has long died, and his father was engaged in the upbringing of the hero. Already at the age of 18, Edmond has mastered the profession of the sailor and made a career on the three-person ship "Pharaoh".

"It was a young man of years of eighteen - twenty, tall, slim, with beautiful black eyes and black, like Smin, hair; All his appearance breathed that tranquility and determination, which are characteristic of people, from childhood, accustomed to fight danger. "
Employed Edmon Dantes

There was no young man for a long time, so the assistance of the senior Dantesa provided the bride of the Mercedes Sailor - a girl who lived in the next village. During the next journey, the captain of Pharaoh died suddenly, and the position of the ship manager was offered Edmond.

So happy and successful destiny caused discontent and envy among the local population. Wantful to harm Dantesu, three familiar seaman refer to the prosecutor an anonymous denunciation, in which they accuse a man in Bonaparte's commitment.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Alas, who does not know about the tricks of Enemies, Dances honestly admits to interrogation that recently met with a dubious person. A similar statement became fatal - the prosecutor, kneaded in no less dirty affairs, decides to make a scapegoat from Edmon. Dantes sentenced to life imprisonment in one of the most protected and inaccessible prisons of France - the castle of IF.

The first five years of conclusions become for Edmon hell. A man who understands that he is not guilty of anything, even trying to commit himself. The hero stops eating, throws a scant food into the window. From sad thoughts and attempts by suicide Dantes distract strange sounds behind the wall. A man who has not spoken with a living person for many months, understands that he is not alone and there is a comrade in misfortune.

Abbot Faria (Frame from the film)

The hero and stranger behind the wall break through the underground move. So Edmond enters the neighboring chamber, where Abbot Faria is languishing. Men decide to escape from a hated prison, breakthrough the way through the earth walls. Shortly before the completion of the tunnel, Dantes dies. Before the death of Abbat, the Abbot opens the secret - on the island of Monte Cristo, gold was buried, which was hidden 300 years ago.

Having grown about the death of a friend, Dantes realizes that the death of Faria is a chance to escape from prison faster than the hero planned. A man drags the dead man to his own camera, and he hides in a bag for the corpse. The next morning the guards throw out the hidden Dantes in the sea.

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With difficulty getting out of the bag, the man meets among the sea waves of smugglers who will be brought to the former captive of the castle of IF to Monte Cristo Island. There, following Abbot's prompts, Edmond finds gold. Well, now the main task for the hero becomes the mission of those who deprived him of a happy life and put in prison for 14 years.

Screaming the true person under the name of Abbot Buzoni, Dantes visits the first conspirator - the former tailor and the current owner of the Tavern Kadrus. From the greedy rascant hero learns who and why he wrote to Edmon Klauzu.

Edmond Dantes.

However, the mission is not the only thing that he plans the hero. Former sailor supplies the ruined owner of the "Pharaoh" money, thereby paying for a noble person for everything that he did for Dantes. Edmond even gives the daughter of the shipowner Brilliant, providing an anonymous gift by the Saintbad-Sea-Major sign.

"Be happy, noble man! This happiness is deserved! .. And now - goodbye, people's humanity! May the god of letching give me a place in order for me to shook the villains! "
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Dantes, who is now hiding under the name of the Count Monte Cristo and occasionally resorts to the images of the Abbot of Buzoni and Sinbada Morleod, returns to the island, Ozrotimal Hero. There, a man builds a magnificent castle, where he spends a lot of time alone, working out the place of revenge.

Years later, the sudden appearance of a mysterious person fills Paris with rumors and speculation. Mighty Count Monte Cristo, whose wealth of legends go, re-acquaintances with the enemies who have achieved a high social situation over the past time.

At the first meeting, Dantes suits trap conspirators. A man subtly hints to the former prosecutor Wilfor, which knows about the murder of an illegitimate child. Then hero tells newspapers as a former soldier (now General de Monsen and Mercedes's husband) did not admitted to Turkish Sultan. Banker Baron Danghar, who wrote a malfunctional anonymous, tolerates ruin.

Baron Danglah (actor Donald Pleshens)

As a result of cunning intrigues and complex manipulations, the Count Monte Cristo seeks its own goal - his enemies are either dead or crazy. A man who spent on revenge for many years leaves the wealth of two young in love that has no relation to unpleasant history. The hero floats to the island to spend the rest of life in solitude.


The first movie dedicated to fair revenge was published in 1908. Actor Hobart Bosworth played a major role in the American version of "Count Monte Cristo". The artist returned to the image of Dantes in 1912 - director Colin Campbell invited Bosworth to his own screening of the novel.

In 1922, the Fox Film film company released a new film based on Alexander Duma's novel. The film "Monte Cristo" for a long time was considered lost, but was discovered in the archives of the studio. Dantez's role was played by John Gilbert.

Jean Mare. In the role of Count Monte Cristo

The joint creation of France and Italy was published in 1953. In the adaptation there are not all heroes described in the book, and the main character holds in the castle of the IF 17 years instead of the specified 14. The role of a former seaman entrusted the Actor Jean Mare.

In 1988, the Soviet director Georgy Jungwald-Hilkevich decided to move the adventures of Edmon Dantes to the screens. The film "Prisoner of the IF Castle" consists of three parts. The shooting of the film was held in Italy, Odessa, Riga, Paris and in the Crimean city of Alupka. Dantez's image was embodied by two actors at once: Viktor Avilov fulfilled the role of mature Edmon, and Evgeny Dvoraztsky played the main character in his youth.

Viktor Avilov as graph Monte Cristo

One of the most popular screenings was shown to the public in 1998. Mini-series "Count Monte Cristo" does not follow the plot of the novel of the same name literally. The creators of the paintings changed the final of the work and reduced the minor heroes. The role of the prisoner of the castle IF played Actor Gerard Depardieu.


"Today's friends are tomorrow's enemies." "There is nothing that would not sell when you can offer the desired price." "Always in a hurry to be happy. For a long time suffered, he hardly believes his happiness. "" You need to face death to understand how good life is good. "

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