Gelena Velikanova - songs, biography, photo, cause of death



If the fate is destined to be an artist, he will become them despite everything. This will not be able to prevent the great domestic, which began so suddenly, nor the initial hit in that university, from where the teachers in the literal sense of the word were expelled to do the matter of life. So it happened with the Gelete Giant - the talented Soviet singer, who gave the famous unfading "valley".

Childhood and youth

Conquer Moscow - the dream of every arrival in it. Some misses the opening opportunities and prospects, other - earnings, third - cultural historical center. And the parents of the future star stage led to the capital of Russia Love to each other.

Singer Gelen Velikanova

They lived in Poland exactly until the moment they came across a categorical ban on marriage. The bride belonged to the noble family and grew in a wealthy family, and the bridegroom, just like in a fairy tale, which is called from the bottom. But the young people still listened to the call of hearts, secretly married and decided to move to another country.

Here, on February 27, 1923, the younger girl, which was noticed by a gelane (Russian version of the name - Elena) appeared. In addition to her, the Giant has already grown up two sons and daughter.

Gelena Velikanova in youth

The geebe cannot be called a desired child - mother gave birth to her in 41 and feared that four children would be difficult to raise their feet. Especially in the presence of a husband who is fond of a cartoon game: Sometimes the feast is a mountain, and sometimes - empty walls and lined on the floor mattresses borrowed from the neighbors. However, they lived in one yard together.

"Our yard was extraordinary. As one family. We met all the birthdays together, all holidays. All were poor in the house. Only one family is provided. But also cute, good people. All the children were very friendly, "the memories of Gelen Martselyevna in an interview would be eagerly shared.

Since childhood, the girl was distinguished by a foolish and cheerful character, together with friends organized amateur concerts and performances with a real details, chargeing everyone with their mood. The secondary education received in the local 281st school and planned to enter the music school.

Gelena Velikanova on stage

However, plans, like in millions of other Soviet citizens, broke the war. Together with my mother went to the "Siberian Athens" - the city of Tomsk. Soon, remaining at all alone, the girl entered the technical institution. There, noticing her talent, teachers simply insisted in serving singing art. In parallel, worked in hospitals, cared for wounded and continued to sing.

Upon returning in 1944, it was credited to the Glazunovskaya school to Moscow, where the teaching staff was referred to her fame on the leaning field. However, the student herself, this genre did not welcome and continued his studies at the Mkat Studio School on the pop department. In the future, the biography was replenished with guitis.


The debut on the professional scene took place in 1948, the talented novice singer was invited to participate in their concerts Alexander Vertinsky and Lydia Ruslanov. In the 1950s, he was listed in VGO, after 15 years - in Moskoncert.

At first, songs in various genres were present in the repertoire: from children to dramatic. But the main maintenance, of course, "Lrangeys", which brought incredible popularity as a performer and the composer Oscar Feltsman. He later created for her and "train".

However, Euphoria interrupted the accusation of the authorities in the vulgarity of the executable composition of the colors, which, however, did not prevent fans and connoisseurs to love and sing it, despite the ban. By the way, this is not the first remark "top" towards the beloved millions of artists. Ekaterina Furtseva herself once spoke out about her concert outfits, invariably elegant and tastefully selected for executable hasles.

However, Gelena Marzelievna stood on her. The point here, perhaps, was also in the fact that the singer remained non-partisan, attended the church and did not hide it.

Thanks to the Giant on stage, "big poetry" began to be performed. Sergey Yesenin ("Letter of Mother", "Maple You are my fallen", "Song of the dog"), Marina Tsvetaeva ("I'll leave you", "I finally met"), Boris Pasternak ("In all I want to get to myself The essence "), Anna Akhmatova (" The Song of the First Meeting "), Rasul Gamzatov (" Friend Mothers ") acquired a musical sound.

"And singing songs on their poems in those years, to put it mildly, was not welcomed. Bulat Okudzhava said: "You do not even understand what you did! For you - to release a new song, and for me is fate. " After all, he was just forbidden to be prohibited in those years. And everyone was afraid to sing songs on his poems. And I was a "desperate girl", "recalled the" Queen of the Soviet pop ".

And it was she who introduced the listeners with Great Edith Piaf. For example, in the repertoire of the Velikanova there is a Russian-language version "Autumn leaves", the text to which she wrote her first husband - Poet Nikolai Dorizo.

A series of successful speeches interrupted at first the sick-seeming disease. Once on tour in Riga, the artist felt that the voice sits down, turned to the doctor. However, he appointed incorrect treatment that led to changing the timbre. For almost 10 years, Velikanova served as a teacher in Gnesink.

Personal life

Before the sophisticated slender beauty, it is impossible to resist. The first feet to her feet Nikolai Dorizo. The meeting happened by chance: young people met at the party, talked and no longer parted. The whole capital spoke about passionate novel.

Gelena Velikanova and her first husband Nikolai Dorizo

The sole daughter Elena appeared in the family. However, 6 years after the birth of the child, her parents divorced. After breaking in his personal life, change came: the attention of the newly free young woman was sought as high-ranking faces and colleagues in the workshop, for example, Mark Bernes.

Nikolai generals became the second spouse - the documentary director, with whom Gelen lived happy 12 years.


In the fall of 1998, the performer decided that it was time to say goodbye to the audience. Scheduled performance on November 10th. I was preparing for him, as usual, carefully. But it was not destined to spend it - a few hours before the release on the scene, the Gleynikova did not become."Usually she came long before the start of the concert. Configured. And that day it was waiting for her, waited. The phone also did not answer. We went to the Gelchka on the apartment. The door is locked, the key from the inside. I had to hack the door. She was in the bathroom. Dressed. With a towel on the shoulder, as if she had gone to wash his hands ... ", - described what had happened later to the singer's friend.

Cause of death: Stop heart.

In 2017, the album "Golden Collection" appeared on the network with the main hits of the famous Polish lady, who wonderfully baked meat donuts, virtuoso told the jokes, knocked out in his youth for Alla a frightened prize and admired Boris Greeschikov.



  • 2017 - "Golden Collection"
  • 2005 - "The Great Performers of Russia of the XX century. Gelena Velikanova. Disc 2 ".
  • 2003 - "Golden Retro Collection"
  • 1988 - "Memory"
  • 1976 - "Gelena Velikanova"
  • 1974 - "Gelen Velikanova. At that mountain
  • 1971 - "Gelena Velikanova"
  • 1970 - "Songs from the play" Taste of Cherry "
  • 1968 - "Sings Gelen Velikanova"
  • 1965 - "Friend"
  • 1961 - "On New Year's Eve"


  • 1961 - "Hey, Rulate" / "Oh, rye"
  • 1959 - "You have not said everything" / "First meeting"
  • 1959 - "All the same, Spring will come" / "Silence"
  • 1958 - "Trains" / "Lilnies"

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