Chris Isaac - Photo, Songs, Biography, News 2021



Chris Isaac is an American actor and a musician that realized in the direction of rock and roll. In an interview with the media, he repeatedly called himself the successor Elvis Presley. The author and artist Hita "Blue Hotel" today remains in demand in the cinema and collaborates with the Warner Brothers Records label.

Childhood and youth

Chris Aizek was born in the American state of California, in the city Stockton, June 26, 1956. The family of the future star belonged to the number of people with an average income. Parents and two Chris brothers rarely allowed themselves big acquisitions, but proud of the musical collection of the 1940 stars plates. Little Chris grew on the hits of Dina Martin, Elvis Presley and Bing Crosby.

Chris Aizek in youth

Over the shoulders of the singer Higher education obtained in the University of Statter, as well as internship in the Japanese Pacific University. As it turns out later, Aizek immediately realized that his heart lies with music, so no other area had won his interest fully. The young man was engaged in boxing, worked as a guide on a city film studio and practiced an essay of the romantic ballad, which performed under the accompaniment on the guitar.

Once in a boxing duel, Chris broke his nose, and the assistance of surgeons was required. After medical intervention, the appearance of the guy was transformed. He began to enjoy the attention of the representatives of the beautiful floor, and the sweet voice and sad compositions that the young man happily performed, surrounded him with a romantic halo.


Chris Aizek's creative biography takes the beginning of the creation of the Silvertone group. The team included musicians who own shock, salt, slide and bass guitars, as well as an electric cargo. Young performers made a big bet on high-quality sound and this attracted the attention of the audience.

Singer Chris Aizek

Considerable importance was given to the arrangements, which later became the signature sign of the ensemble. In creative unions it is difficult to find mutual understanding, and the musicians "Silvertone" are among the specialists who succeeded. In 1985, the team signed a contract with a recording company Warner Brothers and released a debut album.

The first record turned out to be failing: critics were disapprovingly perceived by the executive man of Aizek, in which they saw the imitation of predecessors in the chosen genre. The following album was given to the team with considerable difficulty and came out called "Chris Isaak". The disk hit the top 200 popular albums. It consisted of 11 compositions, 10 of which belonged to the authorship of the vocalist, and 11th was written by Gram Goldman.

1987 The year was marked by the advent of the Blue Hotel's permanent hit, in which the listeners saw Elvis Presley vocal techniques. It is curious that the first wave of popularity overtook the composition thanks to the location of the French audience, and then the song was rated in the USA. Krisa Aizek's performing manner gave great opportunities for the implementation of "Silvertone". The song "Wicked Game" has become an indicative example in this regard.

The 1989 album "Heart Shaped World" became a breakthrough in the creative activity of the team. Sales volumes significantly exceeded the implementation of previous plates. In 1996, the disk turned out to be multiplatin, as the circulation exceeded 2 million copies.

Despite the success, the Warner Brothers label suspended cooperation with the musician and his group, motivating this insufficient commercial return. "Silvertone" saved the interest of David Lynch to the "Wicked Game" composition. The song served as a soundtrack to the picture "Wild Heart".

The public and connoisseurs of rock and roll 1980-1990 often compared Chris Aizek with Elvis. Many seized the imitation of the work of Chris and carried out analogies between compositions. The expressive voice and a wide range of Isaac created the attractiveness that the fans of the Presley admired, but his assurances are that the singer is the successor of the idol of millions, looked too loud.

The popularity of Isaac grew. He wore a suit like the outfits of James Dina, did an intriguing Kok and conquered the female hearts with his lyrical performance. Full recognition of Chris Aizek achieved in 1991. His photo published on the covers of glossy magazines, and the hits were reprinted. On the popularity wave of the film Lynch, the album with "Wicked Game" was tirelessly bought in the United States and abroad.

All plates "SILVERTONE" became incredibly popular with the audience, and Aizek was awarded the "best vocalist of the year" musical award. The clip on the "Wicked Game" with the participation of Helena Kristensen produced a Furior on television, and Chris became the face of many advertising campaigns.


The image created by Chris Aizek on the television screen helped to promote his musical creativity and be closer to the public. The first appearance of the artist in the frame took place in the "Evening Show of Johnny Carson", where the musician became a guest guest. In the future, Isaac has repeatedly worked on the series like "great ideas", "rage", "disconnected" and others.

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The man appeared in the frame, depicting himself and trying on the role of other characters. The debut in the full-length movie was the picture "Married to Mafia". Behind this film followed participation in the filming "Silence of the Lambs".

Participation in the creation of Twin Pixes in 1992 brought the popularity of Aizek and his music. Success supported cooperation with Bernardo Bertolucci as part of the work on the project "Little Buddha".

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The album "San Francisco Days" came out during this period did not produce Furora, so the audience was increasingly paid to Isaac on the screen, rather than on the musical scene.

The artist concentrated at work on television and regularly appeared in front of the camera, participating in the shooting of the series. Periodically, his bodies were intermitted with roles in full-length films. For some time, the celebrity even had her own show.

Personal life

A versatile developed personality, Chris Aizek is realized in many directions of creativity. At leisure, he likes to draw comics and is fond of animation, riding a surf and is still most of the time pays professional development. The musician has brothers, jeff and nickname, with whom he is often found.

Chris Aizek

A little known about the personal life of vocalist. Fans interested in the presence of the Chris of Wife and Children will not find information about them in the personal account in "Instagram". It is known that in his youth, Chris survived the loss. His beloved after prolonged courtius answered the musician reciprocity, but the Union existed for a long time, as the girl died.

Chris Isaac now

In 2018, as in his youth, Chris Aizek remains faithful to the usual style. His music in the style of the composition "CAN't Help Falling In Love With You" is also lyric and reminds about the 1980s.

Chris Aizek in 2018

The performer continues to perform on stage, and is also being implemented as a composer, producer and director. Isaac does not part with a television career and receives invitations to cooperation over a variety of projects.


  • 1985 - "SILVERTONE"
  • 1987 - "Chris Isaak"
  • 1993 - "San Francisko Days"
  • 1995 - "FOREVER BLUE"
  • 1996 - "Baja Sessions"
  • 1998 - "Speak of the Devil"
  • 2004 - "Christmas"
  • 2009 - "Mr. Lucky »
  • 2011 - "BEYOND THE SUN"


  • 1988 - "Married to Mafia" "
  • 1991 - "Silence of Lambs"
  • 1992 - "Twin Pix"
  • 1993 - "Little Buddha"
  • 1994 - "Friends"
  • 1996 - "My heart joy"
  • 1996 - "What are you doing"
  • 1999 - "End of innocence"
  • 2004 - "Shamelessness"
  • 2009 - "Informants"

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