Sofia Coppola - photos, movies, biography, personal life, news 2021



Sofia Coppola went in the footsteps of the famous Father Francis Ford Coppola, and the first film was proved that she was not just a carrier of the famous surname, but a real talent.

Sofia Coppola

A woman does not seek a million fee, preferring to work with medium or small budgets, and believes that money is not measured. If at the beginning of the career, the appearance of Sofia in films was accompanied by an indulgent comment "Daughter you know who", then 20 years later, no one risked her courage on the set on the set.

Childhood and youth

Sophia Carmina Coppola is one of the three children of the legendary director and his only daughter. Her mother - Eleanor Jesse Neil, Decorator and cousin actor Nicholas Cage. This is not a complete list of star relatives - a special place among them is Her grandfather on the father of Karmin Coppola, a musician and composer, whose compositions Sofia will later include in their films.

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Together with the Roman and Jan-Carlo brothers, the girl was brought up in a creative atmosphere. They were often on the set as guests and their debut earned themselves. Sofia performed the first role when she was only a few months from the family - his father took her in the episode of the "godfather". Later, the 2-year-old baby appeared in the continuation of the painting, and at the age of 6 received a role in the Apocalypse today.

Sofia was crazy about the world of cinema and proud of numerous acquaintances with the stars of the screen. In his youth, she replaced the surname of the pseudonym Domino to once again not to emphasize the relationship with the director. Already by the age of 16, the Coppola was an experienced actress and starred not only in the father's films, but still this work was by no means its only passion. Sofia was interested in model business, tried to develop clothes design, studied photo and danced.

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The director's daughter was always in the center of the most fashionable New York parties. Coppola-senior did not oppose the diversity of her hobbies and hoped that over time she would still make the final choice in favor of the movies, but this did not happen. The acting career of the girl crossed the unsuccessful role: in the 3rd part of the "godfather" she played the main character, replacing the refusal from filming Winon Rider, and criticism almost unanimously recognized her work unsuccessful.

The accusations of the bias of the director and speculation on the spelling name of Coppola were defended, after which the upset Sofia decided to leave shooting in the movies. In subsequent years, she turned rapid activities: graduated from California College of Arts, created his clothing brand Milkfed and opened a boutique, tried herself in shooting advertising and music clips, and also removed the short film to "surpass the star" dedicated to the adventures of adolescent girls.


The first serious experience in the director was the film "Virgin Suicide." In an interview, Sofia admitted that she inspired her romance to her romance about girls from the Puritan family, who suffered from domestic violence. The contrast between their lives, full prohibitions, and free relations in her own family struck her, and she decided to share his thoughts with the general public.

Sofia Coppola and Nicholas Cage

The father approved the idea and agreed to become a film producer, and also helped to choose a brilliant cast - in the "virgins" Dunst, James Wood and Kathleen Turner starred. The directorial debut was successful - the film was highly appreciated and critics, and spectators, and Sofia came out of the shadow of the famous relative and proved her talent. She realized that he wanted to continue to develop in this direction.

The next work of the Coppola became the picture of the "Differences of Translation", the success of which finally secured the place of Sofia among the leading modern directors. Proof of this was the Oscar Award and 3 "Golden Globes".

Sofia Coppola and her father Francis Ford Coppola

After that, the new films of Sofia began to go out with a periodicity of about 6 years: "Maria-Antoinetta" followed "Mary-Antoinette" - a picture of the life of the French Queen, "somewhere" - a melodrama about the relationship between the famous actor with her daughter, which was based on Facts of biography of the Coppol itself.

In 2013, the "Elite Society" was published - a film about the adventures of a teenage criminal gang, the extensive thefts of Hollywood stars. In a professional environment, Sofia received the status of a specialist in young actors: under her wing, little-known artists have repeatedly grown in the stars of the first magnitude. It happened to Scarlett Johansson, Katie Chang, El Fanning.

Director Sofia Coppola

In 2017, Coppola decided to present the audience a new reading of the painting "Deceived", filmed in 1971. The story of women told to this men, the efforts of Sofia appeared in a completely new world: she did not hide that first of all this is a feminist project.

In the Russian box office, the film came out under the name "fatal temptation". For him, the director received a palm branch of the film festival in Cannes, becoming the second in the history of a woman - the owner of a prestigious award (the first was Russian woman Julia Soltsev, who removed the "Flame Tale").

Personal life

In the personal life of the artist was 2 marriages. The first time she married Jones Spike in 1999, but the relationship lasted only 4 years and ended in divorce. There were no children from the pair.

Sofia Coppola and Keanu Rivz

After the collapse of the marriage, Sofia had several short-term novels, including the actor Keanu Rivz. She later met the French musician Thomas Pablo Croc, speaking under the name of Thomas Mars in the Phoenix group. They were born 2 daughters - in 2006, Romi, and after 3 years - Kozima, and only after that, the couple decided to issue a relationship officially.

The luxurious wedding took place in the town of Bernald, at the homeland of the great-grandfather Sofia Agostino Coppola, at the Palazzo Margherita Hotel. Only the closest relatives and friends were invited, but several photos from the celebration still leaked into the press.

Sofia Coppola and her husband Thomas Mars

Elegant manner dress brought Sofia title icons style, although she herself confesses that this title cannot tolerate. The woman is sincerely surprised that it can serve for other source of inspiration, and does not consider himself fashionista.

Coppola has long been friends with the designer Mark Jacobs, removed in his advertising campaigns and is involved in shows. In 2017, she became a model Calvin Klein, and her photo appeared in the official "instagram" of the brand.

Sofia Coppola now

In 2018, Metacritic website included her name to the list of directors, in the career of which there was not a single failed film. The name of Sofia turned out to be in it next to such matrahs as Quentin Tarantino, Hayao Miyazaki, Paul Anderson.

Sofia Coppola in 2018

The remake of "deceived" became the 6th full-length picture in Coppola filmography. She does not disclose the names of the projects that it works on now - perhaps, after the success of the "fatal temptation", the director decided to take a creative vacation. The latest news about her person is connected exclusively with participation in secular parties and recreation in the family, but fans are already looking forward to new prime and guess than Sophia will surprise them this time.



  • 1972 - "Great Father"
  • 1974 - "The Cross Father 2"
  • 1983 - "Relief"
  • 1984 - "Cotton Club"
  • 1986 - "Puggy Sue married"
  • 1987 - "Anna"
  • 1988 - "Tucker: Man and his dream"
  • 1989 - "New York Stories"
  • 1990 - "Spirit of the 76th"


  • 1999 - "Suician Virgin"
  • 2001 - "Agent" Dragonfly "
  • 2003 - "Difficulties of Translation"
  • 2006 - "Maria-Antoinetta"
  • 2010 - "Somewhere"
  • 2013 - "Elite Society"
  • 2017 - "Traviata"
  • 2017 - "Fatory Temptation"

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