Nikolay Zabolotsky - photos, poems, biography, cause of death



Poet Nikolai Zabolotsky is a bright representative of Russian poetry. If his early works were impregnated with the ideas of futurism, in the future he found his own individual style that used in verses, organically mixing a thin irony with deep philosophy and piercing lyrics.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai was born in the spring of 1903 in the Koliyskaya Sloboda (now Kazan), Kazan province. The boy was very proud of his parents, his mother worked as a teacher in the village, and his father was an agronomist and worked as a managers on the farm. The childhood of the future poet passed not only in his native Sloboda, he spent a lot of time and served in the village, which was located in the Vyatka province.

Nikolai Zabolotsky in childhood

In the school teacher and parents noticed the child's talent, because already in the 3rd grade, he independently created a magazine in which the compositions placed. For further training, Zabolotsky moves to Urzhum and comes there in the school, the preference of a young man gives drawing, as well as chemistry and history.

After the end of the real school in 1920, Zabolotsky enters Moscow University. He chooses philology and medicine, but soon moves to Petrograd and ends in the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen branch of a foreign language and literature. A year later, in 1926, a young man is calling for a service in the army.


For the service of Zabolotsky, they are determined in Leningrad, from where he leaves the reserve in a year. And if in the youth, early poet's poems told about the experiences of the Yunc from the village and his memories, then after the army, his worldview changes, which helps to create their own, who are not similar to the style of narration. So in the bibliography of the poet, the first standing works appear.

Nikolay Zabolotsky in youth

After the army, Nikolai falls into the situation of recent years of the new economic policy, which has become the basis for poetic poems impregnated with satire. Late works he combined into one book, called "columns". Portrait of a poet put on the cover of the publication.

The book was published in 1929, immediately after the release, it caused a mass of negative comments in the press. Despite this, a man establishes relations with the magazine "Star", in which other verses of the author enter the second, unpublished, editorial board are published in the future.

The next edition, which consisted of the poetry of the Zabolotsky, created in the period from 1926 to 1932, was already printed, but readers did not see it. And the work of Nikolai Alekseevich "Celebration of Agriculture", caused a new stream of negative on the author. Such an attitude to creativity made the poet more and more make sure that he would not be allowed to be implemented in poetry in his own original direction. This explains the creative decline of Nikolai, which lasted until 1935.

Nikolay Zabolotsky at work

For life, a man earned in two magazines under the leadership of Samuel Marshak, wrote children's poems and prose, as well as translating the stories of foreign authors. So Nikolai gradually strengthened his position in the literary circles of the former Leningrad, and the next few years written poems received approval.

In 1937, he even released a "second book", consisting of 17 poems. And at about the same time he worked on the translation of the work of the "Word about the regiment of Igor", his own poem "Osad Kozelsk", as well as other writings and translations. However, the apparent prosperous time turned out to be deceptive.


The real coup in the biography of Zabolotsky occurred in 1938, when he was accused of propaganda against the Soviet system. As the argument to the author presented articles from critics and a review review, which directly slander, distorting the idea of ​​written works.

Nikolay Zabolotsky

The only thing that he saved from the execution was the refusal to recognize guilt in the creation of the organization of counter-revolutionaries, which, by conviction of the prosecutors, also included other people. It is worth noting the review of the criticism of Nikolai Laurechevsky, who wrote for the NKVD, which considers the work of a Zabolotsky call to the fight against socialism and Soviet politics.

As a later man, a man expressed in memoirs "The History of My Conclusion", issued abroad in 1981, the first time torture was not used to him, and tried to suppress morally. Nicholas deprived meals and sleep and day passed. He was not allowed to get up from the chair, on which he spent not one day. Investigators replaced each other, and the man continued to stay motionless.

Nikolay Zabolotsky

After the time of his time, his legs were highly elapsed, and the feet was intolerable, the consciousness began to bury further. However, the poet with all their might tried to maintain a clear mind so that people who interrogated him were not injured from injustice and arbitrariness by state bodies.

From 1939 to 1943, Nikolai is serving a sentence in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the Eastern Railway Correlation and Labor Camp, and another year - in the Kulundy steppes in ITL "Altai". The letters sent to children and wife later formed the basis of his selection of "One hundred letters of 1938-1944".

The return to the literary life in a man took place only in 1944, it was then that he graduated from "the Word about the regiment of Igor", which recognized the best translation among works created by other Russian poets. This fact helped a writer in 2 years to return from Karaganda to Moscow and recover in the Writers' Union, start writing with new forces.

Poems written by Zabolotsky in the period from 1946 to 1948, modern writers appreciated. Most of the works of the men passed his sadness and echoes over. It was at that time that the poems were written "Cranes" and "Thaw".

Monument Nikolay Zabolotsky

However, his creative lift quickly moved to the decline, and the man was mainly in line with artistic translations. But after the XX Congress of the CPSU, ideological censorship was weakened in the literature, and Nikolai again takes over the pen. Over the past 3 years of life, he writes most of the works after liberation, some are even printed. In 1955, poems "ugly girl" and "On the beauty of human souls" appear. In 1957, his 4th compilation comes out, and a year later, the work "Do not let the soul of lazy."

Personal life

Personal life in Zabolotsky one time was well, but at some point he gave the crack. The poet's wife became Ekaterina Klykov. Young people got married in 1930, during the maintenance of her husband in custody, a woman supported him and conducted a correspondence.

Nikolay Zabolotsky and his wife Ekaterina Klykov with daughter Natalia

However, in 1955 she left Nicholas to the writer Vasily Grossman. During this period, the man spun a novel with Natalia Roscina. But after 3 years the wife returned to Zabolotsky and until the end of the days was with his spouse.

Nikolay Zabolotsky and Natalia Roskina

In marriage, Nikolai Alekseevich had two children. The son of Nikita appeared in the family 2 years after the wedding. Having matured, he became a biologist and author of articles on biology, and also created several memoirs about his father. Natalia's daughter was born in 1937, in 25 years, the girl married Nikolai Kaverin, who was an academician RAM.


Although in recent years, Nikolai Alekseevich received recognition of readers and had enough livelihoods, health left in prison and camps, failed to return to a man. After returning home, he often sick.

The grave of Nikolai Zabolotsky

As N. Chukovsky, N. Chukovsky, who knew the Zabolotsky well, got a serious blow to Nikolai and after his wife's departure. After this event, he had the first heart attack. The poet lived for another 3 years. The cause of the death of the writer was the second heart attack that occurred in October 1958.

Nikolai's spouse died in 1997, a woman was buried next to her husband. In the photo from the grave of the poet, a monument was visible, on which the name of Catherine Vasilyevna was carved.


  • 1929 - "Columns"
  • 1931 - "Mysterious City"
  • 1937 - "The Second Book: Poems"
  • 1948 - "Poem"
  • 1957 - "Poem"
  • 1957 - "Last Love"
  • 1981 - "The History of My Conclusion"

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