Irina Melnikova - photos, books, biography, personal life, news 2021



Russian writer, author of love and detective novels. The first work wrote in 1997 and immediately gained success among the public. The bright sample of Irina Melnikova's loving prose is the novels of the "ring with turquoise", which was shielded in 2008, "antique with carnation", "Pandora keys" and others. The curial series "Agent of the Device Police" received widespread recognition of the reader. The author has its own circle of admirers, which grows with every book released.

Childhood and youth

Valentina (real name of the writer) Melnikova was born in 1953 in the city of Belaya Kalitva, Rostov region. But already in 1954, parents, taking a small currency and her sister Larisa, moved to Siberia - the village of the prevail of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which is on the right bank of the Yenisei.

Irina (Valentina) Melnikova

Father - a former officer, who comes from Primorye, got director to the club. Mom comes from southern places, the Don Cossack, began to work in the office of shipyard. Adults whole days at work, and the children are provided to himself. They played in the salts, hide and seek, Napta, and the charter, went to the outstands, in each of which were certainly obtained.

"Lived a big international family," the writer remembers the first pages of the biography, they walked on holidays, without fail. On Mandolin, the German played, Chuvash - on the harmonica, the Pole on the violin, photographed Udmurt, and the songs sang the Ukrainian chorus. "

Here, in the village club, the theater's passion began. Valentine began to compose fairy tales herself, and then the plays that could be played on stage. For example, in the 4th grade, the girl wrote a play against the oppression of the peasants, but then, Moldov, understood that it was not ready to write so serious things. Although in what will be a writer, never doubted. Higher philological education was already in Abakan (Khakassia), which moved afterwards.


Humanitarian education allowed a woman to choose creative professions. For many years he worked as a teacher, worked by a journalist. And, of course, wrote for yourself, for the soul: sketches, essays, essays, stories. All this was only a prelude to the first work of the "unfinished romance", which comes out in 1997.

"It was a kind of experiment. I checked, enough patience to bring the novel to a logical end and bring together all the plot lines. He wrote from hand, and every day I was extinguished, "the author says.

The first readers were Valentina's girlfriends, who were transferred to the written to read to friends, and so on the chain. It strengthened a woman in thought to send a manuscript to the Eksmo Publishing House. A month later, a letter came from the addressee with a proposal to conclude an agreement for the publication of the novel. And at the same time, the author asked to change their long name for the option of the shorter. So the pseudonym Irina appeared, which became the second name for a woman.

Historical love novels Irina Melnikova

The genre of the love romance in the late 90s used unprecedented popularity. And a book telling about a simple woman named Elena, who after the death of her husband leaves in a deaf village and finds there both a series of unforgettable adventures and new love, and the readers of different ages occurred.

Outside success, now Irina Melnikova again took up the pen. Among the subsequent bright works are the love-adventurous novels "Antique with a clove", the "Inheritance" bride, "Alexander - Punishment of the Lord." Plots of Romanians The author unfolds on the historical soil of the XIX century. And this is explained: the sophisticated beauty and the nobility of the past era are configured on a romantic way.

Writer Irina Melnikova

Sometimes readers ask the idol questions - where does such knowledge of history come from. According to the author, painstaking work with sources is superimposed on a good basic knowledge: a woman comes up for hours in libraries to find the necessary information. In the early 2000s, Irina Alexandrovna appeared in the new amplua - the author of detectives. The Agent Agent of the Device Police includes five novels: "White Wolf Talisman", "Demons of the Black Site", "Siberian Amazon", "Agent of the Device Police", "Finding a Comedy".

All works are united the crime destination - the fictional Siberian town of Northelan. Investigations are a detective with experience Fedor Tartishchev and the young detective Alexey Polyakov. For this work, the writer became the laureate of the literary premium of the Siberian Federal District, and also received diplomas of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

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From 2011 to 2014, Melnikova works on another popular series "Family Obereg". It included 3 love-historical novels - "Sunset Colors Flamingo", "Star Reflection", "Love Stone".

And finally, the very fresh series in the writer's bibliography - "His Majesty is the case", which is written in co-authorship with the Kazakhstan author of George Lansky in 2015-2016. Three-minded fascinating detective stories entered the trilogy: "Rage of Valkyrie", "Satan Lick", "Pandora Keys", which have gained great success in the fans of the genre.

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Today, the books of the writer Melnikova are so popular that she increasingly receives decreasing offers. And this for the author is a separate reason to be proud of. The first films based on its works appeared in the mid-2000s: "My tender and gentle ment" (2006), "Colecko with turquoise" (2008). In production, several more paintings, including the screening of the "hot key" is a dismanting novel.

"The readers say that they read my books and are very bright and vividly represent the heroes and events - just like in the movies. But I am aspiring to be alive, beautiful and entertaining. And affected the spiritual strings. To laugh at what and swimming. As in life! ", - the writer speaks about his work.

Personal life

In a few interviews, the writer reports only a few facts of personal life: a widow, a happy mother of four adult children and grandmother's grandchildren.

Irina Melnikova

Senior children - Son and daughter with her husband - serve in the police. The younger son with the daughter-in-law became journalists, but the youngest daughter was inspired by an example of an older brother and entered the University of St. Petersburg University of MVD. To be closer to the daughter, Irina Alexandrovna moved to live in the northern capital.

Irina Melnikova now

In 2018, Irina Alexandrovna is working on the fourth book in collaboration with Georgy Lansky called "Furi Heart." According to her, it is likely to be the final publication of the joint cycle.

Irina Melnikova in 2018

In an interview with the Abakan online publishing "Chance", Melnikova said that it was also working on the books of the "Single Reporter" series - the continuation of the Agent of the Devocal Police.

Also, the author's plans are still a few interesting projects: the feather-bird feather on immigrants for the Far East, as well as the Book of Mountain Guardians, the events of which are based on the real adventures of American in Siberia.


  • 1997 - "Unknown Romance"
  • 2000s - "Agent of the Device Police"
  • 2000 - "Hot Key"
  • 2002 - "Natural Disaster"
  • 2004 - "Antique with carnation"
  • 2008 - "Tango on the sand"
  • 2009 - "Summer Detective"
  • 2010 - "From Hate to Love"
  • 2011 - "Sunset Colors Flamingo"
  • 2012 - "Reflection of the Star"
  • 2014 - "Stone of Love"
  • 2015 - "Pandora Keys"
  • 2016 - "Rage of Valkyrie"

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