Tatyana Ivanenko - movies, biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, died, actress, role 2021



Tatyana Ivanenko did not enter the number of Soviet actresses, whose popularity was brought success in the frame. The artist's filmography was scarce, and in the theater it was practically not given major roles. Fame of the performer brought a stormy novel with Vladimir Vysotsky, who determined her subsequent fate. Tatyana Vasilyevna Ivanhenko hopelessly loved the idol of the public and raised his only daughter.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana Ivanenko was born in Moscow on December 31, 1941. The dream to become an actress did not leave a girl since childhood. Future artist decided to realize their ambitions, enrolling in the theater school. M. S. Shchepkin. A year later, the girl's plans changed. Tatiana decided to change a little profile and entered VGIK. Entrance tests are easy. After the exams, Ivanhenko was credited to Boris Babochane. The main goat girl turned out to be an external appeal.

Thanks to the type of Tatyana, persistent invitations about cooperation from the Small Theater, but they answered all calls to the refusal. The student followed his dream to play the stage of the Theater of Drama and Comedy on Taganka and did not want to exchange. Perseverance and purposefulness helped Ivanhenko to achieve the desired. In 1966 she was enrolled in the troupe of the beloved theater. Artist at that moment was 25 years old.


Bright appearance and creative potential did not bring Tatiana Success. It was involved in major productions, but did not offer major roles. Ivanhenko performed in the second plan in the productions "Hamlet", "Pugachev", "Life Galilea", "Crime and Punishment." Her Star Role turned out to be the image of a merchant in the play "And the dawns here are quiet ...".

The lack of claims did not scare the girl. She continued to look for her place under the sun, not paying attention to the fact that her peers and colleagues in the fishing ski became popular and gathered alllands. The opportunity to implement in the profession Ivanhenko saw in cinema.

The debut role for her was the work in the picture "Time, Forward!". The name of the actress was not mentioned in the credits, so few could recognize it. The next job in the movie turned out to be the film "served two comrades." At the site Tatyana Ivanhenko worked with Vladimir Vysotsky. This tape was also not destined to make an actress recognizable, because her surname again did not indicate in the credits.

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The main works in the filmography of the artist were the roles in films "Attention, tsunami!" And "ahead of the day." The second picture came out on the screens in 1970. The scenario was based on the story of Irina Velembovskaya called "Family Business". He led the shooting director Pavel Lyubimov.

The director responded positively about the work of Tatiana Ivanenko. He was among those who compared the actress with Brigit Bardo, noting her explosive sexuality and attractiveness. In the interview, Lyubimov said that in Vgika there was no man who did not dream of this girl, but her main advantage remained appearance, and not dramatic talent.

Invitation to the role of in front of the day, the director justified the fact that the actress was fascinated by charm and gave her a chance. The image of the seducer, who Ivanenko embodied in the frame, was extremely relevant at that time, because gossip about the novel with Vysotsky went everywhere. After entering the picture, the actress no longer worked in the frame. She left shooting and only several times collaborated with a film service, creating voice acting for films.

Personal life

The arrival in the theater on Taganka became the main event in the life of Tatiana Ivanhenko. It was here that she met with a man of his life, Vladimir Vysotsky. At that time, the actor and bard worked for 2 years on the stage of the theater and the rapid pace became famous. Young people met and showed interest to each other.

Tatiana had a husband - the artist of the circus Victor. It seemed that the personal life of the actress was happily formed: the spouse was worn in his hands and demonstrated his love. In the house of Ivanhenko, there were always scarce things, and the girl did not need anything. Tatiana used the benefits that Victor provided, but in secretly loved the other.

The unsuccessful speech of the circus artist led to the tragedy: a drop in the execution of the trick provoked damage to the vision. Soon Tatyana left her husband, stating that he loves the other. There were no children from the couple, so the parting was quick. Coming with Vysotsky, Ivanhenko gained respect among his buddies and acquaintances.

The actress positively influenced the already famous musician and the author. She patiently took him in his apartment, helped to come to the feeling after the bumps, was supporting in difficult situations. Even Lyudmila Abramova, who was at that time his wife Vladimir Semenovich and his two sons, was grateful to Tatiana for the support of Vysotsky. Ivanhenko, in turn, repeatedly loved him and endured any tricks.

As often happens in life, the actress has decided the case in life in life: Vladimir Vysotsky met Marina Vladimir. It happened in front of Tatiana. Mutual sympathy between the musician and overseas actress did not remain unnoticed. The evening ended with a scandal between Vladimir and Tatiana.

Vysotsky preferred by Vlad. On December 1, 1970, they were combined with marriage. But Ivanhenko did not leave the life of the artist. They continued to communicate, went on tour, visited public events. The consequence of communication was the emergence of Anastasia's daughter.

Vysotsky, understanding his sharp position in the Soviet Union, refused to recognize the child, as the girl was born out of marriage. Bard's daughter was recorded in documents with the patronymic of the biological father, but with the name of the mother. Vladimir Semenovich took part in the life of a little Nastya, helping the child financially. In a narrow circle, rumors were rumored that he even thought to marry Tatiana Ivanenko, but it turned out to be speculation.

Tatyana Vasilyevna did not blame the beloved in anything. She persistently tolerated his mood change and sympathy, thrust to alcohol and creative impulses and did not dream that the marriage with the Way would be terminated, because the entire Soviet Union lived the story of this love. In his youth, the artist did not understand why Vysotsky could not be with her, but over time realized that he was so worried her and his daughter from risks that entail extraordinary popularity.

After the death of Bard, the artist did not try to catch the wave of fame, speculating the photo, as many did it. She did not give an interview and did not tell the press of relationships with the main actor of the theater on Taganka.

Details of the appearance of Vysotsky's daughter remained behind the scenes, which were grateful to his loved ones. Faced with the miscarions of journalists who told in the newspaper about the secret of the birth of Nastya allegedly, Tatyana Ivanenko filed to the court, and its claim was satisfied.

Thanks to the mother, the girl received a good education, graduated from Moscow State University in the specialty "Journalism" and got a job on the TV channel "Culture". Subsequently, she married, and the granddaughter of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky, Arina appeared. All free time Tatyana Ivanhenko devoted to his family, participating in the upbringing of the girl.


Being in old age, the former artist continued to keep silence about the relationship with the favorite of the Soviet public and refused public speeches. The actress lived in his own apartment in the southwest of Moscow and supported contact exclusively with close people.

On February 5, 2021, it became known that Tatiana Ivanenko died. The exact cause of her death was not named, however, it is known that the woman had weak health, and the last two years of life she could not walk.


  • 1965 - "Time, Forward!"
  • 1968 - "served two comrades"
  • 1969 - "Attention, tsunami!"
  • 1970 - "Ahead day"

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