Heinrich Yagoda - head of the NKVD, biography, personal life, cause of death, photo, drugs, nationality



Heinrich Yagoda is a man, one name of whom in the mid-30s of the 20th century was afraid of both the coarse in the top of power and ordinary people. He founded the gulag, which became a symbol of the repressive system, and laid the foundation for future mass massacles over dismissal. However, neither merits in front of the party nor the high chin saved the People's Commissar from the Totalitarian Molo themselves.

Childhood and youth

Enoch Gershenovich Yagoda - this is the real name of the People's Commissar - Born on November 7, 1891 in the Russian city of Rybinsk. A year before the birth of the boy, the family moved there from Simbirsk (today the city is called Ulyanovsky), in 1896 to return back. The family of berries was Jewish and, according to the traditions of those times, more familiar - in addition to Henry, the parents had 2 more sons and 5 daughters.

In Simbirsk, berries lived for a long time and no later than 1902 moved to Nizhny Novgorod. Herchers of the berry worked as a jeweler (according to other information - engraver printer), the mother of the family burdened with 8 children was a housewife. Heinrich, graduating from school, got a job as statisticians.

When the First World War began, the berry called on the front, where he served first by the rank, and then by the Efreitor until the end of 1916. Having wounded, demobilized and again settled to work on the work jacket, later - to the statistics department of the Union of Cities.

Revolution and political activities

Revolutionary ideas were peculiar to the whole family of Henry, so he joined them in his youth. Father in 1904 consented to accommodation in the apartment of the berries underground printing house, and the future head of the NKVD actively participated in its work.

In 1905, the engagement of sons in the case of the revolution in 1905 - during an uprising in Sorov, 15-year-old Mikhail Yagoda was killed, Senior Brother Henry. In 1907, the young man himself was involved in serious games: according to the information of the Moscow Security Department, he was part of the Anarcho Communists of Nizhny Novgorod. Moreover, Henry's task was given serious - to enter Moscow comrades on convictions for further planning of the Bank's robbery.

In 1912, the berry was detained in Moscow due to the problematic nationality. The young man lived in the city along a fake passport, while the Jews live in the former capital was paid - the persons of the Jewish religion beyond the rare exceptions had the right to settle only in sidewality. It is not known that it was alerted gendarmes, but perhaps it was the appearance of Henry - with the photo of that period on the descendants, a classic Jewish young man is watching.

In the process of proceedings, information on the revolutionary bonds of the berries was obtained, and for 2 years he was sent to the symbirsk link, but later due to the amnesty, the term was reduced to the year. Returning home, the berry switched to Orthodoxy and thanks to this he was able to live in the capital of pre-revolutionary Russia, Petrograd.

When a revolution began in the city in 1917, Heinrich became its active participant, and during the year he worked as the editor of the "Rustic Poor" newspaper. When it was the berry that joined the party, it is not known for certain. He himself pointed out 1907 in the autobiography itself, but according to his charge, the meter of the trilisser, this happened only in 1917.

The political career of the revolutionary quickly went uphill. Starting from work in Petrograd CC, already in 1919 he served in the Higher Military Inspectorate of the Red Army. There, the berry was seen by Felix Dzerzhinsky and translated into Moscow, to the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade.

The Special Department of the National Security Service was as follows in the biography of the service, since 1920, Henry Grigorievich was a member of the Public Political Management Board. After 3 years, it was sent to the 2nd deputy chairman of the OGPU, and after the death of Dzerzhinsky, he took the post of Vyacheslav Menzhinsky who changed him and became the head of secret-operational management.

During the fight within the batch, the Berry party performed on the side of Joseph Stalin and in October 1927 was the head of the acceleration of antistali demonstrations. In the early 1930s, Henrich Grigorievich began to oversee the construction of a white, which was preferably conducted by the prisoners of the Gulag, also created due to the efforts of the berries. The prisoners folded about him (unknown, by good will or in order to avoid regular repression) with the words:

"The berry itself leads us and teaches his eye to his eyes, strong hand!".

Meanwhile, comrades in the party were evaluated by the works of colleagues otherwise, putting into the course of a chastushka

"You will not painfully chorry,

Communist without a year.

Soon there is a mixture with you

Genic berry "

In 1933, Henry Grigorievich was closely engaged in the issues of arrests and search for pests in the drug addicts of the USSR. For cases, in the development of which he participated, about 100 agrarians were arrested, 40 of them were shot. On the spyings of 23 arrested to the highest, 21 people were sentenced.

Already then, the convict addresses of the Commander of Agriculture wrote Stalin from the camps that the berry led a consequence with the use of illegal methods. The same mentioned in the letters Alexander Revison in the wake of spies. The case could go to the move - the Politburo Commission recognized the claim with relevant reality. However, after the murder of Sergey Kirov, no one has done this issue, and Henrich Grigorievich in 1934 became a member of the CPSU Central Committee (b).

When in 1934, the NKVD was created, the People's Commissar of the internal affairs of the USSR appointed a berry, which at that time unexpectedly began to adhere to the Humanistic worldview and stated that it was time to stop executions. However, this did not prevent Henry to become one of the organizers of the processes for the murder of Kirov - there was no choice among the addict, the comrade Stalin insisted on this personally.

In 1935, the berry received the title of General Commissioner of the State Security Commission, and later led the process against Leo Kamenev and Grigoria Zinoviev. However, the People's Commissar in the issues of internal party struggle stood on positions close to the views of Nikolai Bukharin and Alexey Rykov. It was careless - Stalin considered these two dangerous for himself, the man lost the trust of the Great Leader.

At first, Heinrich Grigorievich in 1936 was removed from office and made the Communications Commissar, then deprived this post, and also excluded from WCP (b). The end of the berries became a matter of time.

Arrest and trial

On April 4, 1937, Henry Yody was arrested on charges of anti-state activities and criminal offenses. Then they were imposed in the guilt of communication with Lvi-Trotsky, Nikolai Bukharin and Alexei Rykov, also arrested in the case of the Trotskyist-fascist plot in the Drug Addiction.

During the third Moscow process, the berry categorically denied another wenchant crime - espionage, but confessed that she covered the participants of the conspiracy and recognized himself to a traitor to the Motherland.


On March 13, 1937, Henry Berry was sentenced: the death penalty through the execution. In a vain attempt to save the life of the convict praying Stalin about pardon, but the petition was rejected. March 15, 1938, Henrich Grigorievich Yagoda was executed in a Lubyan prison. The cause of death, obviously, it became a bullet wound.

In the posthumous rehabilitation, the berry was denied - the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation finally decided on April 2, 2015. Human rights defenders were supported - it would be strange to rehabilitate a person whose conscience initiation of the repression process.

Personal life

Heinrich Beroda was married to the second niece of the idea Averbach, in 1929 the son of Heinrich (Garrik) was born. The name of the first People's Commissar of the NKVD was a lawyer and, while the spouse was in the mercy of Stalin, worked in the prosecutor's office.

After the arrest and shooting of the berries, the woman divided the fate of many relatives repressed: at first it was 5 years old Soslane to Orenburg, then, after revising the case, sent to the Temnovsky concentration camp, and in June 1938 he was shot. Unlike her husband, Idu Averbach rehabilitated.

Son Garrick took the surname of the mother to avoid persecution. After the death of the parents was brought up in an orphanage, in 1949 he got into the camp, from where Stalin was freed after the death. In general, after the execution of the People's Commissar from Repression suffered 15 of his relatives.

There is information that in the personal life of the ber did not limit himself and had many mistresses. Nadezhda Peshkova, Maxim Gorky, with whom Henry Grigorievich was friends with pre-revolutionary times.

In addition, the People's Commissaries had specific collectible interests - during the search, a solid number of pornographic materials was seized in the berry.

As for the appearance of the People's Commissar, the Internet has information about the extraordinarily small growth of Heinrich - 146 cm. However, this information is dispersed. In the photo from the construction of the Moscow-Volga Channel, the Berry stands next to Nikita Khrushchev, and its growth was about 160 cm. It can be seen that Heinrich Grigorievich is above Khrushchev, and this allows us to conclude that the real growth of the berries is rather closer to 170 cm.

Read more to learn about the first addict NKVD, you can from documentaries "Special folder. Lubyanka's owner: Heinrich Berry, "" Secrets of the century. Henry Yagoda: Falling Marshal Lubyanka "and dedicated to him the 34th series of" Historical Chronicles with Nikolai Svanidze ".


  • 1922 - sign "Honorary Worker of the HCHC GPU (V)"
  • 1927 - "Order of the Red Banner"
  • 1930 - "Order of the Red Banner"
  • 1932 - "Order of Labor Red Vintage RSFSR"
  • 1932 - Sign "Honorary Worker of the HCH-GPU (XV)"
  • 1933 - sign "Honorary Worker of RCM"
  • 1933 - "Order of Lenin"

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