Count Dukhuk - character biography, actor, quotes, teacher


Character History

Character of the fictional Universe of Film Wars. A man of noble origin from the planet is serve. He began as a master Jedi and the head of the confederation of independent systems, then betrayed the "light side" and became a dark lord of Sitchov, known as Darth Tirannus.

History of creation

Count Duku is a key character of episode II "Star Wars: Attack of Clones", and also appears as a secondary hero in the episode III "Revenge of Sith". The role is performed by the actor Christopher Lee, the famous spectators also for the role of Magic Saruman in the trilogy of the "Lord of the Rings", filmed on the novel by John Tolkina by Director Peter Jackson in 2001-2003. Ten years later, the actor appeared in the same role in two films of the trilogy "Hobbit", filmed by the same director based on the story of Tolkien "Hobbit, or there and back."

Actor Christopher Lee.

In the 2000s, Christopher Lee tightly collaborated with the director Tim Berton. The actor voiced the Barmaglot in the film "Alice in Wonderland" (2010) and the Pastor of Gallswells in the animation film "Corpse of the Bride" (2005). And in the movie "Charlie and a Chocolate Factory", shot by Tim Berton based on the story of the name of Roald Dalya, the actor fulfilled the role of Dr. Wilbur Vonka, Father Willy Wonka, the mysterious and inventive owner of a chocolate factory, which Johnny Depp is played.

"Star Wars"

Count of a mouse in films is shown as a tall man with brown eyes and gray hair. Sedina gives the honorable age of the character, but he is still not deprived of physical strength, aristocratic manners and greater influence in the galaxy. The mouse is armed with a red light sword and wears an elegant suit and a raincoat.

Count Duch

The character started like a jedi knight, one of the students of the master of iodine. Then he took Padawan himself and became a teacher of Qui-Gon Ginn, who, in turn, becomes a master, accepted Kenobi Obi-Vana pupils. In the youth, the Duku filed great hopes. A brilliant speaker and a skillful fighter on light swords, Duku was considered the greatest among the Jedi in the galaxy, the owner of a large gift to control the force.

In the film "Star Wars" does not mention the youngsters of the Dukka and that the hero did susceptible to the dark side of the force. However, this topic is revealed in books on "Star Wars". When the mouse was still Padavan, the nearest friend of the hero moved to the side of the "dark" and became Sith. Duku perceived this as a personal betrayal, but at the same time first thought that the "side" could be changed that the Order of Sitchov was influential and strong.


In the films, the audience will first see the coupon in the "attack of clones", on Tom Vitka of the Hero's biography, when the Duchow is still considered to be a respected Master of Jedi, but already disappointing in the ideals of the Jedi Order. The hero in secret takes the side of the Sith and becomes a supporter of Palpatine. The count of Duku also rises at the head of the Union of Planetary Systems, which raised the uprising against the Galactic Republic.

The trust of the Duku to the republic was undermined after the battle with Mandalorians, where the hero was sent with other experienced Jedi Fighters. The enemy in this battle was broken and almost completely destroyed, few people were escaped.

Count Duku - Art

However, the Jedi lost more than half of their "their", which were fighting Mandalorian weapons. After that, the battle of Duku came to the conclusion that the government of the republic is corrupt, and the Order of the Jedas consists of this government in service and comes to a compromise, thereby destroying his own ideals.

The galactic senate and reigning the bureaucracy also irritated the graph of the sick. The death of a former student, Qui-Gon Ginna became the last straw for the hero. After that, the jad came out of the Jedi Order and refused the duties and powers that the Order had given him.

KVA-Gon Ginn

After that, the mouse flies on one inhabited, but the deserted planet, where he concludes a union with the local ruler. Using the planet as an industrial base, the buk creates a huge army of droids. The Obi-Wang Kenobi, who appeared on the planet Obi-Vanobi, reveals the intention of the mouse, but the count takes him.

Young Anakin Skywalker is sent to liberate Kenobi, a student of the captured Jedi, along with Padme Amidala. However, this couple is taking captive. Local residents decided to arrange entertainment and sent all three prisoners into the arena - to participate in peculiar gladiator battles and fight with monsters. At the last moment, the heroes come to the rescue of the Jedi, and the battle flared up in the arena, in which the douse does not accept the participation.

Padme Amidala

When the troops of the clones come to the rescue of the Republic, the mouse is trying to flush from the planet. The graph gets to the hangar, but there is facing Anakin and Ob Wan and is forced to fight against them. The laughter of the young Padavana pushes that rush to the mouse at once. The fight against Anakin turns out to be short, the graph immediately amazes that lightning.

As a result of Obi, Van is forced to fight the opponent one on one. The graph uses a tricky reception and immobilizes Ob Van, but does not have time to finite, because at this moment Anakin comes to himself and tries to repel the teacher. The graph is again closed with Anakin and this time chops off the young man. Victory is close, but the duck again prevents Jedi's achieve.


This time iodine appears, a former teacher of the Dick. The fight with iodine turns out to be violent, and the graph understands that this time the overwhelming of the forces on the opponent's side. Duku retreats, dropping in front of the wounded Jedi, a huge tube, which would certainly crossed those. Iodine has to focus on the pipe and salvation of "colleagues", and the Duchow at this time has time to escape.

Later, the mouse is involved in the slicesful plan of Darth Sidius (he is Senator Palpatin), who wants to lure Anakina on the dark side of power. Duchu and Palpatin play a performance in front of Anakin: the duck allegedly captured Palpatine, and he diligently depicts the prisoner. When Obi-Van and Anakin penetrate the ship, the mouse again converges with them in the fight.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

The graph neutralizes Obi-Wan, but Anakin is over the top of the coup. As a revenge, the young man cuts off the column of both hands, but is not configured to murder. Anakin first wants only to arrest the dick and to give in the hands of justice, but Palpatine convinces the young man that he needs to kill the knak.

The betrayal of Darth Sidius turns out to be an unexpected blow for a mouse that saw a mentor in it. However, to repent in the transition to the dark side of the count, there is no chance - Anakin cuts off the hero.


"I feel your fear, Skywalker, you have anger, there is hatred ... But you do not use them." "Anakin Skywalker: - Since our meeting, my forces have been halved twice, Count! Count Duku: - Wonderful. The higher the nose you will, the more difficult to fall. "" Not one who has knowledge of strength will win this fight, and the one who better owns a light sword. "

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