Obid Asomov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Cause



Obid asomov is a popular Uzbek humorist, artist of cinema and television. The Russian viewer basically knows him thanks to the theater of Evgenia Petrosyan "Curve Mirror", and in the homeland asomov is popular as a diverse artist and a cultural worker for the state.

Assomov's offense as a child

Obid Azgamovich Assomov was born on October 22, 1963 in the capital of the Uzbek SSR, Tashkent. Its childhood passed in the city mahalla - so called the quarters in which the Muslim population lives mainly.

Uzbek, but his father who worked in trains was becoming the first language of resentment and his brother Sabida brought home and Russian-speaking periodic. So the younger asomov studied Russian. Father This undertaking encouraged and considered the knowledge of languages ​​inherited peculiarity - the polyglot was Prapraded offense.

Suid Asomov in youth

The passion for the comedy genre at the future artist began in childhood: breakfast, the Assov family listened to the radio in the future in those days to the transmission "with good morning." Also attracted the resentment of the speeches in the conversational genre of such famous artists as Arkady Rykin and Mikhail Zhvanetsky. Their monologues of Açomomov translated into a native language, reproved on the desired way and turned into numbers with which he came in school amateur.

Talents of the insult, however, were not limited to artistry - he since childhood perfectly painted and even planned to become a professional artist. After school, the young man entered the art school named after Pavel Benkov, who later graduated with honors in the future.

Humor and television

Forget about the colloquial genre of the offense was not going to forget: the young man often led the wedding, including - to earn the paints and other consumables in their studies. After the release from the school, a young artist tried to conquer the Moscow university, but the introductory tests in Mgah them. Surikova failed. The next year, the offense decided from Tashkent not to leave and successfully entered the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute at the Faculty of Book Graphics.

Assomov's offense in the film "By the Law of the Jungle"

The work of Tamada was not interrupted this time, moreover, the offense began to speak with humorous numbers on top television, and in 1985 he became a winner of the Republican Competition of humorists. Thanks to this, the artist noticed a successful Uzbek director Latif Fayziev. He invited a resentment on the shooting of his film "According to the jungle law" - the paintings, which were shared by the USSR and India. The tape became a turning point in the biography of the artist.

Since the shooting suggested the location, and Assomov did not want to give up, he decided to take an academic leave at the university. This was not returned to the studies, but thanks to the "under the law of the jungle" acquired a real popularity. This gave the artist the opportunity to participate in the filming of other films, as well as start touring the Uzbek SSR.

Assov's offense and Karen Avanesian

In the late 1980s, the acquaintance of the offense with the Soviet Star of the Spoken Genre - Mikhail Zadornov. The famous humorist was in Tashkent on tour and from curiosity visited a colleague concert, although in a speech, held in Uzbek, did not understand anything. Later, Igor Khristenko arrived in the capital of Uzbekistan, acquaintance with which he turned into a strong friendship, which lasted for many years.

Few people know that the insult is a considerable "serious" artistic experience - 18 years old Assov worked in the ensemble of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, although at one time due to a small growth (only 160 cm) it was not even taken to the army. From the ensemble, the humorist went to television, quitting the rank of Major.

9 years after the collapse of the USSR, in 2000, insult was invited to the temporary work Farruh Zakirov, who led the "Yalla" - an ensemble, who gave the country of Hit "Studkuduk - three wells." He called the humorist to become the leading tour "Yalla" in Germany. For the month, the group visited 29 cities, where the musicians performed in front of Russian-speaking emigrants.

Soon after them, Yevgeny Petrosyan arrived in the country, and the audience told the humorist about the impressive of their Uzbek comic. The artist remembered the choice of spectators and after a few years, during the Tashkent tour, found Assov. A disord by this time has already managed to try his hand in the "Asshlag", but there his career was not charged. With Petrosyan Asomomov gave a successful joint concert, which was the key to further cooperation.

Obid asomov and Evgeny Petrosyan

In 2004, Evgeny Vaganovich called offense at the show "Curve Mirror". The Uzbek comedian team joined the team immediately, and the audience was loved by bright rooms with the participation of insult. Subsequently, the humorist repeatedly used in his speeches a national topic - as, for example, in the Scene "Venice", played together with Karen Avanese. Another classic example of such a speech can serve as an episode "in the restaurant" with Elena Stepanenko.

In addition, in 2004, Asomov starred in the film "Giant and Corotheka", thanks to which he received a prize for the best male role at the Film School festival, held in Anapa.

Career on Russian television was in the mountain, but problems began with Native Uzbekistan. In 2009, offholic speeches came under the state ban - local politicians seemed offensive jokes of the humorist to the Uzbek nation. Despite the popularity of the comedian, the opal ended only in 2017. The artist himself learned that again refers to the category of "permitted," being on tour in Israel.

At the same time, the merits of the abdomen in the field of culture - artist, whose performances have recently recently believed, were also recognized with the removal of the prohibition, made the director of the Cartoon Film Studios.

The artist approached work seriously, despite the fact that the studio to his parish was in a deplorable state. According to the offense, thanks to state support, the Uzbek animation began to immediately reflash: if earlier in a year they were given 2-3 orders, then in the plans for the 2020th there were already 50 cartoons.

Personal life

Outside the scene, the offense was a serious, humble and believer man, so the media knows about his personal life of the media. It is known that the brother of the Artist, Sabid, was also an artistic person, at first performed with his brother, but in the 1990s he tragically died.

Assomomov's offense with family

The insult Assov and his wife were born four children. The daughters of Dilor and Nargiz and the Son of Artist tried themselves to the cinema, but the father's profession was not chosen for himself. The man was a family man, responsibly approached the raising of children and adored to mess around with his grandchildren. The humorist had a favorite Deszy dog, with whom he loved to walk, especially at the cottage near the Charvak River.

The influence on the younger generation of disorders considered it an important part of his work in animation. Asomov did not like the dominance of Western culture, he believed that in children it was necessary to bring up national self-identity, and Uzbek animation, in his opinion, should have taken away their own hero.

Assov Suite in 2018

However, with some conservatism of views, the modern achievements of Açomoms did not neglect: the artist led a blog in the social network "Instagram", where he regularly laid out new photos and video recordings. For comments by visitors, the disadvantage also watched carefully and misfortunes together with their comments quickly removed.

The parrots were greatly interested in the insult: he was seriously interested in these birds from the moment as a mother gave a boy 2 wavy parrots. According to a humorist, beyond Uzbekistan, he first walked to pet store.


On December 10, 2018, Abium Assov was delivered to Tashkent's 1st clinical hospital due to heart disease. 3 days doctors fought for his life, but on December 14, the artist died. The cause of death was the ischemic heart disease, which resulted in a sharp heart attack and arrhythmic shock.

The funeral of Abium Assov

On December 15, 2018, the funeral of Abium Assov was held at the Camalan Cemetery, hundreds of compatriots of humorist came to farewell to whom.

Best performances (numbers)

  • "The Bolshoi Theatre"
  • "Illegal"
  • "Sportsman"
  • "Eastern Anecdote"
  • "Katia"
  • "Venice"
  • "In the restaurant"

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