Batyr Zakirov - Photo, singer, biography, personal life, cause of death



Batyr Zakirov - the famous Soviet singer, the successor of a big creative dynasty of Zakirov, the founder of the Uzbek stage, untimely departed at the very takeoff of the career. At the homeland of Batyr, Karimovich with love is called "Uzbek Solovy" for his pioneer voice and a lyrical repertoire. The pearl of creativity of Master, of course, is the composition "Arab Tango". In the unique performance of the artist, the song is included in the Golden Fund of the Soviet pop.

Singer Batyr Zakirov

Batyr Zakirov was born on April 26, 1936 in Moscow in the family of artists of Karim Zakirov and Sayors Saidova. The theater actor and the folk song performer got married in Tashkent, and in the mid-1930s, the married couple was sent to internship to the Moscow Conservatory, here in the Allied capital, and their firstborn batyr was born.

Following the Batyr in the family, five more children were born: Louise, Mauffal, Farruh, Jamshid and Ravshan. Their childhood passed in the so-called "house of artists" in the center of Tashkent. Here were often going to prominent people of that time: singers, musicians, actors who sang, rehearsed, improvised - all this was filled atmosphere at home by the magic spirit of creativity.

Batyr Zakirov in youth

The children adored these evenings. The elders were given in front of the guests mini concerts, performed passages of favorite performances - with makeup and scenery, as it should be. Then he listened to the interest, as adults explain the sound of tools, to hold on to the audience. Their first teachers were the classics of Uzbek National Art - Tamara Khanum, Khalima Nasyrov, Mucarram Turgunbaeva, Suleiman Yudakov, Sukur Burkhanov.

Elder children of Batyr and Louise Father often led to the Opera and Ballet Theater named after Alisher Navoi. The boy adored the Italian opera, knew the midst of the arias, the biography of opera stars. And the mother who served in the musical theater named after the Mukhov, acquainted children with the work of this glorified scene.

Batyr Zakirov and Louise Zakirova

Batyr grew up comprehensively gifted child: he not only musitized, but also perfectly painted, adored literature, wrote poems and prose. But the question of choosing a profession was not stood before the young talent. The music was his true vocation. He brilliantly passed the exams in the Tashkent conservatory, becoming a student of the vocal branch.

However, the discovered tuberculosis made a change of plans: Batyr left the Conservatory, entered the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute for the Directory. But he could not sing. Switched to pop vocals, became a member of the student ensemble "Youth" in 1956.


The first steps to the big estra of Batyr and Louise Zakirov did together. In 1957, as part of "Youth", they went to the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. At the festival scene, the Batyr was first sang his famous "Arab Tango" ("Oh, Sveta Dream My").

This song in the original performance of the Arab singer Farida (Dariza) al-Atrash brother and sister was found in the Ledea's phonomethek. And the composition gained a new sound and the second life: it was recorded on the All-Union Radio, began to produce in the radio, the speech of Zakirov was shown on television. Today, the whole world knows "Tango ..." performed by the Uzbek singer with sad eyes.

From this commemorative trip to Moscow, Batyr, Louise and other participants of the ensemble returned to famous. The guys began to invite to concerts and speeches, they traveled around the entire republic, performed Uzbek and Russian pop hits, foreign hits, folk songs on Indian, French, Arabic.

Singer Batyr Zakirov

On the wave of popularity, Batyr began to work on creating a professional pop orchestra. And in 1958, the state pop orchestra of the Uzbek SSR was created on the basis of the Alembal of Alexander Bvoskina. Batyr, Mauffal, Louise Zakirov and Elmira Urazbayeva became the first soloists. During these years, the singer performs such hits as "early", "Gazli", "I hear your voice" and others.

In 1959, the participants of the ensemble went to submit Uzbekistan to Moscow at the Decade of Uzbek culture, literature and art. " Batyr Zakirov performed the Lebanese song "Beautiful girl" and, of course, who loved by all the "Arab Tango", which by that time was already recorded accompanied by an orchestra in the arrangement of the composer Jan Frenkel and released on the record. The glory of Zakirov after this speech acquires all-union scope.

The singer on return is completely dipped into preparations for a large pop view in the theater of the Uzgosstrad, along with the director Anatoly Kabulov. The work takes a lot of time and strength, which has affected the health of the maestro. In 1961 he makes the first operation on the lungs.

After 3 years - the second, after which the doctor's doctors banned the patient to sing at least 2 years. During this time, the artist translated to Uzbek a fairy tale "Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery, carried out her radio station along with his wife E. Malyakbaeva, painted a lot.

Return to the scene began with a joyful event: in 1965, Batyr Zakirov was awarded the title "People's Artist of the USSR". All this time, no viewers nor numerous friends have forgotten about him. The pop director Alexander Kontankov, who prepared with French colleagues a music program for Parisian tour, invited participation and batyr.

And in the memoons of 1966, the "Uzbek Solovna" was held on the scene of the Paris Concert Hall "Olympia". The singer performed the song Enrico Masiass "Girls of My Country" in French. The performance of Batyr Zakirova produced Furore, the photos of the Eastern Guest came out in the newspapers, critics compared him with Charlay Aznavour and other chanson.

Batyr Zakirov on stage

Master visited almost all the republics of the Union, visited the city of Europe, and everywhere the audience met him enthusiastically. But the artist always wanted more than just sing, he dreamed of introducing a viewer with a distinctive culture of his region, his flavor, history, beauty.

In 1968, a real oriental bazaar was arranged on tour in Tallinn Zakirov - a theatrical representation with songs, dancing, folk rites than led to the audience. In the same year, debuts in the cinema - removed in the New Year's Music film "Abduction", in which a duet with Louise sings the song "Where are you, happiness?".

Increasingly, Zakirov's trips return to Tashkent with the original idea - to create the first Music Hall in Uzbekistan. In the conditions of the Soviet bureaucracy, it was Titanic Paper Volokita (especially since there were only 2 such places in the Union - in Moscow and Leningrad). But the universal love of the people's artist did his job.

In 1972, Batyr Karimovich became the art of Tashkent Music Hall. The first idea was called "Journey Sinbad-Morleod". Leading artists and directors participated in its creation - Mark Zakharov, Georgy Jungwald-Khilkevich, Alexander Shirvindt. The musical existed for 6 years, visited many cities, but to organize creative and accompanying work, the Batyr was becoming heavier thanmed, and in 1979 the institution was disbanded.

Batyr Zakirov - Photo, singer, biography, personal life, cause of death 13122_6

Batyr Karimovich was very worried about what happened, but could not do anything, just to go with his head to work, this time in the movies. In 1980, the artist began shooting in the film Elera Ishmukhamedov "Youth of Geniya". The main role is the Eastern Scientist Avicenna - the son of Zakirova, Bakhtiyar, and Batyr Karimovich appeared in the form of his father. In 1982, Zakirov starred in the series Shukhrat Abbasova "Fire Roads" as Rabindanat Tagora. In parallel with the movie, the singer still performs at concerts, opens many talents as a member of the jury of vocal contests and festivals.

Personal life

In 1957, Batyr Zakirov married Actress Erkley Malikbaeva. He saw her - a miniature and fragile - as a teenager in the play "Algeria - My Motherland" and fell in love. Erkley, which Batyr called Ira all his life, was a woman divorced, raised his son. The couple played a wedding in 1957 and lived in a happy marriage for 16 years. These were years of youth, love, understanding and support. Erkley gave birth to her husband of two sons - Bakhtiyar and Bahoder.

Batyr Zakirov with family

In 1974, Batyr Karimovich divorced Erkley. New happiness in personal life The singer found with the Music Hall artist, Ballerina named Galina. The second wife gave birth to Matra daughter Ruhshan.

The third generation of Zakirov dynasty presented a lot of talents. The Senior Son of Batyr Zakirova, an actor by profession, died in 43 years old, Bahodar - a successful artist, works in Tashkent. The niece of the singer Nargiz Zakirova is widely famous - daughter Louise. Son Jamshid Zakirova Javororrhir - a famous actor and director in Russia and Uzbekistan.


In 1984, the singer felt a sharp malaise. The survey has discovered cirrhosis in the heavy stage. The starting emergency treatment did not give the result, Batyr Karimovich died on January 23, 1985 in Tashkent.

Batyr Zakirov

Singer buried on the Chigatai cemetery in the Uzbek capital. When the Maestro's body was taken out, the Arab Tango sounded. Before death, he remained an artist with a capital letter.


  • "Arab Tango"
  • "Early"
  • "Gazli"
  • "You're far away"
  • "Where are you?"
  • "Fascinated by you"
  • "Travelers in the night"
  • "Where are you, happiness?"
  • "My country girls"

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