Alisher Fays - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Songs, News 2021



Famous Uzbek pop singer Alisher Files is no longer the first decade pleased fans with their work. In its repertoire there are incendiary dance hits, and lyrical compositions about love, and patriotic songs about their homeland. Every year, in the spring, the singer suits large solo concerts on the main site of the capital, which the audience come from all over Uzbekistan.

Childhood and youth

Alisher Baaterovich Turdiyev (his real name) was born on January 27, 1984 in the city of Chartak Namangan region, Uzbekistan. The future singer rose in a large family - he has four brothers. Alisher was named after the Great Eastern Poet of the XV century Alisher Navoi. The childhood of the boy passed in a spacious father's house in one of the most beautiful cities of the Fergana Valley.

Alisher Fayz

The housework has always been enough, each of the brothers had their own duties. But the guys did not forget about the games and hobbies. Alisher, for example, since childhood, grew by a musical boy, always fought his favorite melody, especially the broken folk songs managed.

Parents decided to send a talented child to their studies in the capital. In 1994, Alisher left the school in his hometown and entered the republican musical champion named after the Gliera, choosing a Dutarist's specialization. Dutar is a national two-string pinch tool, complex in mastering and requiring an individual approach to the technique of the game. The young man studied in a lyceum of 7 years, deserving the most flatter reviews of teachers and, of course, a fare of the continuation of education.


From 2001 to 2005, Alisher studied at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan. During this period, a talented student noted People's Artist of Uzbekistan Ozodbek Nazarbekov. He was interested in this shy, modest guy with such a wide range of vocal capabilities, and he began to invite Alisher to joint rehearsals, performances. In short, Nazarbekov became a guy mentor, or, how respectfully speak the East, eliminating.

May 15-16, 2005, Ozodbek presented the Protege at his solo concert. Alisher's vocal debut became the song "Meni Kechir" ("Forgive me"). Two years later, the artist released the first Studio album "Ko'ngil Istab" under the creative pseudonym of the FIX, which is in translation from Uzbek means "fertile".

With a mild master and thanks to the bright repertoire, Alisher Fires quickly became popular with youth: the singer made a bet on the incendiary rhythms, so that his songs became loved on the noisy Uzbek weddings and other celebrations.

Soon the artist began to tour in the republic, in parallel with the clips, photo shoots and working on the next disc. Success allowed Fayth after 3 years after the debut to collect the first solo concert. On May 21-22, 2008, in the largest and prestigious hall of Uzbekistan - the Palace of Arts "Stololol" - he presented the concert program "Umidim Sen Sen ...", which was hotly met by fans.

Since then, to give May solsts has become a creative tradition of the musician. So, in 2009, he presented to the court of the viewer NIGOHINGGA OL, in 2010 - "Senga TalpinIB", in 2011 - "Yaxshiyam Siz Bor", etc. In 2012, in the creative biography of Alisher Fayza Fayza - a significant event: awarded the honorary title "Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

In 2017, the tenth anniversary concert of the artist, who passed in the format of a large bright show, took place on the stage of the Palace "Ostiklol". The stars of Uzbek pop came to congratulate the singer, including his mentor Ozodbek Nazarbekov. At this evening, the jubilee performed the most famous hits: "Asal Onam", "Eslab Tur" and others.

Personal life

For many years, the famous singer has been married happily. His spouse is not related to the scene. Couple brings up three children: Halidback Son, Daughters Zinnurochon and Shirin. Wife, Children, Parents and Brothers are the most expensive, which is the artist, this Fays emphasizes in an interview every time, responding to the question of family life.

Alisher Fairy Family

In addition to music, Alisher is fond of sports, also collects soccer balls - his favorite hobby, every time will bring a new trophy from the next tour. As a true oriental man, Fays can cooke: his corona dish "Kazan Kaboba" he is happy to prepare for family and friends.

The singer prefers not to mix professional and personal life. His favorite motto: "Work is one thing, life is another."

Alisher Fays now

Now, even after so many years of success, the artist never ceases to work much. File himself writes poems and music, tours a lot. In his repertoire, many songs recorded by a duet with other stars of Uzbek pop - Shakhamoda, Bakhrome Nazarov, Abrore Tajiyev.

Alisher Fayz in 2018

In 2018, a man spent in Tashkent a 5-day solo concert "Vasling Islab", where for the first time such hits as "Howhhhh", "Sakhanda", "Dierimizga" and others were performed.


  • "Yor Yor"
  • "Chiroyli Qiz"
  • "VOY BO'LDI"
  • "Marjona"
  • "Howhhh"
  • "Armon"
  • "Genon"

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