Submarines of Russia: Facts and Statistics


In 1864, the first Russian submarine appeared. Since then, the construction and improvement of submarines in Russia did not cease. Despite unsuccessful experiments and sunken ships, in the country more than 70 submarines for various purposes. With the underwater power of Russia, Germany, USA, Netherlands, France and China compete. The last country joined the list of leaders in 2019.

How many submarines in Russia, and interesting facts - in the editorial material of 24cmi.

Diesel electric vessel

During the First World War, a submarine "Peter Cat" appeared. It was built in the strictest secrecy. She was not an independent ship, but his mini-version of a small size. Diesel electrical ships are necessary for coastal and shallow regions, where a large atomic boat cannot move. Different types of such submarines were built: Multipurpose, with covered or ballistic rockets.

Submarines of Russia - Facts and Statistics

For surface stroke, diesel boats are equipped with an engine, and to move under water - electric motor. This idea eliminated the predecessors - gasoline and kerosene. During the First World War, a boat on a diesel engine was paid offline already 1000 miles. But such transport had shortcomings: 2 motor systems. Diesel engines and electric motors made a pregnant submarine. Need a big crew for service, because of this, the living conditions on the submarine became even worse.

In 2018, in St. Petersburg, a new submarine was lowered on the water on the water. She was built on the project 677 "Kronstadt".


The only boat in addition to diesel and the electric motor was added a steam-bubbin unit. In Soviet times, such was submarine under the code name C-99. Its construction began in the USSR in 1951. After 5 years, it entered the Soviet fleet.

To minimize resistance when moving under water, artillery weapons began to be installed on the submarine. The nose was equipped with torpedo devices. Since in Russia this boat is in a single copy, compare it with nothing with what, but the designers have allocated advantages. The submarine is floating at high speed and for long distances in full swing. Disadvantage: With a rapid movement on the vessel, it becomes too noisy, and this interferes with the functioning of regular hydroacoustic funds. The S-99 speed reaches 20 knots, which made it the best in the USSR.

Submarines of Russia - Facts and Statistics

The submarine was almost 100 times in the sea. When starting a steam-storey turbine plant, an explosion occurred on the boat. In the case there was a platoon of 80 cm, but the cruiser reached the base. The reason was the explosion of hydrogen peroxide. To restore the ship, financing was required. The "resurrection" recognized inexpedient and disassembled a submarine on metal.


Nearly 50 nuclear submarines are part of Russia's naval forces. They are divided into 3 types: with ballistic missiles, rocket-torpedo arms and special purposes. In 1949, Academician Igor Kurchatov proposed to build an apple (nuclear submarine). After 3 years, physicist A.P. Alexandrov wrote him a letter in which he told about the idea of ​​creating. In 1958, the first atomic submarine in the USSR is descended on the water.

In 2020, the vessel is not in the ranks, it expects financing for re-equipment in the museum. He was taken out of the Northern Fleet back in 1991, but further actions with him were "frozen" due to lack of money. 83 crew members received rewards during swimming and work on K-3. The built ship was faster than the American Nautilus. On tests, the speed of the Soviet boat reached 28 knots.

Submarines of Russia - Facts and Statistics

The last submarine built in Russia became Novomoskovsk. He was launched in 1990, built on the Dolphin project. In 2016, photographs of the cruiser on the pier in the Murmansk region appeared. After repair in 2012, he was returned to work for another 10 years. For the submarine, the sonorous names are chosen, which over time begin to make fear on opponents: "Shark", "Puma", "Navaga", "Muren".


4 submarines sank in the USSR and 2 in Russia. This is all losses during the existence of the APF since their invention. The first cruiser sank in 1970 in the Biscay bay. Due to the short circuit, 52 people died. From modern submarine in 2000, Kursk went to the bottom. There were no such losses in the history of the Navy, because 118 people died, no one survived. An explosion occurred in the compartment, and the boat went under water to a depth of 108 meters. It happened in the Barents Sea. In the same 3 years, another submarine sank - K-159. There were 104 people on the ship, 9 of them did not return.

Submarines of Russia - Facts and Statistics

Unlike other countries, Russia has disappointing accident statistics. Only one country carried such losses - the United States, but the last tragedy occurred in 1968.

Interesting Facts

1. Leonardo da Vinci led the record, who after his death fell into the hands of scientists. On pages dated 1502th, found a drawing of a submarine. She had a pointed end and a hatch with a hatch for the entrance. At that time, researchers did not understand what kind of "mechanism".

2. At depth it will not be possible to open the hatch of the exit due to the high pressure.

3. In just 12 years in the USSR, 122 atomic submarines were built. This period from 1967 to 1979.

4. The first created cruisers were used as postmen. They were transported by letters and parcels.

5. Underwater vessels work with a separate or single engine. But all of them is necessary for the movement. In the old days, its source was a man who was put into operation a boat not only on the water, but also under it. Later an electric motor appeared.

6. In the USSR, the vessel went out into the sea for months. The captains were told how food reserves were limited, and the only type of encouragement for the team was the water view in the periscope.

7. In order for the submarine to immersed to the depth, the tanks with water are on board. Without a "ballast", it will remain on the surface, because the law of Archimedes will not work. According to the rules, the weight of the immersed body should be equal to the weight of the water displaced. To climb the surface from "ballast" to get rid of compressed air.

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