Tom Petty - photo, biography, personal life, songs, cause of death



Tom Petty is an American rock musician, which critics called a bright representative of the classical direction in this field of music. Being a vocalist of the team "The Heartbreakers", the artist performed on stage a few decades. His music was called a "logical continuation of the heritage" of the most famous rock bands.

Childhood and youth

Thomas Earl Petty was born on October 20, 1950 in the American provincial town of Gainesville, located in Florida. Music passion for music has become a case. His uncle was a member of the filming of the film "Follow the Dream" film, work on which went in 1961.

Musician Tom Petty.

The picture was busy Elvis Presley. Little Tom led to a celebrity, and seeing the idols of Million, he forever caught fire the idea of ​​rock and roll. At that time, America literally lived with this musical direction, so the guy's interest was logical.

At first, the music was just a hobby, and Tom did not dreamed of conquering heights in this direction. The situation was changed by Shaw Ed Sullivan, released on February 9, 1964. Invited guests transferring steel "The Beatles".

Tom Petty in youth

Petty was under a strong impression after watching release. His worldview has changed. A teenager began to learn the playing guitar. He took the first lessons from Don Felder, subsequently became the participant of the legendary team "The Eagles".

The obvious decision for Tom was moving from the province to the Big City. Los Angeles seemed to him the most suitable place for development and self-realization. It seemed that it was there that the big and incredible thing begins.


At first, the collected Petty team of buddies rehearsed in the garage. The group changed the name and performed as "The Epics", and then as "MudCrutch". Moving to Los Angeles did not bring the rapid development, which were expected to come, and the musicians diverged. In 1976, Tom Petty collected a new group by calling it "The Heartbreakers". The team participants even managed to find finances for the record of the first album.

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The debut plate "Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers" consisted of simple and understandable public compositions. They differed somewhat different from those songs that the "new wave" rock industry was created, so the rapid growth of the popularity of the Petty team became a surprise. The second plate of the group, "You're Gonna Get It!" Was adopted by an audience enthusiastically. For a long time, she held the top lines of the charts of the United States and the UK.

The circulation of the 3rd album of the team, "Damn The Torpedoes", released in 1979, amounted to 2 million copies, which was absolute success. The performing manner of Singer Tom Petty was often compared with the approach of Bob Dylan and Nile Yang. Speaking about his work, critics mentioned Bruce Springsstin.

Such statements appeared for no accident, because in the 1980s "The Heartbreakers" were accompanyiators of Bob Dilan, and this fact could not not affect the work of Petty. In his compositions began to appear the details and elements that were absent earlier. Together with Dylan, several musical compositions were recorded.

Gradually, Tom Petty became in the ranks of the first rockers of the country. He received an invitation to participate in the Traveling Wilburys group, in which, besides him, Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison, George Harrison and Jeff Lynn. For a guy from a small town that was a grand turn in a career. The teams of the team, including "End of the Line", became the real hits of the era.

Since 1989, Tom Petty has been engaged in solo creativity. The musician released 3 solo albums. The first of them was the Full Moon Fever plate. Since the 1990s, Petty collaborated with the producer Rick Rubin and in 1994 presented the album "Wildflowers". The third rocker disc, "Highway Companion", saw the light after 12 years. In parallel, Tom led to actively work with the group "The Heartbreakers".

Together with the team, the musician turned out to be among the first in the rock direction, who began to shoot clips. In the creation of a video for the song "Into The Great Open" actor Johnny Depp, along with Partner Fei Danauway. In the scandalous video on the composition "Mary Jane's Last Dance" The role of the corpse performed the actress Kim Bacyinger.

Fans and critics noted that Music Tom Petty is a symbiosis of quality, inspiration and lyrical motives. That is why each plate produced by a musician personally or in co-creation with the team was commercially successful and enjoyed the interest of listeners. "The Heartbreakers" toured a lot and gave concerts in their native country and abroad.

In 2014, the 12th album of the collective, "Hypnotic Eye" came out. The plate took the 1st place in the Billboard 200 chat. In 2017, the group gave a large tour of the United States, marking 40 years since the first album release. So Petty was 66 years old, but he did not lose the ability to create on stage and in the auditorium an amazing atmosphere of an old good rock and roll.

Petty was among the musicians who criticized the atmosphere in the show business concerning rock music. The singer has repeatedly noted that the crisis has emerged in this genre is associated with a commercial component, which has more and more power in comparison with the value of talent. The artist described the difficulties in relations with radio stations, assuring that the causes of the problem became the commercialization and lack of independent broadcasting channels.

On the memory of the music of the music "The Heartbreakers" remained a documentary film of Peter Bogdanovich, named after Hita Group - "Runnin 'Down A Dream".

Personal life

The rocker's biography is associated with love experiences, which somehow leave a trace in musical creativity and bring inspiration. Tom Petty was married twice. Divorce with the first spouse Jane Beno turned out to be a difficult test for the artist. Colleagues and friends were afraid that the vocalist would start looking for consolation in alcohol and prohibited preparations, but Petty was above it.

Tom Petty and Jane Beno

He went to the province and survived the difficult life situation alone with himself and his own feelings. The result of his inflatability was the lyrical plate "Echo". Curious - while the author called the composition from this album was dark, the audience considered them life-affirming.

Tom Petty and his wife Dana York

After some time, Petty had a new wife Dana York. The musician joined the Spirit and considered himself a happy man. His music was still in demand, the family took place, and creativity brought pleasure. The artist did not apply to his personal life, so no more detailed information about the wife and children of the artist is not available.


Tom Petty died at the age of 66. Death found him on October 2, 2017. Close to found a musician on the last bulk in the house in Malibu. The artist was taken to the hospital, where the doctors tried to keep her life, but it turned out to be impossible.

Tom Petty in recent years

Life support devices hardly supported Rocker's life, and decided to disable them. The musician died in the circle of relatives. The reason for his death was the infarction and stop of the heart.

Today, Tom Petti is placed in articles dedicated to the rock music of the 1990s, bringing his composition like "KEEP a Little Soul" and "Wu Got Lucky" as an example of the classics of this direction.


  • 1976 - "Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers"
  • 1978 - "You're Gonna Get It!"
  • 1979 - "Damn the Torpedoes"
  • 1981 - "Hard Promises"
  • 1982 - "Long After Dark"
  • 1985 - "Southern Accents"
  • 1987 - "Let Me Up (I'Ve Had Enough)"
  • 1989 - "Full Moon Fever"
  • 1994 - "WildFlowers"
  • 1999 - "Echo"
  • 2002 - "The Last DJ"
  • 2006 - "Highway Companion"
  • 2010 - "Mojo"
  • 2014 - "Hypnotic Eye"

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