Evgeny Zamyatin - Photo, biography, personal life, books, cause of death



The biography of Evgenia Ivanovich Zamyatina is saturated and full of interesting facts. No matter how much the state "did not break" the writer, his spirit could not be broken, the poet continued to engage in his loved business and Yaros defended his position.

Evgeny Zamyatin in childhood

Evgeny Zamyatin was born on January 20 (February 1) of 1884 in the Tambov province, in the city of Lebedyan. Father worked as a priest and taught the Word of God, and his mother was a pianist. At 4 years old, the boy was already reading Gogol and serious literature instead of the exploratory.

In 1893, parents sent a child to Lebedyan gymnasium, where the future poet was held until 1896. Then the family moved to Voronezh, and the young man graduated from Voronezh gymnasium with a gold medal in 1902. At school times, Zamyatin coped perfectly with humanitarian sciences, but it was not given mathematics.

Evgeny Zamyatin in youth

In 1902, the young man entered the Polytechnic Institute of St. Petersburg, at the Faculty of Shipbuilding, where mathematical disciplines were studied in the first place. In 1905, Evgeny Ivanovich entered the Fraction of the Bolsheviks RSDLP and together with students participated in the revolutionary life. For this, the future writer was arrested, but soon let go thanks to the efforts of Mom.

In the summer of 1905, Zamyatin returned from Egypt and witnessed the uprising on the battleship "Potemkin". For this, the guy was arrested again and sent to Lebedyan. Later he could illegally returned to Petersburg and graduated from the university in 1908. Young Yevgeny received the formation of a marine engineer. For the next 2 years, he worked as a teacher at the faculty of shipbuilding.


Zamyatin began to be involved in writing works in 1908, and then his first story was released, published in the magazine "Education". In parallel, he worked on another story - "Girl". In 1911, the authorities found a poet and for illegal living exited him in Lakhta. There he wrote the first story "county", in which the problems of the world of the Russian province revealed. Critics and writers noticed the work of the jam and positively appreciated it.

Writer Evgeny Zamyatin

During the First World War, in 1914, the poet composed the story "on Kulichki", where in bright colors spoke about the horror of the Military Detachment in the Far East. For this, the authorities attract him to court and refer to Kem. After 2 years, the jamming is released and sent on a business trip to England. There he works with a degree in the main designer of Russian icebreakers and leads construction. In parallel, wrote the book "Islanders".

Evgeny Zamyatin returned to Russia in September 1917 and after 4 years he created the organization of young writers of "Serapiones Brothers". After the October Revolution, the story "On Kulichki" was printed, which at the beginning of the war was banned.

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In 1920, the poet wrote the novel "We". The work did not correspond to the Soviet censorship, and he was not published. Without the consent of the author, the book was published in America in English, Czech and French. Roman-Antiutopia tells about tough totalitarian personal control. Abroad, the work of Zamytina was of great interest, and in the USSR it was criticized.

The Soviet authorities of the writer were criticized and poisoned, and in 1929, Evgeny Ivanovich wrote a letter to Stalin, in which he asked permission to leave the country. After consent in 1932, the poet moves to Paris, where it becomes the author of the French newspapers. The main topics were the state of modern Russian prose and the art of avant-garde. Despite popularity in France, his works were not published in the Soviet Union.

Portrait of Yevgeny Zamytina

In 1934, the poet again accepted the Writers of the USSR. The participants of the Union promoted communism and fought for peace and friendship of peoples. In 1935, Zamyatin took part in the Anti-Fascist Congress of Writers and was a member of the Soviet delegation.

In the bibliography of the Soviet writer there were 36 stories, the "Cave" was remembered especially to the public, written in 1920. The work was created in the style of jamine and tells about the terrible atmosphere of the Stone Age. Evgeny Ivanovich was inspired by ordinary life situations and wrote stories on their basis.

Books Evgenia Zamytina

Another significant fantastic story was the "Dragon", which was written in 1918. He became famous for a huge amount of metaphor, and the reader does not immediately understand the meaning. It seems that the story is designed for children, but after reading it several times, the reader opens up a completely different meaning. The work describes the stern period of 1918, when civil war began in Russia.

For 10 years, from 1928 to 1937, Evgeny Zamyatin worked on the historical narration "Scythians", but it was never completed. The last novel "Beach God" became a significant work of the writer. It tells about the time of sunset of the Roman Empire, and the leader of the Hunov Attila's leader of Gunnov.

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Being in Paris, Zamyatin noticed that the cinema develops, and tried himself as a scriptwriter. So together with Jacques, the poet wrote a script for the film "At the bottom". In May 1935, Evgeny Ivanovich turned to the studio "Metro-Goloden-Mayer" and provided them with four ready-made scenarios: "Captive Tsar", "Big Love Goya", "Beach of God" and "Peak Lady". The Americans did not agree to cooperate with the writer, and he tried to start work in other film companies.

Personal life

The personal life of the Russian poet is quite inconspicuous.

Evgeny Zamyatin and his wife Lyudmila

Being a student, Zamyatin met his future wife Lyudmila Nikolaevna Usov. The married couple almost did not see because of the permanent links and movements, and they did not have children.


Evgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin died in 53, March 10, 1937. Death came unexpectedly, and the unknown severe disease became her reason, which tormented a man.

Evgenia Zamyatina's grave and his spouses

The writer was buried at the Paris Cemetery in TWI. In 1965, his wife Lyudmila died. She was buried next to her husband, and the grave did a common.

Interesting Facts

  • Evgeny Zamyatin in his youth laid his gold medal in Lombard for 25 rubles.
  • The writer designed the famous Nevsky icebreaker, which received the new name "Lenin" after the October Revolution.
  • The novels "1984" George Orwell and "451 degrees Fahrenheit" Ray Bradbury was written under the influence of jam.
  • The work of the writer began not from desire, but from boredom while staying in the first link.
Evgeny Zamyatin
  • Evgeny Ivanovich wrote a fantastic novel "We" in 1920, but in Russia it began to be printed only in 1988.
  • "We" became the world's first novel antiutopia.
  • Zamyatin wrote exclusively in the style of neorealism, and scientists could not figure out the sense of its works. They were full of folk-mythological poetic, which only a writer understood. This is the result of the artistic consciousness, which has been formed still at his ancestors.


  • 1908 - "One"
  • 1911 - "Girl"
  • 1912 - "County"
  • 1913 - "On Kulichki"
  • 1917 - "Islanders"
  • 1914-1917 - Collection of stories "Tales"
  • 1917-1920 - Collection of stories "big kids fairy tales"
  • 1918 - "Dragon"
  • 1920 - "Cave"
  • 1920 - "We"
  • 1935 - Beach God

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