Farman Salmanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Oil



Farman Salmanov is an outstanding Soviet and Russian geologist, a person, thanks to which the state has mastered the oil reserves of Western Siberia. Forman Kurbayevich helped confidence in their own strength on his career at the very beginning, when none of the Soviet explorations believed in Siberian oil fields.

Childhood and youth

Farman Kurban Oglu (Kurbanovich) Salmanov was born on July 28, 1931 in the village of Leninsk Azerbaijan SSR. Now this village of Shamkirsky district Azerbaijan is named Morul. Azerbaijanis by nationality, Farman had both Siberian roots, and all thanks to the conflict of ancestors with the authorities. Grandfather of the Future Oilman, Suleiman, at one time was exiled to Siberia for 20 years. The reason was the reluctance to pay the mosques put the tax by law, besides, he was on the Imam who came to recall the debt, dogs.

Geologist Farman Salmanov

Then the Russian-Japanese war was killed, Salmanov mobilized and freed for military merit early. From Siberia, a man brought hot love for the harsh edge and the Russian wife Olga, who pulled to Islam and the name of the Firuz. Pharman's parents, except for him, were born three more children. During the Stalinist cleansing of the 1930s, Father arrested, and 6-year-old Farman was forced to take responsibility as a senior.

Interesting fact: For a long time in the documents of Salmanov stood 1928 year. The mother of the boy was forced to go on this lie during the war: the family needed support, and only 14 years have been taken to the plant.

Farman Salmanov in youth

When Farman studied in the 8th grade, a fateful event happened in his biography: Minister of Oil Industry of the Soviet Union Nikolay Baybakov arrived in Shamhor. Since Salmanov spoke Russian better than classmates, he was given a task to tell a high-ranking visitor to school.

For a farewell, the minister asked the young men who he sees himself in the future, to which Salmanov did not think that the "oilman" said. Impressed by the boyhood of a schoolboy, Baybakov promised him to help with a future career if it would be necessary.

Farman Salmanov

In 1947, the young man received secondary education at the local school, he entered the Shivran Complex Expedition. 2 years later, withstanding the introductory tests, Farman became a student of the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute, where he studied in the specialty "Engineer Geologist, Oilman". Then Salmanov managed to visit Siberia for the first time - 3 times the student went there for geological practice.

The promise was useful after the end of the Institute. On the distribution of a young specialist, they sent to work in Baku, but the young man, "sick" thanks to grandfather Siberia, wanted to go only there. He wrote a letter to Bayebakov with a request to translate him to Siberia - and the politician went to Farman to meet. The graduate was first called to Moscow, and then Salmanov received a long-awaited direction to Kuzbass.

Career and Oil Search

Soon, Farman got up at the head of the Oil Deposit Expedition. The state of affairs in the industry did not suit him: at that time it was believed that Western Siberia in terms of oil is unprospective and intelligence should be shifted to the north.

Farman Salmanov in the desktop

Without having received support for ideas to stay in Siberia, but understanding the unprotection of Kuzbass, the young geologist decided on a desperate step. Without loving the bosses, Farman arranging his geological party to Surgut, where, according to his convictions, there was a petroleum field. Salmanov in ordinary form was ordered to stop work, but he did not want to listen to anyone.

Estrand Pharman Kurbanovich from work either did not work - drilling his group did not stop. As a result, the order for the transfer to Surgut had to sign "rear." And ultimately, the work was crowned with success: March 21, 1961 from the well No. 1 in Megion scored an oil fountain. Colleagues who did not believe in the feasibility of Salmanov's ideas, received the same messages:

"Dear comrade (name), in Megion in the well No. 1 from the depth of 2180 m obtained a fountain of oil. It's clear? With respect, Farman Salmanov. "
Farman Salmanov near the oil pipe

The opponents did not want to give up and claimed that he found a geologist not a field, but a natural anomaly. However, soon oil was obtained from the 2nd well. After that, Farman Kurbanovich informed the authorities:

"The well joining for all the rules."

Moreover, he wrote a telegram Nikita Khrushchev:

"I found oil. Like this! Salmanov. "
Farman Salmanov

Soon open deposits was much more, and Farman Salmanov, appointed by the main geologist of the Ust-Balyk nepheral-speaking expedition and the head of the Pravdinskaya, found over 130 fields, becoming the "father" of Soviet, and then Russian oil fishery in Siberia.

In 1966, Salmanov for the work, because of which he had never had ever caught trial, awarded the title of the Hero of Socialist Labor and was presented with the Order of Lenin, as well as the Medal "Sickle and Hammer".

Farman Salmanov at the Map of Oil Deposits

Farman Kurbanovich moved to Moscow after 30 years of work in Siberia and to death, he wandered that he left the favorite region. From 1987 to 1991, Salmanov held the position of the first deputy minister of the Geology of the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the USSR, the presidential post of ZAO ROSPAN INTERNESHNL took the presidential post, in 2002 he became an adviser to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NGC ITERA, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yugneftegaz.

Personal life

Despite the publicity of his own person, Personal life Farman Kurbanovich tried not to advertise, the photo of his family on the Internet is a rarity. He was married three times. Despite the divorce with the first two spouses, Salmanov did not leave children and supported them in all.

Farman Salmanov In recent years with friend Ramis Yunus

The eldest son Ilya studied at the doctor and made a successful medical career. Tatiana's daughter was not immediately determined with the specialty, but in the end he stopped at jurisprudence and became the judge. The Son from the Third Wife, Tamara Vasilyevna, went in the footsteps of the Father and chose the profession of geologists. Unfortunately, Oleg Pharmanovich Salmanov died in 42 years, and this tragedy strongly sucking his father. Otrada Men in old age became numerous grandchildren - Farman Kurbanovich, gladly hired with children.

Relationship with the last spouse, acquaintance with which was held during the expedition, Salmanov had very warm and trusted. Tamara Vasilyevna says that she felt like a stone wall, although Farman Kurbanovich, despite his high professionalism in work, was helpless in everyday life, and the farm remained a patrimonial spouse.

Monument to Pharman Salmanov

Warm relationships all his life tied the Salmanov with his mother, brothers and sisters, which also mastered professions requiring an off-day mind. Ilgar and Amur Salmanov became linguists. Middle brother, Mais, possessing outstanding vocal data, became an opera singer, received the title of "Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR".


Farman Kurban-oglu died in 2007 in Moscow. It is known that he has been ill and seriously sick, but the exact cause of the death of the press did not report. The tomb of Salmanova is located on the Vagankov cemetery.

Grave of Pharman Salmanova

Monuments, busts and memorial boards Pharman Kurbanovich are installed in many cities, including Moscow, Baku, Tyumen and Surgut. In honor of the famous geologist, gymnasium No. 3 of Surgut and Street in this city, as well as a motor ship named.

In 2018, when a popular vote was held in Russia about the names of the names of outstanding people, Salmanov became the leader among the applicants in Surgut. The airport of the city will be named after him.

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