Til Uneranspigel - biography, prototype, image and character, quotes


Character History

The character of medieval legends that had bought in the Netherlands and Germany. Tramp and Plut, in the works of a later time turned into a folk hero, the symbol of the resistance of the Netherlands by Spanish dominion.

History of origin

Initially, Til Ulenenspigel was the hero of numerous jokes and satirical poems-Shvankov, who were popular in the Netherlands and Germany. This is a collective image of passages, Balaguore and vagabonds, similar to Muslim Hoja Nasreddina.

Til Ulenenspigel

The image became part of the Flemish and German folklore in the XIV century, and at the beginning of the XVI century, a printed book was first appeared under the heading "Entertaining Work on Pluto Tile ...", where the early folk legends about the Ulynspigel were collected and literaryly processed. The name of the book is exactly unknown. Soon there is a similar kind of the chemical book in Flemishya. Even later, the translations of this collection in English, French, Latin and other languages ​​appeared.

Til from folk legends is a cheerful scammer that behaves not as an ideal hero and sample to imitate. In one of the episodes, the character, for example, shows his own ass peasants. The character of the character reflects his surname, which consists of two words of the medunerenemetsky language.

Illustration for book

SPIEEGEL is traditionally translated as a "mirror", but this word has both the zagging value "ass", and ULEN is a verb to "clean", "wash". True, the "decent" version of the name of the name of the hero "Ulenshpigel" as the "Mirror of Owls" is more common, because the character in tradition is depicted with the owl and mirror in the hands.

Prototype and character

In medieval folk books, it is argued that the hero was a real historical person. Allegedly, a man named Til Ulenenspigel was born in the area of ​​1300 in the land of Kntylingen in Lower Saxony. He lived on travels, was in the lands of Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. At the age of fifty years died in the German city of Mölln from the plague. However, these statements are not supported by any evidence that this or similar person existed in reality.

Fountain Til Ulenenspigel

The image of the Uilenspigel is perceived as a shutdown of the Reformation, since the actions of the hero are aimed at ridicule and undermine the foundations of the Patriarchal World of Middle Ages. Til - tramp, not accepting somewhat life. The hero is constantly inflated peasants and citizens, embodies the spirit of independence and personal initiative.

Folk legends differ from the later novel about the Tile of Ulenenspigel, written by Charlay de Bosier. New heroes appear in the novel, which were not in the initial folklore materials, for example, Gudzak Lamme, a friend of Tila. And the image of the soilspigel itself is different from folklore.

The biography of Tila in the romance of the Koster is unfolding against the background of events, which took place in the Netherlands in the XVI century. Place of birth of the hero is the city of Damme in Flanders. Til's father - Claus coal. By random coincidence in one day with a hero, Philip is born the second, the future king of Spain. A nobility-born baby is growing a cruel child and a coward, while Sessenger Til is a bold boys-leisurer with a kind heart and acute tongue.

Writer Charles de Bosier

Til grows by freestyle and does not hold a language behind the teeth, and the Catholic Church is dominated in the country, the power belongs to the Spanish feudal. The hero because of unrestrained and freedom-loving nature, declare heretic and sentenced to exile from Flanders for a period of three years.

Tila has a girlfriend - Nya, and the mother named Catlin. This Catwin turns out to be in the hands of the inquisitors on charges of witchcraft and go crazy because of torture. Til in the meantime, it wakes up the world and acquires the skills of a dexterous fraudster. The hero gets his vacation of sins, and it gives him the opportunity to go home.

Father of Til Ulenenspigel

Before the return of Tila, the father of the hero - Klaas is under arrest. For a neighbor, Rybnik named Yost. Clasa is accused of heresy and burn on the fire, and the Hero's mother is dying. Til collects ashes, remaining at the scene of the Father's execution, puts the bag and wears on the chest. The distraught mother of the Nela communicates with spirits, and Til appeals to the woman for advice, so that she suggests the hero, how to save the country from the cruelty of the Spaniards. Mother of the Nya sends a tile and daughter on a spring holiday, to the spirits of the earth. Perfumes tend to seek some seven characters.

Together with the girl, Nyla and a friend Lamme, good-natured fatty, Til goes to search for seven. The company is in the lands, and Lamme is at the same time trying to find his wife who threw it. In Flanders, in the meantime, the uprising against the Spanish authorities flashes. Unenzpigel joins the rebels and takes part in battles with the Spaniards.

Til and Lamme Goodsak

Later, returning to the city of Damme, the hero learns that some wolf was hunted by the residents. It turns out that under the wolf hide, the same Rybnik Yost, who reported on the Father of Tille. Now IOSE sentenced to execution.

Til is involved in marine battles and turns into a skillful fighter. Plut shows decency when, for example, trying to interfere with the prisoners of Catholic monks, whose faith is not experiencing any personal sympathy. This act is barely not worth the hero of life, but Nela declares his desire to take Tille in her husbands than the hero of life saves. Later heroes leave the service on the fleet.

It is possible to find seven characters with the help of magic ointment. It turns out that it is an allegory, and seven, whom hero sees in a dream, is the embodiment of mortal sins. The Til fell into the magical dream seems dead, and the opponents are trying to bury the hero. However, Til is chosen from the grave at the moment when the priest is accepted to read a sudden prayer.

Til Ulynspigel in Culture


In the XIX century, folklore stories about Tile passed literary treatment under the pen of the Belgian writer Charles de Koster, who published a novel in 1867 with the long name "Legend of Tile Ulynspigel and Lamme Goodzak, their adventures - funny, brave and adestrating in Flanders and other countries" . The romance is given a romantic interpretation of the image of the Tile. From the XIV century, the character "is transferred" in XVI, where it becomes a symbol of resistance to the people of Flanders to the domination of the Spaniards.

The book de Koster has changed the perception of the image of Tila in the mind of the reading public. The character began to relate to the ideologue of the revolutionary movement of the goose, which opposed the Spanish government in the Netherlands and against the Catholic Church.

Illustration for book

By creating your novel, the author used information, drawn from the ancient chronicle, and attracted the text of the writers of the XVI century to the case. And the interpretation of De Koster himself subsequently formed the basis of a set of literary and musical works, plays and movies.

Gregory Gorin in 1970 wrote on the basis of the book de Koster Pieces "Passion by Til", which director Mark Zakharov in 1975 put on the scene of the Moscow Theater "Lenk".

In 1976, a series of films "Legend of Tile" came out at the Mosfilm film studio of the total duration of 405 minutes. Ribbon removed the director Vladimir Naumov and Alexander Alov, and they also wrote a film script in the duet. Estonian actor Lembit Ulfsak played the role of Til Ulebitegeel, and Valentin Grachev voiced.

Lembit Ulfsak as a Tille of Ulenenspigel

The film came out in two parts, and each part consists of two episodes. The first part is called "ashes of clasa". Situation - Netherlands, in the yard of the XVI century. The country is under the rule of the King of Spain. The local people are freedoming and cheerful, but the invaders will expose people to persecution and torture, around the basemen, and the holy inquisition of fires. The main characters - Til and Nela - will be fearlessly through a mass of tests.

The second part of the film is called "Long live well!". Unbearable taxes, persecution of heretics and cruel decrees of the Spanish king brought the Netherlands to the handle, and they raised the uprising in an attempt to throw the Igo Spaniards. The main characters here are Til Ulynspigel and Gudzak Lamme, his faithful buddy.

The script was based on the Roman Charles de Koster. The filming of the film was held in the Polish city of Gdansk and in Estonian Tallinn, where it was possible to effectively depict the atmosphere that reigned in the medieval cities of Flanders. The scenes with half the flooded city and the Dutch port were filmed in Jurmala, at the mouth of the River Lieleup (Latvia).

Gerard Philip as Tile Ulenenspigel

The first film release of Roman De Koster came back in 1956 and starred in France and the Netherlands by the Dutch director Joris Ivenz. The major roles were made by the French: Tille Ulenzpigel played Actor Gerard Philip, and his friend Lamme - Jean Karma.

The image of Tila Ulenenspigel has repeatedly inspired musicians and composers. In the 90s of the twentieth century, the Russian folk group existed, which took the name of the hero as a name. The group "Til Ulenshpigel" performed ballads "with a medieval flavor" and broke up in 1999. Former musicians from this team entered the first composition of the famous Mill Group. Among them were Helavis (Natalia O'Shov), which as part of the "Til" began a musical career.


In 1985, composers Nikolai Karetnikov and Pavel Lungin finished work on the opera "Til Ulenenspigel". Opera was first put in Germany on the stage of the Bielefeld Opera House in 1993. Before that, in 1988, a record was recorded in the USSR, where the Boris Kudryavtsev was played by the Boris Kudryavtsev.


"The ashes of Clasa knocks in my heart." "I live not for the sake of ham, beer and throsts, but for the sake of freedom! Not a fat belly save their homeland, and proud courage. And by the fact that it is badly carried up up until the death of death "." No need to raise on fate, for there is nothing more beautiful than wander and tolerate the need for freedom! "

The film "Legend of Tile" (1976)

"- What is it for a thick muzzle? - asked Nel. "This is a victim of a married life," explained Ulynspigel. "He would dry from grief, like an apple in the stove, if it did not support his strength with continuous adoption of food."

Charles de Bosier, "Legend of Unelenspigel"

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