Tamara Kryukova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books for Children 2021



Works of Tamara Kryukov are designed for the smallest and young readers. This talented writer leads them to the world, full of exciting adventures and funny characters. Tales and stories Tamara Kryukov loves this is not the first generation of modern schoolchildren, no wonder her name is "Russian Astrid Lindgren." And the film is also promoted by the screening of its creativity. Films "Kostyanka. Summer time, "Potapov, to the board!" Steel laureates of prestigious film festivals.

Childhood and youth

Tamara Shamilievna Kryukova was born on October 14, 1953 in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia. Father - Music Teacher, Mom - Housewife and Big Needlewoman. By nationality, the writer is half Tatarka, half the Terek Cossack. Tamara rose in a large family - with parents, grandparents.

Tamara Kryukov as a child

They became the first teachers of the girl: Grandfather taught to read at 3 years old, Father - playing chess, mother - needlework. In childhood, Tamara attended a music school, ballet class, a mug of modeling. But most of all the girl loved to read: she was insanely liked Kikiling's fairy tales, then she discovered the works of Volkova about the adventures of brave ellie and her friends.

Already at school (Tamara went to the mathematical class), the passion for other authors began: Dumas, Main Reed, George Sand. But the Desktop Book of the Future Writer became "Martin Eden" Jack London. At the same time, the poetic talent of Young Tamara wakes up - she writes the first poems.

Tamara Kryukov as a child

At the end of the school, the girl was already ready to enter the technical university, but everything changed the traitorous four algebra on the exam. Upset Appurient chose the Faculty of Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the North Ossetian State University, the Faculty of Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Received. After the release of a young specialist sent a translator to Egypt.


At the dawn of the family life, Tamara left with her husband and son in South Yemen. But soon because of the bundled civil war evacuated all children. By sending a 5-year-old son to Moscow to Grandma, Tamara and his spouse were still detained. Waking a lot of son, the woman began to write a story-fairy tale for him and, sending letters, in the new chapter in the envelope every time. Subsequently, they entered her first book - "The Mystery of People with Double Persons", released in 1989 in Ossetia.

Tamara Kryukov in youth

However, the success did not fall on the head to the author overnight. Almost 10 years old Cryukov will feature style, syllable, manner of presentation, offering written written, to receive refuses, despair and hope again, continuing to write and go to their glorious biography.

Only since 1996, the writer began to regularly publish, and since 1997 he became a member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Small readers are read on with her fascinating stories who want to read already because of the same name: "Agatha do not Christie", "Alle-op! Or the secret of a black box "," Brilliant Calosa with the right leg "," Lucching Forest Tales "," Cat for Happiness "and others.

Writer Tamara Kryukov

In 2001, Tamara Shamilievna writes, perhaps the most famous his work "Kostya + Nika" about the clean and touching love of two teenagers - the rustic junior bone and nickname - a girl, chained to a wheelchair.

In 2006, the director Dmitry Fedorov took off the film - "Kolyannik. Summer time, "which won numerous awards, including the Grand Prix of the XIV International Film Festival" Artek ", X of the All-Russian Festival" Orlenok ", the VI International Children's Festival of Arts" Kinotavrik ".

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A lot of awards won the writer itself. In 2005, she was awarded the first bonus of the Russian Culture International Public Foundation for the revival of literature for teenagers in Russia.

In 2006, the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church hands hands the first prize for the best book about adolescents. In 2007, the author is the winner of the first prize IY of the All-Russian Contest of Works for Children and Youth "Scarlet Sails".

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In the mid-2000s, another bright work of the writer is coming out - the story-tale of the "Crystal Key" is a series of incredible adventures of Petit and Masha into the world of fabulous debrenor. Tamara Shamilievna wanted to spin the plot so that the children reading could not break away.

"It is especially important for me that a child's book read a child who is not accustomed to spending leisure after reading," the writer admits.

There are works in her creative piggy bank ("house upside down", "bold shoe", "Pohs"), schoolchildren ("repetition passed", "Potapov, to the board", "Crack with the back of the party", "Cat on Happiness "), youth (" Triptych in black and white tones ") and even adults (" on the kilt porch ").

Tamara Kryukov signs books to readers

However, of course, the priority part of her creativity is given to children.

"Probably, I am also a little more child, and I want to transfer the kindness of children and the love that I received in my childhood. I want children to do not break the wings, because they are very bright personalities, "Tamara Shamilievna shares.

The writer's books are translated into 6 languages ​​of the world and published in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and other countries.

Personal life

Tamara Kryukova married soon after he returned from Egypt, where he worked at the end of the institute. There is no information about who is the spouse of the writer, there is no on the network, in an interview with a woman bypasses a personal life, noting only that the husband always supported it in difficult moments of despair, when recognition did not yet overtake his talented spouse.

Tamara Kryukova and her cat

Tamara Shamilievna has a big friendly family that she says about this:

"My home is the most stringent critics, which, on the one hand, support me, and on the other - they do not give a starry disease. Next to them, I am constantly on the way. I go to the top and hope that it never reached it. Because the vertex starts the descent. "

Tamara Kryukova now

Now, when new technologies, gadgets and social networks are firmly included in the life of a modern person, the writer has established virtual communication with fans on its personal site.

Tamara Kryukov in 2018

Also in the social network "VKontakte" there is a group "Tamara Kryukov. Fantasy and reality, "where the author is divided by fresh creative news, holds contests, gives literary tips, puts photos of covers, announces new 2018-2019 and much more.


  • "Kostya + Nika"
  • "At the kilt, the porch was sitting"
  • "Crystal Key"
  • "Network"
  • "Doors"
  • "Potapov, to the board"
  • "Koto-Sapires Diary"
  • "Triptych in black and white tones"
  • "Bringing Down the House"
  • "Repetition passed"

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