Mikhail Bushchevsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "What? Where? When?" 2021.



Mikhail Brenzhevsky - Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in higher courts of Russia - because of the almost complete coincidence of the name and surname, sometimes confused with a philosopher and sociologist, the first husband of Galina Starovaya Mikhail Borschevsky. However, Mikhail Yuryevich recalls Anatoly Sobchak.

Mikhail Brenzhevsky

The famous lawyers relatives are not only a profession, but also impressiveness, eloquence, love for speeches in front of the camera and rare talent remain among decent people, contrary to the "walking in power".

Childhood and youth

On December 27, 1955, in the family of Yury Dmitrievich and Artists, Erika Zalmanovna Bushchevsky, the son of Misha appeared. Mother, Father and Uncle Mikhail Yurevich (MP Roman Mohorov) lived for 71 years.

Among the ancestors of Brenzhevsky there are rabbis and German knights. Such an exotic combination of blood was the great composer of the 20th century Alfred Schnitka. Grandfather Mikhail - the founder of the "literary newspaper" Alexey Selivanovsky.

Mikhail Brenzhevsky in youth

The boy studied in a prestigious English school at Kropotkinskaya Street, a classmate was the granddaughter of Mikhail Suslov. Misha's academic performance was mediocre, but he tried to solve school conflicts peacefully. For the ability to convince and willingness to stop the defendant classmates, the lawyer received a nickname.

In his youth, Brenzhevsky wrote stories, but the writers who had the parents showed the early works of Misha, stated the absence from the author of life experience.

In his youth Brenzhevsky dreamed of becoming a writer

When choosing a life path, a guy who has a gift to perform before the public, hesitated between the professions of the parents. Father managed to convince Mikhail that the lamp of a lawyer more guarantees the opportunity to feed the family than artistic. Therefore, the young man entered the correspondence law institute, whose diploma received aged 22 years.

Career and state activities

Starting from the post of legal advisory at the Makeup Plant, after 17 years, Mikhail created the first private lawyard in the country (after some time, the name of the lawyer), and after 11 he became a police station of the Russian government in the Constitutional Court.

Lawyer Mikhail Brenzhevsky

Bressevsky over his shoulders two defense of the theses (candidate and doctoral), internship in American and law firms, writing numerous legal books and reference books. Not only the genes and connections of the ancestors, as well as the economic changes in the country, but also working capacity Lawyer and two principles that Mikhail laid the basis of advocacy. The first principle is to be taken for obviously losing cases, since Fiasco in them is predictable and not written off on the incompetence of the defender, and the unexpected victory increases the status and future rates of lawyer.

Mikhail Brenzhevsky was an attorney Anatoly Chubais

So, Mikhail Yuryevich risked to defend Anatoly Chubais in the process of "writers" and lost the case. The second principle is to never speak in court in court (about the facts of the clouds of the client, you need to be launched, but you need to believe in pronouncing words, a deliberate lie is inconclusive).

In 2001, Brenzhevsky moved to civil service and on his own initiative refused the status of a lawyer. The position of Mikhail Yurevich on the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation sounds like this: "Plenipotentiary representative of the Government of Russia in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation."

Plenipotentiary representative of the Government of Russia in the Constitutional and Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Mikhail Bushchevsky

A former lawyer is active politically - among the creators of the "civil force" and the "civil platform", which he left in March 2015.

In the adulthood, Mikhail Yuryevich returned to the youthful dream of artistic and literary work. Peru Polvolnaya belongs to the prosaic works of large and small forms, as well as plays.

"What? Where? When?"

In the zero and beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, Mikhail Bushchevsky visited the leading television and radio projects. The TV program "Court Hour" led, then the transfer of "DURA LEX" on the "Echo of Moscow". Since 2012 - a frequent guest in the "Special Opinion" program of this radio station.

Television quiz "What? Where? When?" - an important component of the biographies of the actual state adviser Bushchevsky.

Mikhail Bushchevsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

From May 1994, for almost 6 years, the lawyer performed a kind of lawyer players whose interests defended with heat and persuasive, and then, after a short break, became the keeper of the traditions of the elite club. It seemed that the man implements not only lawyer, but also acting ambitions. In the chair of the connoisseur, Mikhail Yurevich first sat in 2002, and in November 2015, Bushchevsky won the TV viewers.

Personal life

Another student Mikhail married and became his father. Olga, the daughter of the writer Immanuel Barkalova, the fate of Brenzhevsky three times - in the company of acquaintances, in the Moscow metro and in the Moscow Region Pension. After the second meeting, the young man wrote a story about a girl with a gray strand, but decided to speak with a stranger, only when I ran into Barcalova for the third time. Roman developed rapidly. The work written a year ago and submitted by Olga played a considerable role in the conquest of the heart of Beauty.

Mikhail Bushchevsky with his wife Olga

Now Olga Bushchevskaya is a candidate of philological sciences and a doctor of historical. Numerous photos confirm: husband and wife continue to look at each other in love with eyes. Everyone seeks to please the partner surprises. So, on the thirtieth anniversary of the wedding, Olga danced for Mikhail Kankan, and the talented spouse timed to the anniversary of the life of the life of the play "Zebra of our yard", delivered in the "Nikitsky Gate" theater on the work of Brenzhevsky.

It should be noted that Zebra is a homemade nickname Olga, since she, like a wild striped horse, "does not give in to training."

Mikhail Brenzhevsky with her daughter

Mikhail Yurevich's unique daughter, lawyer Natalia, married twice. From the first husband, a major entrepreneur Leo Hasis, a woman gave birth to two sons - Sasha and Lenya, from the second - businessman Kirill Meshcheryakov, with whom divorced in 2018 - two daughters, Julia and Lisa. The photo, laid out by Natalia in "Instagram", testify to its beauty and rich life.

In 2008, Mikhail and Olga adopted 2-year-old twins - Dasha and Maxim. The famous lawyer argues that the adoptive children presented the second youth, and I am confident that 9/10 in a person is determined by the upbringing, not genes.

Mikhail Brenzhevsky with his wife and reception children

Brenzhevsky collects the Figures of ZEBR, about a thousand copies in the collection. Family pets - black dogs.

Mikhail Brenzhevsky now

Mikhail Bushchevsky and now remains a defender. In 2017, the lawyer stacked the director of Serebryannikov and the picture of Alexei Matilda Teacher, allegedly insulting the feelings of Orthodox. In the fall of 2018, he said that an adequate punishment for the buoy footballers Kokorina and Mamaeva would be a multi-million fine in favor of the victims, and not prison sentence.

In 2018, Mikhail Brenzhevsky entered the football players Kokorina and Mamaeva

Judging by the Declaration, Mikhail Brenzhevsky is the richest (or most honest) Russian government official: he has 4 apartments with his wife, 5 houses and 7 cars of various classes from Daewoo Nexia to "Hammer".

On May 20, 2018, Mikhail Yurevich, in the youth of who began smoking, defending the right of smoking to appear with a cigarette in television programs and, according to opponents, lobbying the interests of tobacco manufacturers, was a myocardial infarction. Perhaps the role in the disease of the lawyer was played to lead about the troubles in the personal life of the eldest daughter. Celebrities needed emergency hospitalization. Doctors performed stenting vessels providing blood heart.

Mikhail Bushchevsky - the richest government official

In September 2018, a certain Julia remembered the allegedly we had a place 7 years ago with Razzhevsky's rape and filed a statement to the Presnena Police Department. The prosecution was supported by the Bogian Mountain Bogger. However, the man stated that it was concerned about the state of health much more than absurd accusations, and in court will be able to prove innocence.

The main plan of Bushchevsky for 2019 is the improvement of physical form.


  • 2006 - "Author"
  • 2006 - "Author the same"
  • 2007 - "We ?? We!.."
  • 2007 - I will command a parade "
  • 2008 - "Ice touched"
  • 2010 - "All about pensions and benefits"
  • 2010 - in the breaks of fuss
  • 2010 - "Pensions, benefits, real estate, housing and utilities problems. Full legal guide "
  • 2010 - "Marriage, divorce, employee rights, cars, suspected rights. Full legal guide "
  • 2010 - "Prince in Mud"
  • 2010 - "Ceiling?"
  • 2015 - "Not My Life, or Countdown"
  • 2017 - "Happy poor"

Awards and achievements

  • 2002 - Valid State Counselor of the Russian Federation 1 class
  • 2007 - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation
  • 2010 - Order of Honor
  • 2015 - Order "For Services to Fatherland" IV degree
  • Winner of the Golden Medal of Plevako, a given guild of Russian lawyers.
  • Academician of Public Academies - Raen and Russian Academy of Advocate

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