Anna Friel - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In early April 2018, a complete list of applicants for BAFTA Television Awards became known. For the victory in the nomination "The best female role of the second plan", along with three rivals, fought and Anna Freil thanks to a convincingly embodied heroine Christine Fitzimmons in the TV series "Broken". However, according to the results, the cherished statuette did not go to her.

Childhood and youth

July 12, 1976 in Rochdale (a city located near Manchester), Julie and Desmond Teachers were born a daughter, which they ordered Anna Louise.

Anna Frel

Mother trained children with special needs, Father in the past - French teacher and folk style musician, in the future - managing his own web design company. Michael's brother, following the head of the family, also tried himself in various fields of activity - first in HOVIS television advertising, engaged in the production of flour and bread, and then mastered the doctor's noble profession.

"My parents said that I could do what I want only if I get an education. And therefore, I had something on my shoulders, which could always come back, "Anna told about his childhood once in an interview.

And, following the wise advice of adult mentors, the girl studied at school at the Crompton House church and the college of the Holy Cross. Acting attracted a child from an early age - without it, perhaps, no one local talent show. Following the dream, afterwards Friel suffered the basics of dramatic art in the theatrical workshop of the neighboring Oldham.

Anna Freil in youth

Parents support it now, which clearly demonstrates the declaration of Desa, Irish by origin, on the judicial complaint of the neighbor Anna in 2016, concerning the chimney. Later, it was added to her and accusation in violation of the planning of the house. Desmond sent an electronic letter to the enemy, explaining the disgruntled, that he comes, to put it mildly, is neutactically and wrong.

Regarding the role in the film "With you without you" about two "too close" friends, Holly and Marina actress admitted that it was not difficult to cope with work, since under 16 she had the same friendly relations with a kind of girl Claire.


Anna, armed support for parents and knowledge gained in the theater studio, hit the screens in the youth, or rather in adolescence. In 1991, she managed to light up at once in two TV shows - GBH and the record holder of the Book of Records Guinness - "Coronation Street".

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Fame to the girl came after filming in a multi-metering "Brookside", where her scene was held with the first lesbian kiss on British television, which caused a huge public response and many disputes. However, in 1995, thanks to the heroine Beth Jordas, the creative biography of Frel was replenished at once with two awards.

The debut in the full-length movie began not so successfully - with a little-known general public of the film "Stringer" with the participation of Sergei Bodrov-Jr. and Vladimir Ilina. The director of Pavel Pavlikovsky himself responded about the failure of the film with bitterness:

"The female character was completely flawed, so no English star wanted to play it. Besides Anna Freil, we have allocated money on it, but not so much. The basis of all this was complete idiocy. Thank God, the project was not widespread. "

Herself Friel, remembering the work experience, reported that she, at that time 19-year-old, had to spend eight weeks in the Stalinki of Moscow, where the mafiasis of the guy was constantly called and offered sex.

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In a rich filmography, actresses are a large number of multi-sieves tapes. Among them are especially memorable - "Dead to demand", where she shone in Tandem with Lee Pace, "Street", which brought another award, a provocative "call girl" Stephen Spielberg with Louise Krause in one of the main roles and "broken".

Behind the shoulders of the British - the remake of the cult "bodyguard", the Thriller "Areas of Darkness", a merciless "Bloody Countess - Bator", "artificial intelligence. Access is unlimited "with Pierce Rush and many others.

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Theater and music also did not stay away from Anna. She participated in the Broadway stage "closer", "breakfast in Tiffany" and "Uncle Vana", took offices to play in the MANIC Street Preachers group and in advertising of famous brands, for example, Reebok and Pantene. In addition, Friel supports organizations engaged in the protection of wildlife. The star was concreted about his own profession:

"You can see when the actor becomes boring: his eyes seemed to die. I promised myself that I would never let it happen. But if it suddenly happens, I will go to a deserted island and live there during the year. "

Personal life

In mid-December 2010, the media exploded from the stunning and, unfortunately, the sad news about the decay of the next beautiful and, at first glance, strong pair of Hollywood. This time, Anna Friel and waswolf from Harry Potter and Azkaban Prisoner David Tyulis.

Anna Friel and David Tyulis

The couple became acquainted in Cannes in 2001. And after 4 years, Nantichil first-mentioned - July 9, Anna presented the daughter of Grassi Ellen Mary's daughter, contrary to the predictions of the doctors that, due to diagnosed disease, she would have difficulties with conception. The name of the child got in honor of grandmothers and English actresses and singer Graci Fields.

"Being a mother, a woman gains incredible power. It seems that if she can survive such pain and such a level of sleep, while continuing to act, not becoming a grumpy, he can do anything at all anything, "the performer shared his thoughts about motherhood.
Anna Friel and Rice Ivance

Despite jointly experienced difficulties in personal life, Friel and Tyulis diverged. One of the reasons for what happened journalists called the stars of the star with a young counterpart by Joseph Crosse. However, further close relationships associated it with Rice Ivance, the ex-boyfriend Sienna Miller and Kimberley Stewart.

Anna Freil now

On October 14, 2018, the premiere of the "Butterfly" series was held, where Anna appeared in the image of the mother-transgender, as well as the short "sea" with her participation.

Anna Freil in 2018

The celebrity continues to be filmed in the criminal detective "Marchell", the 3rd season of which is scheduled for 2019. In the same year, Sulphur and White and Deep Water came to the screens.

On a personal page in "Instagram", Friell shares photographs of his beloved family, friends, daughters, nieces of kara, not forgetting about their own. Along with professional work in the breathtaking outfits, pictures and in a swimsuit, which opens a slim body, published here. Also, the star can be found in Twitter.


  • 2019 - Sulphur and White
  • 2019 - Deep Water
  • 2018 - "Butterfly"
  • 2018 - "Sea"
  • 2017 - "Broken"
  • 2017 - "Call Girl"
  • 2016-2019 - Marchell
  • 2010 - "bodyguard"
  • 2010 - "You will meet a mysterious stranger"
  • 2009 - "Street"
  • 2008 - "Bloody Countess - Bator"
  • 2007-2009 - "Dead to Relative"
  • 2001 - "With you and without you"
  • 1999 - "Sleeping in the summer night"
  • 1998 - "Stringer"

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