Nick Fury - Superhero biography, appearance, actor, character and


Character History

The Universe "Marvel" took a lot of characters in his circle, among which people, aliens, superheroes and amazing creatures, not amenable to classification. Organization "Sch.I.T.", with which the heroes with specific abilities cooperate are designed to use their resources for the benefit of the United States and the Planet Earth.

History of creation

Representative "Sch.I.T." Agent Nicholas Joseph Fury. Invented by the creators of "Marvel Comics", the character gained life thanks to Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. His debut took place in 1963 in the publication "SGT FURY AND HIS HOWLING COMMANDOS №1". The hero received a positive characteristic of the inspirationors of the project, but subsequently in the comics came to the side of evil.

Stan Lie

The Head of Criminal Combating Organization was a successful employee of the United States Army. Its superconduble was the slow motion process of aging the body. Thanks to the experience and skills of Fury demonstrates leadership potential and physical training. The hero of the masterfully owns any kind of weapons. Under his care is "Sch.I.T." And the second union called "Rolling Commandos".

In the Universe "Marvel", Nick Fury is assigned an important role. He initiates a secret war, as well as the events of the original sin. According to the legend, the hero was killed and accepted the appearance of an invisible, in which it turns out to be chained to the ground as a helpless observer.

Organization "Sch.I.T."

Nick Fury

The date of birth Nick Fury is considered to be in 1920. The boy grew in New York. At 20, the Hero called on the US Army to fight the Nazis, who conquered new lands in World War II. Military career was successful, Fury quickly became a sergeant and received a task to lead the soldiers trained with a detachment, from which the "Commandos Commandos" was formed. The operations in different countries of the world were commissioned a special detachment. They had a chance to cooperate with famous superheroes and fight against the invaders. During this period, Nick managed to meet young Logan, who was destined to turn into Wolverine later.

The history of the character is covered with a curtain of secrecy, but some events from his past are highlighted in comics. In 1980, Nick Savior hostages in an important operation and survived the betrayal of a former ally, which lost his eyes. Fury stayed alive, but the incident ruined his faith in people and made the bandage for the victim's eye. So it was formed his usual image.

Nick Fury without a dressing

Tight interaction with the Avengers team for Fury began with a meeting with Tony Stark - Iron Man. The billionaire did not want to communicate with the representative of the rule of law. Fury concluded that Stark could not be considered a reliable ally, and pressed the agent Romanov to him. Development of stork in the field of weapons pounded on the need to conquer his trust. When the Iron Man won the whisst, Fury managed to persuade him to become a member of the Avengers. Stark agreed to take the position of the consultant.

It was Fury who attracted Eric Seligns to work on the research of the space cube. Noticing the achievement of the former military, the Council of World Security contributed to the development of the Avengers. One of the first tasks of the Union was the invitation in their ranks of Emil Blonsky, contained by the custody of "Sch.I.T.". In this situation, Tony Stark's assistance was invaluable, and Fury managed to successfully task.

Nick Fury - Superhero biography, appearance, actor, character and 1290_4

After the remocions of the Captain of America and the Winter Soldier who oversaw "Sch.I.T.", Fury managed to grab Stephen Rogers who tried to escape. Heroes managed to agree on cooperation. The next goal of the military began the selection of weapons capable of withstanding hydra resources. Selvig helped in this seriously. At the time when the cube studied by them began to radiate the energy before the appearance of Loki, Fury managed to be in place. Meeting with the son of Odin made Fury again think about cooperation with Avengers.

Fury commanded the confrontation of Loki superheroes. The portal was open by God for the invaders by the streets of Manhattan. Nick had to do everything possible to avoid discharge of the atomic bomb on New York.

Charismatic and ambitious hero has insight and prudence, which allow you to calculate the events to go ahead. It is armed with resources, inferior to superheroes, but in battle his assistance is powerful.


Samuel L. Jackson in the role of Nick Fury

For an embodiment on the screen of the image of Nick, Fiuri Film Company "Marvel" signed a contract with Samuel L. Jackson. Dark-skinned actor is similar to the example of a hero depicted in comics. The secret was buzzard that the artists were inspired by the appearance of the artist when practicing images. Jackson was invited to participate in nine tapes about superhero. He first appeared on the screen in Fury in the film "Iron Man" in 2010. The role was episodic and hinted to create "Avengers".

In the tape "Incredible Hulk", the audience will notice the documents in the name of Fury in the entrance lines of titles. In the second episode of the Iron Man, the image of the hero was developed, and the time of stay on the screen increased. In Tore, he again appears after the titles, showing Selvig Tesssect. In the film "First Avenger" entrusted to him to inform Steve Rogers about the fact that he stayed in a coma of 70 years. In the film "First Avenger: Another War" Fury-Jackson was again in the frame. Movie "Avengers" and "Avengers: Era Altron" also contain scenes with the participation of the character.

Frame from the film

The hero is extremely rarely appearing in the frame without a dressing on the eye. The fearless hero does not scare death, the ship of the aliens or the omnipotent combat weapon, because he saw death and tied his profession.

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