Charles Bukovski - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Charles Bukowski is a German-American writer, the poet, the novelist and the master of short stories, was one of the brightest representatives of "dirty realism", whose works had an impact on the social, cultural and economic life of the United States in the 1980s of the 20th century. The King of the Underground was widely published in the printed publications and released more than 60 books that caused the ambiguous reaction of critics and readers during the author's life and generating hot spores after his death.

Childhood and youth

Heinrich Karl Bukukski was born in Germany on August 16, 1920, he was called him after Katharina Fett's parents and Heinrich Bukovsky moved to America shortly after the son's appearance. At first, the family settled in Baltimore, and then moved to Los Angeles, to the homeland of the ancestors in the father's line. Young Charles spoke English with a strong German accent, causing evil ridicule from neighborhood children.

Charles Bukowski

At home, the boy also did not find comfort and support, as the father mocked the child morally and physically, beating for the slightest offense. Mother who was afraid to bring the wrath of her husband, silently looked at the suffering of his son.

Later, telling about his own childhood in the documentary film "Bukovsky: Born in such", Charles made the conclusions that the ill-treatment helped in understanding the nature of pain and pushed him to the beginning of a creative biography. In addition, depression, replaced by rage, gave a voice to the writer and material for future works.

Charles Bukovski in childhood

Extenuine The boy found in reading, which became a favorite leaving for life. A teenager attended Los Angeles high school, and spent his free time gave the local library. Having matured, he entered the city college, where he visited courses in literature, journalism and art.

At the beginning of World War II, Charles threw her studies and moved to New York, and then in Philadelphia, where, because of the German origin, Bukovsky arrested the FBI agents. The future writer was accused of evasion from military service and was launched 17 days in prison. After that, Charles decided to go to the army, but failed the test on psychology and was recognized as unsuitable for service.

Charles Bukovski in youth

Dreams of writing career originated in the head of Bukovsky still in the youth, but the first steps in the literature brought a 24-year-old author. Frustration. After the failure of several debut stories, Charles lost faith in his own talent and he moved away from creativity for a decade, engaged in physical work. During this period, Bukowski constantly drank and exhausted the body with the absence of full nutritional nutrition.

As a result, in 1955, a young man came to the hospital with a deadly bleeding stomach ulcer. Coming out of the hospital, Charles did not leave a detrimental habit, but again took the pen. He published a number of poems in a modest poetic edition, and then began to cooperate with Nomad, published one of the most famous essays Bukovsky "Manifesto: A Call for Our Own Critics".


In the early 1960s, Bukovsky lived in Los Angeles and worked in the mail. At this time, his works were interested in the "Hearse Press" edition, published several writer stories. Then the poems of Charles appeared in the literary magazine "The Outsider". Since 1967, Bukovsky led his own column in the Open City newspaper, the notes of which became the basis of the collection of miniatures called "Notes of the Old Goat".

In 1969, he accepted a proposal on cooperation from the Black Sparrow Press publishing house and resigned from work to completely devote himself to creativity. In less than a month, he published his first novel called "Mail". The book became popular in Europe and brought the author with worldwide fame, being translated into tens of languages.

The editors of large companies threw the Bukovsky proposals, but the writer remained faithful to small publishing houses. He published 3 collection of poems and 2 books of works of a small genre. "The Hands of Ordinary Madness" and "The most beautiful woman in the city" contained biographical stories that strengthened the success of Charles and prepared the reader to enter the second novel called "Factotum".

Charles Bukovski at the table

The writer finally shaped the corporate identity style, distinguished by the frank descriptions of the life of the characters and the abundance of the spurant, sometimes coarse words and expressions. This manner was equally the characteristic feature and prose, and poetry and became popular readers who are eager for "dirty details."

For this reason, the audience enthusiastically met the collection of poems "Me and Your Sometimes Love PoEms" and the novel of the "Women" followed him. Thanks to these works, Bukovsky began to sell well and received an incentive to write further.

In the late 1970s - early 1980s, Charles released 5 of the poetry books at once and one of the "You Get So Alone At Times That It Just Makes Sense", and in 1982, Black Sparrow printed the most "terrible" autobiographical novel Writer "Bread with ham". In this book, Bukovsky turned to childhood of his alter ego Henry Chinasky and described the bullying of the father and the indifference of the mother, who really took place at the beginning of the author's life.

Charles Bukovski and his bust

Charles returned to the theme and debauchery Charles in the book "Music of hot water", where the usual plots were permeated with extraordinary tenderness and frankness, and then composed a few more collections of poems.

In 1989, Bukovsky described the process of the birth of the film "Drunk" in the Hollywood novel, where famous actors, directors and screenwriters became prototypes of the main characters. The author in detail and truthfully painted the picture of the backstage of cinematographers, discontinuing the unpleasant secrets of the life and character of stars.

The last work of the writer was the novel "Maculatory", published in 1994, after the death of Bukuski. This book-detective has different from all previous works by Charles, the lack of reference to his own biography, but retained irony and openness, as well as bright and memorable characters characters.

Personal life

In the youth, Bukovsky led a rampant and disorderly life. The uncontrolled drunkenness led the future writer for marriage with an alcoholic named Jane Kuni Baker. The spouses lived together for a short time, but their relationship could not be called bad, later the prose was repeatedly painted the image of the first wife on the pages of his works.

Charles Bukovski and Barbara Fry

In 1955, Jane disappeared from the horizon, and Charles officially associated life with the Texas poetess Barbara Fry, but their love was short. After the divorce Barbara went to India, where he soon died in mysterious circumstances. The next girlfriend of Charles became Francis Smith, who did not become the wife of the writer, but gave birth to his daughter Maria Louise.

In the late 1960s, Bukovski changed women as gloves. For several years he met with the poetess Linda King, a stormy life with which was distinguished by permanent quarrels, reaching the fight. In parallel with this novel, Charles communicated with many other women than heavily threw a girlfriend, who eventually left the writer and moved to another city, away from the traitor and the liar.

Charles Bukovski and Linda King

It was from the Linda King Bukukov who began the novel "Women", who revealed the intimate details of his own personal life. Other heroes of work worker William's sound recording studio worker, who suffered a disorder of the psyche, ugly and married Amber O'Neill, who dreamed of rendered to a lover for the evil, "redish saucer" Pamela Miller Wood, who lived next door, and the poetess Joanna Bull, who separated the destructive fiction writer .

For incomprehensible reasons in the novel, there was no place for Linda Lee had run, the owner of the restaurant of the right nutrition, which became the last, the third wife of Bukowski. Charles got acquainted with her in 1976 during public readings and for almost 10 years he supported a trunk relationship with the future spouse.


In 1988, Bukovsky discovered leukemia, which was the cause of the death of the writer on March 9, 1994. Since Charles was a convinced atheist, the funeral rite was held by Buddhist monks. The last few days the Master of Dirty Realism held in bed in his own house near San Diego, surrounded by the concerns of the wife of Linda Li Route.

Grave Charles Bukowski

The burial ceremony was held at Green Hills Memorial Park in Palos Verdez Rancho, California. On the gravestone, Bukovsky, the silhouette of the boxer is depicted and the title of the poem "Do not try" is written.


"When you defeat a certain amount of decent literature, it turns out that there is no longer left. You have to write it yourself "

"I do not count on that everyone will be a genius, but it would not have guessed that so much the people would throw in idiocy with such an applub"

"If you managed to deceive a person, it does not mean that he is a fool - it means you trusted more than you deserve it"

"People can love only if they don't know them very well"


  • 1969 - "Notes of an old goat"
  • 1971 - "Post Office"
  • 1973 - "South without signs of the North"
  • 1975 - "Factotum"
  • 1978 - "Women"
  • 1982 - "Bread with ham"
  • 1983 - "Stories of Ordinary Madness"
  • 1983 - "The most beautiful woman in the city"
  • 1989 - "Hollywood"
  • 1994 - "Maculatura"

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