William Golding - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Machine Much



For a long life, William Gerald Golding visited Rougom and Sir, commanded the landing vessel during World War, received the most prestigious awards and visited the city on the Neva at the European Writers forum. Prosaika books devoted to the study of nature evil became a classic.

Childhood and youth

The future Nobel laureate was born in September 1911 in County Cornwall. The father of the boy, the school head, possessed versatile abilities: developed and published natural-scientific benefits, perfectly supported on flute, keyboard and string instruments.

William Golding

Bill's mother, a convinced feminist, suffered from mental illness - dark evenings a woman rushed in the son of knives and other dangerous items. Next to the family mansion was an old cemetery.

William grew lonely, anxious and commissioned. The boy was equally interested in literature and mathematics. At the age of 12, Golding decided that he would become a writer, however, in 19 at the insistence of parents, there was a natural disciplines in college at Oxford University. After 2 years, the passion for linguistics won, and the young man was transferred to the philological department.

William Golding in childhood and youth

The first works of the Golding are poetic: in verses, the young man was looking for consolation (fellow students for the "non-elite" origin awarded Bill of the humiliating nickname "not quite a gentleman").

In his youth, the Golding tried different classes - put his plays in the small London theater, worked in the settlement chamber and at home for homeless, he taught in Salisbury. However, the most powerful impression on the writer was produced by a fleet service in the war years, who had deprived the future of the novelist of illusions regarding human essence.


William Golding's creative heritage, which became a professional writer only in 51, consists mainly of prose of large forms. The first printed and most famous novel "Lord of the Flies", originally called "strangers, which came from the inside," had a difficult fate. The book more than 20 times was rejected by publishers before after a substantial editorial editor and rename was published.

Wistl William Golding

The work is a symbiosis of the drama of mature, anti-nightopias and robinsonads. Unlike the characters of Defo and Jules, the "civilized" heroes are not addressed to the island, which they got as a result of the crash, and they are hated and pass the path, full of hatred and hostility. It is especially scary that all heroes are killers, and their victims are children.

The romance is saturated with metaphors: so, the character of civilization appears the character's glasses named Hryusha, and the embodiment of the faceless cruelty of the crowd - the paint, which the islanders teenagers decorated faces. Now the work is included in the school program of the young British.

William Golding at the desktop

It is curious that the Golding himself did not love the "Lord of the Muh" and feared to reread the book, and most of all in his work appreciated the second novel "Heirs", the events of which are unfolded in primitive society. In the next book, "Vorkashka Martin" action again happens on the landclock, surrounded by water.

According to critics, the most important works of the prose, in addition to the "Lord of the Flies", are "spire", filled with reflections on the price of inspiration, "visible darkness", saturated with biblical analogies, and awarded bucker premium "rituals of swimming", and the most controversial - novel "Paper People 'and a collection of the novel "Pyramid".

William Golding receives the Nobel Prize in Literature

In the novel "Free Fall" there are autobiographical motifs: the prototype of the character of Nick Sheilzas served as the father of Prosaik, and one of the most memorable episodes acts realistically described torturing the main character in the camp for prisoners.

In 1983, the writer received the Nobel Prize in literature, and after 5 years, the Queen complained to the elderly prose the title of Knight. The final novel of the Golding "Double Language" was published after the death of the author.

Personal life

William Golding externally and behavior more like a "sea wolf" than on the titled writer. Even in the photo taken during the presentation of the Nobel Prize, the novelist looks framed.

William Golding - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Machine Much 12810_6

Known Golding believed that a monster was dreamed in the writer. It hints many times and William himself - he told that attempt to rape a 15-year-old girl, then the "murder" of the rabbit, then about the sinister secrets that will emerge when writing his biography. The writer fell into pieces and was terrible in anger. The statements of the son-in-law of Golding, who claimed that his favorite classes were humiliation of surrounding and psychological experiments on them.

The psychological features of the Golding did not prevent a stable personal life. In 28 years, William married Ann's girl, a chemist in a specialty. With his wife, the novelist lived all his life and acquired two children - the son of David and the daughter of Judith Diana.

William Golding and his wife Ann Brookfield

The heir of the Golding to the 100th anniversary of the writer released the memoirs "Children of Lovers", in which he stated that the Father, contrary to the established reputation, was a good and cute man, and the quotes about vices and destructive women are escalated from context. Judith Diana, however, states that the passion for the prose to himself, the creativity and his wife turned the younger family members in peculiar social orphans.

Interesting Facts

  • The writer suffered from many phobias - feared arthropods and snakes, heights and injections;
  • poorly focused on the terrain.


William Golding died at the 82nd year of life. The cause of the death of the writer completely coincided with the cause of his father's death - both at first doctors diagnosed oncological diseases, but during the remission of patients killed a sharp heart attack.

Tomb of William Golding

Farewell to the writer passed in the Cathedral of the town of Salisbury. The widow survived the novelist for 2 years and was buried along with his spouse in Bower.


"The explanations take away the whole charm" ("visible darkness") "It's well thought only when you go, without looking at my feet" ("Lord Muh") "And death is not so bad, as life because there is nothing wrong This ripped lumpy lump, which, as a tongue of a fat flame, trembles under the ribs "(" spire ")" Everyone always turns out to be not as expected from them "(" Lord Mukh ")


  • 1954 - "Lord Muh"
  • 1955 - "Heirs"
  • 1956 - "Vorishka Martin"
  • 1959 - "Free Fall"
  • 1964 - "Spire"
  • 1967 - "Pyramid"
  • 1971 - "God-Scorpio"
  • 1978 - "Visible Darkness"
  • 1982 - "Moving target"
  • 1984 - "Paper Loves"
  • 1980 - "Swimming Rituals"
  • 1987 - "Close Neighborhood"
  • 1989 - "Fire at the bottom"
  • 1995 - "Double Language"

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